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Book Bro

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Posts posted by Book Bro

  1. Orochi

    Really cool design until you get to the sagging pants. I wouldn't think showing butt crack is acceptable when you're the queen's retainer.


    I like her design as it looks on her portrait, as I don't think she looks that young, but that art is just creepy. I was hoping she would be some sort of interesting fortune-teller, but instead they went with aggressive loli which is a shame.

  2. Saizo

    Edgy as fuck. Though it suits him.


    She may show skin but so do the male ninja. It's pretty good design, not too outstanding.


    Kind of a boring design. The outfit is fine but there's no colour anywhere. His face looks a little odd too.


    I've seen her referred to as a 13yo deviantart creation, and I feel it's accurate.


    Love her design because it's so different from the typical FE women. Granted, she could be buffer but it's good.


    Better version of Ricken.

  3. Late to the party:

    #1 - Corrin (M/F)

    I prefer the male design honestly because I just can't get over the form fitting armour with exposed skin on the female design. The hair is better on the female design though. Both are kind of ugly designs.

    #2 - Azura

    One of the better designs in the game. The colour scheme is pleasant and the outfit is fitting to her personality and class. The only things I would change are the hair on her face and her bare feet.

    #3 - Ryoma

    I'm torn between thinking this is a cool design and thinking it's way too over the top.

    #4 - Xander

    One of the best designs in the series, I was amazed in the first trailer with Xander. The bottom half is a little weird, and it sucks that everything the design seems to say about the character doesn't end up actually corresponding to his role in the game, but it's still very good overall.

    #5 - Hinoka

    Very good design. It's a practical outfit but it also looks nice, and the colours go well together.

    #6 - Camilla

    Burn this outfit. The colours are nice, but the armour makes no sense. You want cleavage, ok, fine, but I just can't with the perfectly round giant bubble boobs. Her crown would be better without the little ears. The bottom half is a mess. Her face and hair are the only good parts.

    #7 - Takumi

    Tooooo poofy!

    #8 - Leo

    It gets the job done, the armour isn't my favourite, but Blonde Marth is cool.

    #9 - Sakura

    One of my favourites. It's a very elegant design which reminds me of classic clerics like Ellen and Natasha.

    #10 - Elise

    Terrible generic anime design.

    #11 - Felicia

    Looking past the weird meido stuff, it's a nice design.

    #12 - Jakob

    See Felicia.

    #13 - Kaze

    I like the colours and the outfit.

    #14 - Mozu

    There's something about her face that bothers me, and I feel it's just a little too plain. I get that she's a villager but I would've preferred a more interesting colour scheme.

    #15 - Silas

    Amazing design, from the armour to the hair, there isn't anything I dislike.

    #16 - Gunter

    Another amazing design. I really wanted him to be useable in Conquest when he was revealed. Shame.

    #17 - Hana

    She's like Mia but less exciting.

    #18 - Subaki

    This is a beautiful man. However, his face is too similar to Inigo. I saw it instantly and I can never unsee it.

    #19 - Effie

    Another case of dumb form fitting armour, plus the butt window, means I can't take this design seriously.

    #20 - Arthur

    I suppose it's a good design in that it perfectly describes the character. However, said character highly annoys me and so does his face.

    #21 - Hinata

    Totally adorable, give him to me. I really like the colours and the outfit design. I'm not usually a fan of long hair on guys but this game totally changed that.

    #22 - Oboro

    Top tier fashionista, simply beautiful. Bright orange is not a colour I would expect would work so well as the main colour in a design, and yet her outfit makes it work. The stockings are balling.

  4. This was my post from the pre-release topic.

    Leo for the males because I've heard good things about him, Xander, and Takumi, but his design and personality are the most interesting of the three to me. I'm looking forward to all three of them though.

    Oboro for the females. Ever since we saw her, I totally loved her smug face and that she's a lance fighter. Surprised to see her doing so well. I hope she's an interesting character.

    I'm glad to say my top favourites haven't changed-- IMO Leo and Oboro are some of the best written characters in the game.

