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Book Bro

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Posts posted by Book Bro

  1. When I think "remasters" I think slight updates in graphics and gameplay, like HD remasters. I think PoR and RD are the only ones that could realistically be remastered and not still feel outdated. The rest would need full remakes, and I would love some that used the 3DS engine.

  2. The Kitsune and the Wolfskin are both cruelly wasted in these games. You have these amazing ideas for shapeshifters and yet they have nothing to do with the main conflict and we learn nothing about their culture, their relationship to their human neighbours, Kaden and Keaton are apparently their tribes' leaders yet are shown to be completely stupid and also abandon their people to join your group literally for no reason.

    Such a shame because I was really hyped when we learned about these characters that we would see some laguz-tier characters.

  3. Leaving out kids because I don't care about them.

    Corrin(m) vs Corrin(f) (avatar)

    Equal I guess. I enjoyed Femui in Hoshido more than Mamui in Nohr but that may be because of the paths and not the genders.

    Felicia vs Jakob vs Flora (maid/butler)

    Character-wise, Flora > Felicia > Jakob. Flora had some interesting character development and motivations in the story. Felicia is quite likeable even if a bit simple, but her relationships to her family and the Nohrians fleshes out her character a bit. Jakob is last because I haven't used him a lot so I don't really know what he's like. He's British which is cool. Unit-wise, Felicia > Jakob > Flora.

    Silas vs Xander vs Gunter vs Peri (cavalier/great knight)

    Character-wise, Silas > Gunter > Xander > Peri. Silas is such a Nice Guy I can't help but like him, and the cavalier you get to use the most. Gunter makes me smile with his old man gimmick. I don't like Xander, but I hate Peri. Unit-wise, Xander > Silas > Peri (dat personal is the only reason I might consider using her over Silas, but I won't) > Gunter (pure pair up fodder).

    Hinoka vs Subaki vs Reina (pegasus/kinshii)

    Character-wise, Hinoka > Subaki > Reina. Hinoka is a bit bland but still interesting with the whole warrior princess thing. Subaki gets on my nerves with trying to come off as perfect all the time. And Reina is just Hoshido's Peri. Unit-wise, Hinoka > Subaki > Reina (if only because lack of supports).

    Takumi vs Setsuna (archer)

    Always Takumi > Setsuna. While Setsuna is entertaining, I appreciate Takumi more as a character, and he will always outclass her as a unit.

    Niles vs Shura (outlaw)

    Character-wise, I find them both interesting. Niles has that dark backstory and troll personality, while Shura has interesting motivations and connections to the royals. Niles > Shura in gameplay if only because Niles has more support partners.

    Sakura vs Azama (cleric)

    Sakura > Azama. Sakura is interesting, being shy but strong-willed, passionate, not afraid to do what she feels instead of what's expected of her. While I like Azama's whole philosophical thing, he's just a jerk. Sakura is around longer to heal and her natural promotions fit her better than Azama's, I feel.

    Saizo vs Kagero vs Kaze (ninja)

    Character-wise, Saizo = Kagero > Kaze. I love Saizo's serious personality and backstory, and Kagero's supports are really good and make her feel pretty human. Kaze is just a bit boring in comparison, he suffers from being too Kamui-focused. Unit-wise, Saizo > Kagero = Kaze. Kagero is good but comes late in Birthright, and Kaze struggled a bit compared to Saizo for me.

    Fuga vs Ryoma vs Hinata vs Hana (swordmasters)

    Character-wise, Hinata > Ryoma > Hana = Fuga. I haven't really seen any amazing supports with any of them but Hinata is first because he's my waifu. Ryoma I liked more after completing Conquest and seeing he's not so bland in his supports. Hana and Fuga I'm "meh" about. Unit-wise, Ryoma > Hinata > Hana > Fuga.

    Hayato vs Orochi vs Izana (mages)

    Character-wise, Orochi > Hayato = Izana. I like Orochi, she's funny, likes to help others, her whole diviner thing is cool. Hayato and Izana both annoy me. Unit-wise, Orochi = Hayato > Izana. Hayato is a bit bulkier and faster than Orochi, but she is powerful and can capture. Izana is only helpful if you need another staff user.

    Odin vs Nyx (dark mages)

    Character-wise, Odin > Nyx. I liked Owain, so Odin is nice. Nyx would be interesting if she wasn't so rude and annoying. Unit-wise, I haven't used Nyx, but Odin came out disappointing in Conquest.

    Arthur vs Charlotte vs Rinkah (axe users)

    Character-wise, Charlotte > Rinkah > Arthur. I thought I would hate Charlotte, but her valley girl accent was genius, I love it. She also has some good supports that flesh out her character. Rinkah I like without really knowing why. She's kind of rude and plain, but I like her. Arthur annoys me. Unit-wise, Charlotte > Rinkah = Arthur.

    Beruka vs Camilla vs Scarlet (wyverns)

    Camilla > Scarlet > Beruka. Character-wise, I feel both Camilla and Scarlet had amazing potential that wasn't entirely utilized. Gameplay-wise, they're both beasts in their respective campaigns. Beruka while a decent back-up just doesn't compare IMO, and her supports have surprisingly not been very memorable, I usually like this kind of character more.

