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Book Bro

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Posts posted by Book Bro

  1. Charlotte

    Absolutely couldn't get past her design ever since she was first revealed, but when I actually got to her join chapter her VA and personality won me over immediately. She's hilarious, but there's also an interesting character below the surface. She's not very good as a unit though, aside from pairing up, which sucks.


    He is a total guilty pleasure character, pretty much representative of everything I dislike about modern FE characters-- extremely gimmicky, reliant on simple comedy, and now in Fates being sexy af. He just works for me though. I guess because his gimmick is essentially being a huge nerd which, let's be real, we can all probably relate to. Too bad he sucks as a unit.


    Meh, the main villains are underutilized and underdeveloped in this game, so minor villains just get it even worse. I don't really think about Zola ever.

  2. Hinata

    He's my waifu and I'm not ashamed to admit it. That smirk is too much. Sure he's a dumb jock but he has heart dammit, and like his lord he's just a Nice Guy. He's decent as a unit, being able to semi-tank and still be speedy, but obviously pales when compared to Ryoma. I've used him as a Master of Arms just to give him a different niche, want to try going Blacksmith next time.


    Trusty Silas, as a Cav he's very useful, even after you get all the high Mov royals in Nohr. His join time is perfect and even in Revelation he joins with better bases than most. I really love his design. His personality doesn't bother me as much as some. He comes off as condescending at times but I don't think it's mean spirited.


    The villains in this game are trash, but I will give Hans credit for being the least awful of the lot. He at least has somewhat of a backstory that explains why he's the way he is and his motives.

  3. Leo

    BEST ROYAL, what am I reading in this thread?! He's intelligent, logical, flawed, caring, he has many good supports like all his sibling ones and with his retainers, he's the best Mage in the game I don't count the kids, and oh yeah he actually calls out Azura and Kamui for their bs. I love him and think he would've made a much better main character in Conquest. He's written less like an anime gimmick and more like a classic FE character.


    Ricken 2.0 but more angry about being a child. I don't enjoy this gimmick but his sass makes me like him more than Ricken. He's all right as a unit.

  4. Jakob

    Great design. Haven't seen much of his personality to have an opinion either way. He has a good support with Nyx. I used him as a GK in Conquest but I don't see what the big deal is, he's average at best to me.


    I'm not a Knight person, I only really like Gatrie, and now Effie. She's super useful as a wall and she can also hit hard, and with a Guard Naginata she's literally untouchable. Shame that her personality is so unremarkable, though I guess it's nice that the jock character is a woman.

  5. Niles

    One of my favourite characters. He's a great unit, has good supports and dialogue, and an interesting backstory. His personality doesn't feel forced to me and I love his sarcasm/trolling. I also felt the whole bisexual thing was done very well.


    Pales in comparison to her sister because she's a lot more tropey and anime. She's cute though, I'll give her that. I just would've liked to spend more time with the Ice Tribe and get to know their history. Gets points for being one of the first localization memes.

  6. Tsubaki

    Great design. I was excited to finally have a male Pegasus Knight, but on my first Birthright run I had to drop him when Hinoka completely overtook him. Then I used him in Revelation but he turned out mediocre at best. It's a shame. I'm not a fan of his personality, he comes off as a jerk sometimes, though his support with Niles was pretty funny.


    A lot of people hate Camilla for being obsessed with Kamui, but to me Hinoka's way worse. Even still I think she could've been a good character, if she was more focused on being a good commander instead of Kamui's #1 fan. As a unit she's fine, but not my favourite Peg Knight. Overall she's my least favourite royal.

  7. Well, I always have said that Fates' greatest sin is giving us an interesting character in the form of pre-possession Garon and then throws him away. Maybe have a prequel game centered around Garon in the early days, as he tries to keep his kingdom together in the face of plotting nobles and radical revolutionaries.

    I would be super into this. Just as long as they took the story seriously and kept the shounen anime influences down to a minimum.

  8. #1: Laslow/Inigo

    Pretty likeable and it's nice that he doesn't rely on his gimmick all of the time. I haven't really used him despite Merc being a class I always enjoy. His rally is quite good, but it's a shame that it means he essentially loses out on a turn by using it. The few times I've deployed him I prefer to rally rather than use him as a combatant.

    #2: Shigure

    No real opinion since I don't use the kids. Has a decent design though his bangs bug me.

    #3: Selkie

    Annoying, and not a fan of her design. It seems to be targeting a very specific audience which is just not for me.

    #4: Flora

    I was pleasantly surprised by her role in the story. She's not just a fanservice maid. I would've liked to see more of the Ice Tribe and have her be a little more developed, but as it stands she's one of the better characters in FE14. It's too bad she joins so late, even then I've made a spot for her as a Maid and Witch.

    #5: Scarlet

    Another of my favourites. She deserved much more from the story. Birthright basically forgets about her after she joins, Conquest limits her to a cameo, and she's wasted in Revelation. Her design is badass and I love using her. Her support with Kamui is very good. Again, I wish we saw more of her.

    #6: Selena/Severa

    She's all right. Not as immature as before, but more similar to her Awakening self than Laslow. Haven't really used her either. Currently using her as a Pegasus Knight in Conquest-- it's not as helpful as I imagined.

    #7: Nyx

    Like the design, hate the fact she's loli bait, and also hate her personality.

    #8: Takumi

    Awesome unit. He feels like one of the characters with more depth. And he is a really Nice Guy, I love his supports. I'm so so on the whole Anankos thing, I feel it was a fine idea but that it should've been done more subtly.

    #9: Corrin

    Worst lord.