    My other choices though have changed somewhat... Before release, my top picks would've probably been something like this:

    Guys: Leo, Xander, Takumi, Kaze, Niles

    Gals: Oboro, Camilla, Nyx, Rinkah, Scarlet

    And now:

    Guys: Leo, Takumi, Hinata, Saizo, Niles

    Gals: Oboro, Camilla, Elise, Flora, Scarlet

    Xander was a total disappointment, while Kaze is just bland. Hinata was a surprise. He's not a very complex character but he's a very likeable one and is part of the Awesome Fates Trinity with Takumi and Oboro.

    Nyx has a very cool design, but she ended up being really annoying and not very good as a unit. Rinkah I still like, but I was a bit underwhelmed because she needs a bit too much attention. Flora and Elise were a surprise, I enjoyed their roles in all three paths and they turned out to be much better characters than I expected.

    I voted for male Kamui, just because I tend to choose male avatars.

    Conquest was my favourite path because of the gameplay and it has more characters I enjoy, plus the story, while bad, was at least intriguing to see just wtf would happen next. Birthright is dull, and Revelation is a boring mess.

  5. Elise

    Saw her and thought: hate this stupid design, hate the obvious loli bait, can she say anything other than onii-chan.

    But then I actually got the game. She's one of my favourites. She's the most proactive Nohrian despite (because of) her age and inexperience, in all routes. Her personality could've been annoying but it's a nice break from all the terrible stuff going on in Nohr and in Conquest. Her role in Birthright works for me, and I was really impressed by how important she turned out to be. As a unit, she's amazing. Staves are obviously useful enough, and once she promotes she can help take down the odd enemy with her high magic.



    He's a little bland for me, but likeable enough, and his late game Conquest appearance is great.

    At the risk of igniting a flame war, I think he was totally justified in the whole medicine situation.


    I like what they were going for with the whole "he's a god whose creations forgot him and now he's angry". But that's literally told in a one-liner in the main game, and is all the backstory we get. I don't care about Anankos which means I have no motivation to take him down, which defeats the purpose of Revelation.

    It's gross that they then sold his backstory in multiple DLCs.

  6. Oboro

    I absolutely love her! Ever since she was revealed, just based on her colour scheme and class. Now, while she is a fair bit gimmicky with her scary face, I find that she has a good variety of support conversations that develop her backstory in different ways. Her hatred of Nohr is understandable IMO, and her interaction with the Nohrians in Revelation supports is interesting. She has other supports that show what a kind person she is, and her many interests. Her role in Conquest is pretty memorable thanks to Takumi being so important in the plot, and while it's easy to avoid fighting Hinata both at the pier and at the wall, Oboro is most likely going to get in your way.

    As a unit, she's just as amazing. She can tank like crazy, she has great all around stats, her natural skill set is pretty good.


    In a game where Ryoma exists, there's no reason to use another Swordmaster unless you really like the character, and for me Hinata takes that spot so Hana is never used. From what I've seen of her personality, she's a little annoying, but I do like how devoted she is to training and protecting Sakura. Both her design and personality remind me a lot of Mia from PoR.


    I don't have her and I won't as long as I have to pay for her. Very scummy of IS to charge for a character. At least it's a totally unimportant bonus character, but still. I don't know if she's changed much from Awakening, where I hated what they did to her personality. She went from a quirky shopkeeper/tutorial girl to a really pushy gold digger.

  7. Kaden

    Cool design and awesome idea for a shapeshifter. Too bad his personality is being a violent narcissist.


    Cool design and awesome idea for a shapeshifter. Too bad his personality is being a literal dog.


    I don't see the point of suddenly introducing a character with major ties to one of the main characters if that isn't going to add anything to the lore or backstory. Making that character a major antagonist in the last route with no buildup or context is equally dumb.

  8. Rhajat

    She works a bit better than Tharja but I still don't get why people like this character so much. Awakening clone + child = not interested.


    She's cute, and fun like her dad. Passable.