    Effie vs Benny (knights)

    Effie > Benny, if only because she comes earlier in Conquest, though I've been using him in Revelation and he's not so bad. Personality-wise neither stands out very much.

    Lazlow vs Selena (mercenaries)

    Character-wise, they're equal I guess. I like them both but neither is a favourite. Unit-wise, I've had trouble trying to use Selena and Laslow has been easier to use, plus his rally is helpful, so Laslow > Selena.

    Kaden vs Keaton (shifters)

    Character-wise, Keaton annoys me less than Kaden. Unit-wise, Keaton didn't turn out so good for me even though he's apparently a great unit, and I haven't used Kaden.

    Marth vs Ike vs Lucina vs Robin vs Anna (amiibo/dlc)

    Ike > Marth > Lucina > non-money-hungry Anna> Robin

  4. Even more yes. Leo is a very enjoyable character, and Takumi has a lot of potential for growth. Leo would be especially refreshing as a more tactically orientated Lord.

    Not to mention the potential character development each of them would bring to the other siblings had they been main characters instead of everything being so player worshippy.

    I always took it for granted Ryoma and Xander would have been the lords without an avatar, but the younger bros would've had so much more potential.

  5. #PraiseTakumi

    Only one of the Hoshido siblings to react appropriately to the whole Kamui thing/Nohr invasion. Nice supports that show his insecurities as well as what a kind person he is. Great unit.


    I still think Leo and Takumi should have been the Lords this game.


  6. This topic is always fun to think about





















    Black Knight











    31 characters is fair I think. Then add Camus, Minerva, Arvis, Soren, Titania, Owain/Odin, Camilla, Leo, and Takumi as free DLC.

  7. The problem is that every one of his/her siblings are like "yep, Garon is trash, but we can't do anything about it... Yet." Which really doesn't make much sense, as the implications in the game seem to be that Nohr started the war, but all the royalty sans Garon are kind of against it, so it's questionable why anyone is even doing things humoring Garon.

    This reminds me of that line Xander has near the beginning, after he overhears Garon plotting the best ways to make Kamui suffer. Xander says he "knows what must be done" or something like that. I was waiting for him to do something but nothing ever came of it. Unless it was supposed to reference him letting Elise and her retainers wander off into the woods.

  8. I ignored the kids entirely in Birthright and Conquest and have just started recruiting them in Revelations, though I plan to leave most for postgame.

    The only ones that interest me are Shiro, Forrest, Ophelia, and Mitama.

    The only one I can't stand from the get-go is Kana for trying too hard to be cute and being pure player worship. Selkie's voice and Sophie's "super duper" way of speaking annoy me but not as much as Kana.

    The rest I don't care about.

  9. Good write ups! I'm playing through Revelation right now, about halfway through, so I'm looking forward to your thoughts. So far, I'm feeling like it's the worst story of the three, which is a shame because as the "true path" I was hoping it would be the best one.

    As far as Kamui, I actually liked them Birthright (I used Femui) better than in Conquest (where I used Mamui). At least in Birthright, her goals and actions made some sense. In both paths, Kamui is understandably pissed and confused about Garon's bomb-sword. But in Conquest he forgets about it right away because he wants to impress Dad for some reason. I was hoping Kamui would be more manipulative and learn how to work against Garon from the shadows with Leo and Camilla, but he doesn't really do anything to undermine Garon until the last chapter, even when presented with several opportunities. The main problem I had with Birthright was that the whole campaign feels like random battles with Nohr royal fights here and there. Conquest at least has clear story progression even if the later half is nonsensical.

    The siblings should have had more screen time. I thought what happened to the Nohrians in Birthright was so interesting, but we only really saw Elise in the castle throughout the story. Why not show Camilla struggling with her depression, or Leo realizing the truth about Garon and trying to figure out what to do with that knowledge? Or Xander being an obedient lapdog to his obviously evil dad. And the Hoshidans, what did they do after Kamui left with Xander? Their city has just been devastated, their mother killed, but we don't see any of their struggles with all of this. Only Takumi reacts, and Ryoma in that one chapter.

    And the villains, it's been said, but their only motivation is "we're jerks". I thought Iago would be deserving of his Shakespearian name(s), but sadly there's nothing to him. We don't even know why he hates Kamui so much. Garon, I feel could still have been a slime if only he had been less obviously evil and had a better motive for the war, and you didn't find out he was a slime until the end. All in all I think Hans is the best of the three (not saying much), at least he has a semi-interesting backstory and makes you hate him for reasons other than "he's lame". I still like them all better than Validar.

    Like you Conquest is my favourite of the three, unless Revelation really impresses me in the second half, if only because Birthright was a bit boring and safe.

  10. I think it depends whether the next game is on 3DS or, more likely, the NX (which I believe will be a hybrid so the handheld vs console debate won't be relevant).

    If it comes out for the 3DS then I fully expect it to keep marriage, children, avatars, and grinding for skills. If it's for the NX, I could see them going for something totally new for the next generation of FE. It's happened every time the series shifts consoles, after all.