    #10: Sophie

    I don't like her design, and she seems annoying.

    #11: Shura

    Surprised to have liked him as much as I do. He has interesting connections to the other characters and the stuff going on in the world. Haven't really used him as I prefer Niles and Takumi for bow users.

  9. Honestly it's part 3 endgame in RD for me. It may not be the most complex map ever but the atmosphere and story bits blew me away the first time I played it. The whole time it feels like a desperate, huge battle that can't possibly end well.

    Part 2 endgame and 3-13 are also great.

    I really like chapters 13 and 21 of Binding Blade for capturing the "hectic battle" feel as well. And of course Conquest chapter 10.

  10. Well let's just say I expected more from something that was apparently the "best in the series"...I guess I just expected too much.

    I would also just like to add that when people praise the gameplay they're not just talking about map objectives. Map design, Dragon Veins, skills, reclass, online, and many more things are also part of that.

  11. TBH I like them as DLC. I don't really see why everyone is hating on it when the DLC for Fates is a hella lot cheaper than the DLC that Awakening had. And at least the some of the DLC for Fates was relevant to the story where as in Awakening (save the Future's Past one) it's not related at all.

    I already paid $80+ for the "full" game. That's already a lot. And I'm expecting by buying the three versions I'm going to have the full story, especially after buying the path called "Revelation" that's advertised as having the answers. I shouldn't have to pay even a cent more for story content. And the main villain's history/goals is definitely something that's relevant and not side content.

  12. I can't agree with this. While I'm only familiar with the localized Fire Emblem games, the villains are awful almost across the board, with only Lyon having some amount of depth and complexity to him.

    Personally, I love Zephiel. Like I said, he isn't the most amazing literary figure ever, but seeing him as such a pure child in FE7 and then the consequences of all the abuse his parents piled on him as a child causing basically all of FE6 is some real interesting stuff. He doesn't get enough credit IMO.

    I will never understand the love people have for Ashnard; he's a bully on steroids who keeps giving our heroes a chance, effectively going against his own so-called ideology. The one thing he's got going for him that no other localized villain has is that everyone has a reason for wanting to take him down, and I appreciate that - he also had one good line about killing off his family and people thinking it was a plague, but it was later neutered in Radiant Dawn. Also, and this might come across as nitpicking to some but it's a real complaint I have about Path of Radiance: his bloody armor. He wants the strong to rule, but as previously stated he gives the heroes a chance to try, and he's itching for a fight, but only Ike can kill him. It also doesn't help that there's no connection between him and Ike, the two only meeting in the final chapter.

    I think people appreciate the human element of PoR's story, and Ashnard as the main villain is just another example of that. He is just a very strong human. Sure he uses the medallion in the final chapter but hey he doesn't turn into a demon or a dragon. I would actually use Ashnard as an example of a clearly evil antagonist done well. Everything about him screams "this is a bad dude" but he isn't just doing evil to hurt the main character's feelings. I actually like that he isn't seen in the flesh until the last chapter, it builds him up more in the story and makes Elincia finally confronting him that much more powerful. Contrast that to Validar showing up and getting wrecked several times in Awakening.

    Nergal is even worse, having the most boring modus operandi out of anyone in the series: collecting energy by killing people off-screen, and it can do whatever he wants it to. He's yet another villain who keeps letting the protagonists get away - at least Validar did some manipulation and always tried going for the killing blow when it fit his plans.

    What puts Nergal over Validar for me is that he actually has a backstory and tbh I just think the morphs are pretty kickass. But I really can't stand Validar so calling me biased is not inaccurate.

    Of course, everything pales in comparison to Garon, but if there's one thing I want Intelligent Systems to improve that has been lacking for well over a decade now, it's the villains.

    Well, unless you count Naesala as one. That guy's cool.

    I do agree here. When I think of all main villains in the series I can't help but feel they're underwhelming, especially compared to the lords. I just feel like with the new games IS have been going backwards making worse villains instead of improving.

  13. I'm seeing some very insightful posts in here, this is good, this is a good discussion.

    The avatar as a main/major character just doesn't work. You cannot write a good plot while at the same time making the main character untouchable because you don't want to offend the player who they're supposed to represent. There can't be real drama or consequences. If people really must have an avatar, I think it should be a minor character who is just there to witness the story, with almost no influence on or control of events. Like having Mark playable in FE7. He is there for almost all important events, and helps the lords, but it's never his story. Regardless of what you think of the quality of FE7's narrative at least we can say Mark isn't responsible for bringing it down, which we can't say for Kris, Robin, and Kamui.

    Marriage and children should only be in in the capacity of Awakening/Fates if it's part of the story. We don't need shipping to feel a connection with the characters or to have character development. As Fates shows it can actually have a negative impact if done with no good reason. I like the idea that was thrown out about having a game based around political marriages, with your choices tying directly into the plot.

    As for villains, they don't have to be amazingly well written, but evil for the sake of evil is boring. Look at Zephiel, Ashnard, or Lyon, they are on a whole other level than Validar and the Fates trio. Even Gharnef and Nergal have something other than evil motivating them. Something else that I miss are the scenes showing what the villains are doing and planning. Awakening hardly ever showed the villains on their own, and when Fates does it we don't get insight into Garon, we just get him laughing evilly.

    Basically like others have said I think it would do a lot of good if IS reflects on what made FE what it was in the first place.

  14. Watched on YouTube and while on the one hand I'm like "good they actually tried to make Anankos less one-dimensional and boring", on the other I'm really annoyed it took 2 Hidden Truths + 6 Heirs of Fate DLCs to reach a not even that impressive level of character development for the big villain.

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