    I guess it was interesting having him be the hooded man, as Anankos' zombie puppet. Or it would have been if we got to know him at all during Revelation. He appears for a chapter for a cheap emotional scene and is gone again, so I don't know what exactly I'm supposed to feel. He doesn't even have a battle conversation with his kids aside from Ryoma iirc. The whole "dead parents are now bosses" thing fell completely flat IMO.

  9. Rinkah

    Amazing design, finally we get female fighters! It's unfortunate that she requires lots of work to live up to her awesome design, because her stats are just below average to average. inb4 Thor

    Her personality is a bit disappointing as well. I like that she's reserved and gruff but sweet once she opens up. I wish we got more insight into the fire tribe through her.

    Despite all this I have a soft spot for her.


    No opinion.


    We all know he's trash so instead I'll give my opinion on what they could've done differently. Spoilers for all routes.

    1. Show us the real Garon. Having flashbacks to Xander's childhood would've done wonders for both their characters, and the concubine wars should've been part of the narrative as well to see how Garon was involved with all of that. We are told Garon was a genuinely nice guy. Show us and let us see if it's true or not. Show us his relationships with his children before he died.

    2. Be subtle. Garon could've worked as an antagonist without being a cartoon villain. Make him firm, ambitious, ruthless in battle. Cut the evil cackling and world destroying speeches, at least until the end.

    3. Take a page from Lyon. You want Garon to be a slime? Fine. But make it work. I don't think there's anything wrong conceptually with what they did. The execution is terrible though. Make his possession be ambiguous between how much of the real Garon is left (this ties in to the above point) and how much is Anankos. When you reveal that he's a slime, reveal it to all the main characters at once. Otherwise it makes the ones who know seem like idiots for keeping it a secret even with dumb curses thrown around.

    4. Give him a real reason for invading Hoshido. One is given in the game already but only mentioned in passing. Bring it up more than once and make the connection that's there.

    5. Give him a moment of redemption. This would've been interesting, I think. Save it for Revelation.

  10. Sakura

    She's awesome. The story doesn't do as much with her as it could, but her chapter in Conquest is one of my favourites. At face value she's a shy and sheltered princess, but she actually develops (hurray!) and shows a lot of courage and strength during the story and supports. I love two range healing, and her promotion is interesting.


    I just don't feel comfortable fielding 7 year olds.

  11. Kiragi

    Never recruited him. He seems a little annoying in a "I'm too cute" way.


    Another kid I do like. Now I've never had a problem with characters like Lucius and Libra whose feminine looks were usually just brought up in a lighthearted way, but it's refreshing to see a more serious take on it with Forrest. His recruitment chapter is great, and yeah it sucks that Leo acts so terrible at first but they and Elise all get some good character development by the end of the chapter. Forrest's whole personality (what I've seen of it) is handled in a surprisingly tasteful way. He's very mature and likeable.

  12. Shiro

    One of the few kids I like. I wish he was a normal recruitable unit, because being locked away behind S supports means I almost never get him as I don't particularly focus on getting supports to S for everyone in a run. I love his class and unsurprisingly he's a good unit. His personality isn't so exciting but it's interesting in the context of being Ryoma's kid.


    Haven't really experimented with him. I made him a Wyvern Lord on his join map but then benched him. Personality wise, he's cute.

  13. Xander is great when you remember he's basically an abuse victim who's just trying to do what he can as his beloved family falls apart on himself, and don't take it at face value that hoshido==good and nohr==bad. As a unit he's basically a second Silas, so pretty chill in my book.

    No opinion on Asugi, have literally never recruited him.

    My impression was actually the opposite. I mean he was Garon's first child and the only child of the queen, he was brought up by the "real" Garon who we are told was actually a swell guy despite also being told he slept around and didn't do anything to stop his multiple mistresses from fighting each other and pitting his kids against each other... But ok Xander says he was a nice dad. Makes me think Xander was actually Garon's favourite child and was pampered growing up. I guess we could claim Xander suffers from affluenza.
  14. Xander

    Oh boy.

    My least favourite royal and probably one of my least favourite min characters in the series. It's heartbreaking because he was my favourite based on his design, but he turned out so disappointing.