    Now, the avatars will most likely stay around regardless, but after the feedback on children in FE14 ranged mostly from indifferent to negative, I doubt they'll be back. As for the avatar, I think they should be someone like Robin, a sidekick, but without stealing the plot from the main character. I would like them to expand on the idea behind My Castle, but instead of astral realm shenanigans just make it your base camp and have it be like a traversable mini-town that changes scenery as the story progresses. Also bring back base conversations, and cut down on supports. If marriage is back, make it limited for non-avatar units.

    I could see them further fine-tuning the class and skills system, maybe cutting back on the amount of skills would be a good thing. I want to believe we can expect a better story. After Awakening IS showed they were listening to feedback, so I can only imagine with so many criticizing Fates' story as well, that they'll try that much harder next time. I'd appreciate a slight change in tone as well. Awakening and Fates are a little too jokey and memey at times.

    Basically I think and hope it'll be a mostly new experience. Also, split versions should never happen again.

  11. I said "I don't care about them" because while I hate that they were forced into FE14, a few of them interest me as characters. But if there's no good reason why children should be in the next game, then don't put them in just because. I would rather not have them return next time.

    I forgot to mention that I think Kanna is just the worst. It's pretty much a Morgan stripped of any personality and just an increased dosage of cute.

    Both Morgan and Kana annoy me because they just exist to worship the player like "wow Avatar parent you are just the most incredible human ever I want to be just like you you are so amazing and can do no wrong".

  12. In the rewrite I'm doing of Conquest, you actually fight both the Wolfskin and the Kitsune but for different reasons. In Conquest, a strange sickness is driving the normally reclusive Wolfskin tribe feral and dangerous. Iago tasks you with wiping them out but Keaton asks your party for help in purging the sickness and saving Velouria, who has also fallen ill. Velouria is the boss of that map and Keaton joins you after saving her. In the Birthright version, you are too late to stop the sickness and, in her madness, Velouria killed Keaton.

    I like it, it's simple but it makes a lot more sense.

    Kaze's death in your version could be changed to Velouria surviving the boss fight and attacking Kamui, only for Kaze to block her attack and be fatally wounded if you don't have an A support. Better than exploding crystals. Honestly this could have been done with Keaton in the actual chapter.

  13. Nice set up, but I'm irritated by how contrived the fight is (game's fault, not yours).

    I feel like this about the Kitsune map in Conquest as well. The shapeshifters were such cool ideas in this game that I can't help but be disappointed by the lack of any type of lore or story relevance. Keaton's recruitment is dumb as shit. Randomly gets lost in the opera house and joins you just because. At least Kaden has some explanation for showing up.

  14. From the first trailer I thought Xander, Ryoma, and Azura would be the main characters with Azura being the main lord. Expected some supernatural elements because of the golems and dragon, but thought the story would mostly grounded and less fantasy-based. I thought Azura's pendant would be the Fire Emblem and that it would be like Lehran's Medallion Lite.

    The second trailer made me think this was going to bring back several armies participating in one battle like in FE4 and FE10. In fact I convinced myself the game would draw from those two for its themes and story. :c and yes I liked RD's story so I was hyped.

  15. I think it's because "found yourself" implies you didn't like them at first. I don't know a single person who didn't like Arthur at first sight.

    Hi that person is me and he still doesn't interest me. :P

    The Three Amigos (Odin, Laslow, Selena) - I thought I'd lose what I loved about these three, but nope. They are great and even feel like better versions of than the Awakening version. Selena's not living in the shadows, Odin's still the way he is, and Laslow's got even more confidence now.

    Also, the talents of each confirm who their parents are, which was a nice thing to find out.

    By talents do you mean their reclass options? I've only used Odin so far so I'm not sure what those are for the other two... So what are the juicy implications of the fathers' identities?

  16. I just had a pretty cool moment.

    Finished a chapter and S rank between Effie and Silas was unlocked so I got them married.

    Then I went into the arena, and it was Silas fighting with Effie as support.

    Silas procs Luna, then Effie gets a 2% critical.

    Power couple.

  17. I feel like I'm one of the few that enjoyed the split in this thread.

    I remember FE10 being long... but something inside me said "but not long enough".

    This game just exceeded that with the 3 paths. "Have as much game as you want."

    I feel like people are obsessed with "getting the complete game" when they compare their experience to others that they are "forced" to buy all of it for the "complete experience".

    It's yourself to blame. Each path is a complete experience. But OF COURSE they're gonna tease you to try to get you to buy the other paths. But you're not forced to buy anything.

    As far as gameplay goes I don't mind the split. It gets us different ways to play FE and three whole campaigns.

    But when Birthright ends with Kamui pretty much going

    Hmmmm could there be more to Garon than we realized? What's the true mystery behind Azura? And what exactly is the fabled Seal of Flames? Find out in Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest!

    And then Conquest also doesn't have all the answers, I find it hard to believe they intended for them to be 100% standalone complete experiences.

    It's different than PoR ending with a bunch of cliffhangers because those were at least mostly unrelated to the main plot of the story and instead set up the possibility of a sequel. Here, important information to the story of each path is purposely withheld so you'll buy the others.

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