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Book Bro

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Posts posted by Book Bro

  1. I think their ability to create an atmosphere, and put together a good concept for the story shows they are capable of writing a really good story, I just have no idea what is holding them back from doing so.

    Honestly I think it's them wanting the games to be accessible to Nintendo's younger fans since they're the ones going nuts about waifus and bringing in the money. There was a post that compared Fates to shonen manga and though I'm not too familiar with manga or anime, it does seem like they're trying to keep to a specific formula with Awakening and Fates that's very different from the rest of the series in terms of story. And that's not to say I think these types of stories are fundamentally weaker, I think it's a misconception that the writers have that a more intricate story will not appeal to that demographic.

  2. Fighter only bugs me because of the leather thong. That doesn't sound like a good idea for battle. Knights bug me because the old guy in it should look more knightly, not like some random town elder who got shoved into armour. I don't really dislike them though.

    But the ones I truly dislike are Apothecary and Merchant for just being bad designs, Berserker for not knowing wtf I'm looking at, Basara for not being as cool as it could've been, Mechanist for looking too creepy in a bad way, and derpy Priestess.

  3. Agree on the chapter's atmosphere. I thought it was generally a standout chapter, aside from Ryoma forgiving Kamui. Him just being in there meditating... I just headcanon that he was also fighting outside before this battle and retreated inside when it was apparent Hoshido was losing. It's really dumb that none of the siblings connect the dots between the Nohrian army advancing further into the city and the other siblings being captured/dead until Kamui mentions them. But Ryoma's rage was refreshing to see, finally.

    The next chapter really needed to happen much earlier in the story. It just comes across as too little too late.

  4. What happens to the Nohrian siblings in Birthright, though really tragic, was very interesting to me. Camilla becoming depressed and broken, losing what little mental stability she still had. Leo struggling between his duty and his sense of morality. Elise not giving in to the despair around her and trying to find a peaceful compromise, never losing hope. I won't talk about Xander since this about is stuff we liked.

    In Conquest, I enjoyed Sakura's chapter, her staying to help her army defend the fort showed a lot of determination and courage. I thought the end of the chapter was written well, too, it really gave me a feeling of shit getting real. Ryoma's chapter was also very good. I was waiting for someone to go apeshit on Kamui (well, other than Takumi).

    The Ice Tribe and the Cheve rebels are subplots I REALLY loved that I wish had been more/better developed.

  5. -Oh, boy! Azura is mentioning that Elise is bringing Sakura food while she's in prison! This could be a very interesting opportunity for character development on both ends! This could be an interesting scene! So, let's see it!

    ...they're not showing it, are they? Why am I not surprised?

    I so wanted to see this scene. I have no idea why they decided it was more effective to have Azura tell us about it instead if actually seeing it. I felt similar about Cheve, there really needed to be a cutscene after that chapter with Scarlet, even if they didn't show every gory detail at least show her being dragged off.

    Also someone should totally edit Elise and Sakura into this Game of Thrones season 5 spoiler:

  6. I was pretty stoked about Nyx after seeing some of her JP supports and stuff. In comes English!Nyx, and i want it to die in all the fires of Gehenna. Nope nope nope nope.

    So much. I didn't look into her character before I got the game, but from her short bio tease and her really cool design, I was ready to make her the character I used even though everyone else said they sucked for Fates. Cursed gypsy mage? Yes.

    But literally the first words out of her mouth make her intolerably unlikable and immediately turned me off from ever wanting to use her. It doesn't help that whenever she pops up in My Castle she's yelling rudely at me.

  7. "We don't get the clumsy/dumb fighter"

    We totally did. The unlucky Fighter right there?

    "the serene Pegasus Knight."

    Granted yeah we didn't get this one, although i don't even know what exactly is a serene pegasus knight.

    lol totally forgot about Arthur, that's how much he annoys me

    For the Peg knight I was thinking like Florina, Sumia, actually maybe this isn't as common as I thought.

  8. The way I see it Fates does archetypes very differently than other games where it makes it harder to say if its even following archetypes.

    For example, Gunter is the Jagen but in 2/3 paths he leaves after the prologue, and instead your early prepromote is a healer. The Cain and Abel are now ninjas. We don't get the clumsy/dumb fighter or the serene Pegasus Knight. I'm sure there's other examples.

  9. RD

    -no supports, though with a huge cast and script I can understand why it still was disappointing

    -Dawn Brigade is underdeveloped and outclassed by GMs

    -Micaiah in Part 4, I hate when people call her a Mary Sue but in part 4 she really pushes it

    -Part 4 in general always struck me as losing steam after so much build up in the story, until you get to the Tower of Guidance

    -Ike leaving in the ending

    -Pelleas and especially Sephiran recruitment

    -the blood pact doesn't bother me as much as some people but I admit there could've been something better

  10. Elise is another one for me, at first I thought she would be an annoying little kid, but I find her supports charming and I like how she's always trying to find a peaceful solution and keep hope alive. She may be too naive but I could see her growing into a good leader. Plus she's a killer unit because staves are crucial in Conquest.

  11. Charlotte is one I really hated when she was revealed, she did not look like an FE character and I wasn't pleased the first female fighter (if we're being absolutely technical and not counting Rinkah) was just fanservice. It wasn't until I got the game that I started warming up to her, thanks to her personality, her voice actor, and her supports. I still wish he wasn't so fanservicey but I can look past that since she's a good character.