    Let's take this one path at a time, starting with Birthright which is probably the worst for Xander. His whole deal is that he's the crown prince of Nohr, so his loyalty conflicts with his morals. Except, we're only told this. We never see him be a good person or question if he's doing the right thing. He blindly follows Garon despite all the plainly evil things he does, yelling angrily at Kamui the few times he shows up.

    This is slight headcanon, but the way Xander just goes completely immature towards Kamui when he points out Garon is an evil dude plus the fact that we know from story and supports that the other royals all look up to and also feel like they have to live up to Xander, makes me feel like a big part of why it takes Leo, Camilla, and Elise so long to do what they know is right and why when they do they don't do more is that they're scared of Xander. He's a bully, he's a terrible big brother because if his siblings don't obey him he will throw them in the trash without hesitation even if he's in the wrong.

    When Elise directly opposes Xander, he refuses to dialogue. He ends up accidentally causing her death. And he STILL won't consider he's wrong. All he can do is whine about how he doesn't have a choice, he has to be a blind follower to Garon, wahhh I'm the victim guys.

    Conquest Xander can basically be summed up as "justice is an illusion except when it's convenient for my interests to claim injustice". Then he actually threatens to murder his siblings if Garon isn't a literal monster, just after having helped him bloodily conquer an innocent nation for no actual reason. In other words, all the horrible things he just spent the whole game doing was fine and dandy but suddenly he feels betrayed and ashamed of what he's done just because Garon is a slime. Wtf?

    He's supposed to be a Camus but he only really fits the bill in Revelation. He still needed to hear Garon laughing evilly and monologuing about destroying the world before doubting his allegiance, though. Also he still never actually acted against Garon, because then they all go to Valla and that whole story thread is dropped. He is at his best in Revelation, though, but like, his best is still completely dull and uninspired. Oh yeah, he threatens another sibling in this path, Camilla. What a nice brother.

    People love him because he's a "flawed" character. Yeah, he is. The problem is he isn't treated as a flawed character. He's treated as a wise, mature, chivalrous prince when he's actually a bratty hypocritical coward.


    I love Gaius, we didn't need to shove him into this game.

  15. Setsuna

    When I found out her gimmick was falling into traps I was completely at a loss for words. How is that a personality? I still think it's dumb but I enjoy her stoner gimmick. She's entertaining at least.


    I mean, they tried to have lgbt representation which is nice, but they failed miserably which is disappointing. Like, the male womanizer characters are not this creepy.


    Keen forum goers might recall my disgust at Peri, and Reina is basically Hoshido Peri. I don't hate her though because there's one key difference-- Reina keeps her bloodlust on the battlefield and directed at her enemies. I mean, it's still disturbing, but at least it adds an interesting layer to her being a super high-up general for the good guys.

  16. Azura

    She is so bad in the story but it's not really her fault. Like, she was made to be secretive JUST because they wanted to tease the other paths. If this had been one game I really think she would've made a lot more sense in the story. Her supports are generally good, but like why wasn't her and Kamui's Rev support addressed in the actual story? It seems like something pretty relevant.


    She's very useful as an archer in Conquest, and not so much otherwise. I tried using her several times but always benched her or, in Rev, she just turned out a bit below average. I like her introduction and backstory. She's a character I like, but can't be bothered to use.


    I don't particularly like or dislike him, but I love his appearance in Conquest beside Sakura in her chapter. That chapter is one of the really good ones IMO.

  17. Kaze

    Pre-release he was my favourite ninja based on design alone. But he's just so bland. As a unit, he's fine, but I still tend to prefer Saizo.


    Haven't actually used him nor seen many of his supports. I just know he has a really stupid one with Kagerou that may or may not have changed in localization.


    Again, I was super into him based on design before I got the game. I really like him as a character. As a unit, I've only used him as a pair up bot when I have an extra spot. It's too bad he's a Kamuisexual. He could've had so many good supports.

  18. Hisame

    Seems boring.


