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Book Bro

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Posts posted by Book Bro

  1. Funny, I just got a used copy of Radiant Dawn from Gamestop in the mail on Saturday. Was kind of looking forward to playing it. Also got Shadow Dragon as well, but not feeling it right now.

    On this forum, every game will get called out for having a shit story. It's best to play the games yourself and make up your own mind. Radiant Dawn's plot stumbles in the last third but it's still a good story, IMO.

    I'm hoping I'll find Fates acceptable as well. But some of the criticisms paired with spoilers I've unfortunately seen are slightly worrying. I should have it in a few days so I'm excited to see.

  2. I agree entirely.

    What they did is forsake character development and meaningful dialogue for a failed attempt at a meme or joke. This is poor localization, laziness, or just plain not caring about the game they are working on period (or all of the above).

    I wonder how the original writers of the game feel about this one.

    Totally agree with this.

    Also, if the mass of supports are anything like Awakening's, the serious ones are probably a very small fraction in a sea of "hilarity ensues" situations that personally interest me a lot less. There was really no good reason to mess with this support.

  3. PIERI. She is the worst and is permanently being benched. Her gimmick is not cute and it disturbs me that the game wants to frame it that way (afaik but I admit I haven't actually played it yet).

    Izana is a weirdo who breaks game immersion. Stuff like "toodles!" and "You just put a ring on Izana, girl!" make me want to facepalm. Others find him funny or charming and that's totally fine, but he's not for me.

    I agree with this, so far. Maybe it'll be different when I get the games. I doubt it. I'm usually not such a fan of such overt attempts at humour.

  4. Japan didn't get it on the cart because it wasn't finished when the games released.

    Revelations is supposed to be played last anyway, so unless you were planning to start with it for some reason I don't see why it matters that it won't be released for a few weeks.

  5. If I wasn't broke I would probably go out and look for a copy tomorrow to sell once my special edition arrives. It's gonna be about two weeks before I can play. But for now I'll have to wait and try my best to avoid being jealous of you all. ;-;

    Edit: literally JUST received an email updating my order! It should arrive earlier than expected, sometime next week! :D

  6. I only listened to a few on YouTube:

    -Dwyer makes me uncomfortable

    -Setsuna has been redeemed because her VA is hilarious

    -Keaton is making me feel things..........

    -Felicia is adorable, why is "We've got trouble" so bad when the rest is fine?

  7. I can't be too excited for so many 9s after Awakening got universal praise but was underwhelming to me.

    I appreciate reading their comments more than seeing the scores. Gameplay looks solid as expected. I'm glad most of the reviewers can appreciate the challenge and structure of Nohr and didn't lower the score just because it's harder. *looks at Gamespot* Most of the comments on the writing are just throwaway "it's great" so I don't think they've really looked at it too closely. I'll have to wait to see for myself.

  8. Niles and Odin for Nohr because I always seem to like the thief/shady characters and I liked Owain in Awakening. Then Beruka and Selena because of the same reasons pretty much. Next are Effie and Arthur, really just Effie because I'm not a fan of Arthur. And last Laslow and Pieri because while I didn't dislike Inigo he wasn't one of my favourites, and Pieri is just awful.

    For Hoshido, Oboro and Hinata, they seem fun and I like Lance fighters. Then Hana and Tsubaki, because male Pegasus rider! And Hana reminds me of Mia who's pretty cool. Then Saizou and Kagerou because ninjas, but I feel like they make a less strong first impression. And last Setsuna and Azama because from what I've read about them I doubt either of them will be interesting.

    Individually I would rank them:

    Oboro, Niles, Hinata, Tsubaki, Beruka, Selena, Odin, Effie, Kagerou, Saizou, Hana, Laslow, Setsuna, Azama, Arthur, Pieri

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