    On the other hand, Xander was like my favourite sibling forever because of his amazing design. Then I got the game and saw he was a giant hypocrite who blindly follows evil tyrants and whines about justice being an illusion when it's convenient.

    Also for the ninjas when they were revealed I thought Kaze would be my favourite, but now I like Saizo and Kagero much more.

  12. What they did was pretty much false advertising. They initially asdvertised as if this game was going to have actual choices that users make throughout the game that lead to different paths/scenarios. They even mentioned how little player choices there were in the Awakening (which didn't even matter since they change literally nothing) and claimed FE: If was gonna be different and give the players more choices to make that are actually gonna have impacts on the story.

    But how did that turn out? The result was a game split into three linear games and sold separately. The only player choice you get in the game is pretty much deciding which version to buy.

    Exactly. I'm all for them doing another game based on choices and how drastically they can change the course of war/history. But I don't see why suddenly just because FE14 did separate versions some people act like that's the only way this theme can be approached. They can do this in one game with different paths like FE8 on a bigger scale, that also lead to different endings. Other games have done this without selling the different choices separately, so I don't see why FE has to.

  13. I hope not. It could've been interesting, but it was ultimately just a cash grab. None of the three paths has a complete story, instead both versions have blatant "buy the other version and Revelation" moments, and Revelation aka the true path can't be purchased alone, with many plot points relevant to each individual version going unanswered or just teased as being answered in another path. Pacing is off because this was really a 40ish chapter story max stretched to 70 or so chapters total. It's not worth having three ok games when we could've had one really good one.

    I could see them doing it again though, because it sells a ton. Seems Anna becoming more money hungry in recent games is rubbing off on IS.

  14. See, those badass pictures soc posted just confirm to me that what I dislike is the costume designs in the newer games, which is something I realized when Kozaki started drawing past FE lords and they actually looked good. Both Kozaki's and Senri Kita's styles are great tbh. It's the costume designer that needs to go.

  15. I too thought this was a good chapter for story. Well for the Hoshidans anyway. Loved seeing Yukimura explode at the end because he's usually so calm. It was a tragic turn for Sakura but I appreciated seeing her courage and strength. As for Kamui, it really is Cheve 2.0 isn't it? Unfortunately there's still a few chapters to go before he stops acting like a wimp. At least he starts being sassy to Iago around this point, which is something.

    Sakura really should've hated Kamui after this though, but then again everyone acting really strangely upbeat in the Br/Cq endings is a general problem.

    But I agree this could have been shown to the player, as the soldiers desperately see the enemy approaching, wonder if Sakura will run and have their resolve bolstered when they find out she is gonna stay with them.

    I think 22 was handled well, the inexperienced Sakura tasting war and death at such a tender, young age, while still clinging to her helpful nature. Nohr might outnumber them, but assaulting walls is such a risk. Well, here you can lower some of them, and the Hoshidans are honorable enough to use ballistas with non-lethal arrows, but anyway, the game could have shown Nohr taking much more casualties than expected because of Sakura's healing, or make her sit in a spammable dragon vein that heals everyone.

    These ideas would have made it much better though.

  16. Didn't Sacred Stones also have that king that was once a benevolent ruler suddenly becoming an evil zombie that only causes war? For some strange reason, why do I still like SS's story despite its flaws compared to Garon in Conquest? Both were mindless puppets

    Fates really is sort of like Sacred Stones done wrong. It's proof that stuff like Slime Garon, splitting the story, and possessed characters aren't inherently bad ideas. SS made them work, it's really a testament to how much better the old writing team was.

  17. The pacing issues started right away for me. On Conquest and Birthright, you spend the first 5-7 chapters doing nothing of any real importance and in Revelation, Azura immediately takes you to Valla and dumps all the exposition onto you right after Chapter 6. It feels like they should've built up to the reveal or weaved some of the exposition into the narrative better, but instead I'm left wondering why Azura didn't immediately try to-


    Oh. Right.

    I have to agree with this post. The first half was too rushed, and the second half so far has been too slow (also on chapter 23). It doesn't help that Valla is totally uninteresting.

  18. Updated info:

    Address: 03170-65338 / 64880-43178

    Path: Valla

    Resources: Jade, Ruby, Wheat, Beans

    Avatar: Draconic Hex, Renewal, Rend Heaven

    Flora: Pavise

    Hinata: Sol, Astra, Seal Strength

    Takumi: Certain Blow, Air Superiority

    Oboro: Darting Blow, Seal Speed, Rend Heaven

    Kagero: Rend Heaven, Lethality

    Camilla: Luna, Bowbreaker, Swordbreaker

    Leo: Seal Magic, Tomefaire

    Niles: Lucky 7, Rally Skill

    Elise: Live to Serve, Tomefaire

  19. Anyone have Flora with Tomefaire? Sorry if I missed it, I skimmed the thread.

    Edit: Right now here's the units I have:

    Avatar: Draconic Hex, Renewal, Rend Heaven

    Flora: Pavise

    Hinata: Sol, Astra, Seal Strength

    Takumi: Certain Blow, Air Superiority

    Oboro: Darting Blow, Seal Speed, Rend Heaven

    Kagero: Rend Heaven, Lethality

    Camilla: Luna, Bowbreaker, Swordbreaker

    Leo: Seal Magic, Tomefaire

    Niles: Lucky 7, Rally Skill

    Elise: Live to Serve, Tomefaire

    My address is 03170-65338 / 64880-43178

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