    Ok, so the usual complaints against her are:

    1. She's just fanservice

    2. She's too obsessed with Kamui

    3. She bullies or threatens others too much

    I admit that before I got the game I had dismissed her as being obvious waifu bait. Thankfully she's almost indispensable in Conquest so I didn't really have a choice but to start using her. And while I still think she's too fanservicey for my liking, I soon began getting supports which do add some depth to her character beyond "obsessed with Kamui". Her support with Niles is obviously the standout, but her sibling supports also show her caring nature in a better light. Maybe it's just because everyone loves Kamui so much that I unconsciously tune that part of her and others' character out, but during the game I did end up seeing her as loving and yes a bit too obsessed with all her siblings and her retainers.

    Which brings me to point 3 above. Being a main character, she gets a fair amount of screen time and in Birthright especially she's shown to be clearly mentally unstable. It's not so much headcanon IMO as making the connection between this and her backstory, where her obsession with people she cares about stems from her growing up and playing a part in the concubine wars, as well as the fact that she feels the need to threaten people she cares or act violently when confronted with the possibility of them leaving her. It may come across as obsession with Kamui, but that's because he's the main character and the one of her siblings who has left her side. Notice that after her first boss appearance she's quick to switch to Kamui's side, but when Leo shows up she changes her mind and stays with him instead. Then when Elise is "taken" by the Hoshidans, she comes out to "rescue" her and Kamui. It's not much, but these scenes also show that she cares about all her siblings, not just Kamui, and the fact that she stays with Leo instead of going with Kamui shows it's not necessarily him that she cares most about.

    Also, shoutout for her actions in Revelation where she fucking calls out Xander like a boss.

    Tl;dr she's obvious fanservice but she's actually interesting and a godly unit


    Not a fan of his humour. Or his story role. Why is he letting armies march through his supposedly neutral territory on their way to war? And why does he face no repercussions for it? Especially when he leaves his country to join the fight?

    He's a fine emergency staff user, that's about it.

  19. Benny

    He's a nice guy. I tried to use him in Revelation but ended up benching him. Like I said with Effie, I don't like too many Knights in the series because of how slow they are. I doubt Benny will win me over.


    I hate his dumb gimmick. Though I appreciate the irony in someone who claims to fight for justice fighting for the glory-seeking conquerors, I doubt the writers even realized that's what it comes across as.


    I was waiting for him to do something cool, or to reveal some sort of master plan, or to have a real reason to be evil. What a waste of a good design and name.

  20. This thread may backfire quick.

    That chapter just made me see Xander as a spineless brat. Of course he had a choice. Leo, Camilla, and Elise all make the choice to help Kamui in the end because they realize he's right about Garon being a crazy tyrant. Xander, as the oldest of the royals and the crown prince of Nohr, should have been the first to stand up against his clearly evil father and fight for the good of his country. But he fools himself into thinking that just because Garon is King, he represents Nohr more than all the rightfully pissed off rebels and (ex-)allies. To top it off, he can't even put aside his lame self-pity party to follow through on his dying sister's wish.

    As for the actual topic...

    I think the idea of the plot is great. Conquest is really not so bad until we get to Valla. Despite the convoluted reasoning for the invasion, I thought the Hoshidans minus Hinoka and plus Yukimura got some great scenes that really added to their character.

    In Hoshido I thought the Nohrian siblings minus Xander were written well. Yes, even Camilla outside of her cutscene was a good character to me. We really see her fragile mental state in this path. Elise has a great and very tragic arc.

    Leo and Takumi are standouts in general.

  21. Peri

    What the fuck. She literally disgusts me. She's a terrible excuse for a fictional human being but it's clear that the intention is that I'm supposed to like her and even find her cute. She fetishizes murder and torture. She threatens allies for looking at her funny. She is basically female Hans yet no one makes arguments for why he is just misunderstood and is really a big softie underneath. Xander also comes across as a huge hypocrite here for allowing her to have a position of power knowing what she's like. Her tragic backstory feels like a lame attempt by the writers to excuse her being an awful person. I would not make excuses for a real psycho killer just because they had a tragic experience as a child, and I won't for Peri either. Her personal skill seems good but I will never use her.


    Why is an 8 year old in a fucking army.

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