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Book Bro

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Posts posted by Book Bro

  1. You know it's bad when a remake is suggested less than a year after release.

    When/if a remake eventually comes, they should definitely focus on fixing the story. I don't think people would mind if it changed significantly because as you say it had potential to be much better. But that won't happen anytime soon.

  2. I don't play mobile games, but Pokémon Shuffle is FTP right? I feel that game has for the most part done it very fairly. It was only recently that I felt they started pushing events too fast and too many at once, to entice people into buying extra in-game items, but for the first year it felt completely playable without spending real money. I still haven't paid for anything and haven't missed anything important playing it weekly. Hopefully FE mobile follows that and won't make you pay for things other than optional weapons and accessories for example.

  3. I think Leo would make a good protagonist. He is relatable enough even if he's not the cheeriest lord, and he actually has drive that Kamui lacks, so we could actually get the "reform Nohr" story with him as the lead. Xander I feel is a better fit as a Camus that stays loyal to Garon once Leo and sisters rebel and only joins you after you beat him and some serious shit goes down.

    Birthright is a bit harder to imagine with Takumi but I think he makes more sense as the main character than Ryoma or his sisters. Although Hinoka could work too with some work. I haven't really thought as much about how Birthright could be improved tbh.

  4. I don't get why people get so riled up over any sort of criticism. All I'm saying is I hope FE Mobile has a wider selection of characters, based on their description of the project. When you have Smash Bros, #FE, and third-party cameos all favouring 3 games in a 14 game series, I think that's a fair sentiment to have.

    Also that would mean older lords drawn by Kozaki, which would be awesome judging from his Marth and Ike in Fates.

  5. I dislike bothe of them. If anything, I prefer Morgan because it's less cringeworthy.

    This, both Morgan and Kana annoy the hell out of me because they're pure avatar worship, but Morgan is the lesser of two evils.

  6. The problem with Garon and the royal siblings staying with him is that it is obvious that something is wrong with Garon. Majorly wrong. His own children are afraid of him; he would kill his own children. Yet, Xander stays. He stays because he remembers a time when his father was not the man he is today (and he is the first prince). The problem is that we don't know how the man Garon was back in the day; we only know heresy through a biased vessel.

    Unless I'm missing some info, I'm pretty sure Xander is the only one that remembers Garon being nice. Camilla doesn't mention any fond memories of him and Leo only talks about him being a womanizer. But from the supports, Garon to me seems like he was never actually that nice. He had numerous concubines and didn't do anything to stop them from fighting each other, or to protect his children. I'm pretty sure Xander got special treatment because he was the Queen's son, and that's why he was "spoiled" by Garon.

    Another reason why it bothers me that the rest of them hesitate to disobey Garon/attack Slime Garon. I like the way the OP rewrote the whole situation because, for me, it always seemed like Xander was the main reason nobody acted, but the way the story is, that isn't acknowledged.

  7. Rather, IF they are going to implement anything from Fates n the next installment, they should introduce two new modes: Birthright Mode and Conquest Mode. Birthright mode would be easier and allow grinding between chapters, where Conquest mode would have harder and more unique map objectives with limited funds and no grinding.

    I get why this seems like a good idea, but personally I think we have enough modes, so I'd rather they decide whether grinding is going to be part of the main game or not, and if not, keep it as DLC and/or postgame content.

  8. The premise was good and you could see good ideas buried under the surface; Takumi's character arc and pre goo Garon could have been interesting. Unfortunately, two things fundamentally went wrong: first was making Corrin the focus of the story rather than having him play more of a Robin role to Xander or Ryoma's Chrom, and second was the existence of a third route. While it means a third game, it also means that the central theme of the game is fucked into the ground because you now have a way where you can save everyone, and that is not how conflicts like these work. Fix those issues and you can work from there to fix the story. I may actually write up a brief summary of what I think Conquest's story should have been.

    I love it. Now I understand why the first chapter of Revelation is called

    Into the Ground

    Basically one big problem with it is that, while Nohr has its fair share of internal politics, basically everyone in Hoshido loves the Royal Family and is committed to fighting Nohr. Lets contrast this with Radiant Historia, which is shaping up to be an amazing story. I'm five hours in to that game, and both sides are already extremely nuanced, and with just two nations. On the "evil" Empire side you have this Queen who does nothing, but then her two generals run the show behind the scenes and are shown to be generally competent people, and nothing has suggested that they're evil. In the "good" country, meanwhile, its pretty obvious that the church that rues the nation is now hugely corrupt, and the leader is just a puppet. There are good people and bad people in each country, and the conflict doesn't happen because one nation wants more land, it happens because they need to fight. It isn't that one country has its token Camus, either. I'm not saying the bad guy country shouldn't be blatantly pure evil; Path of Radiance pulled that off fine, by giving Daein motivations beyond "well the King is possessed". No one goes to war just to conquer, and thats basically why Nohr went to war here.

    Yep, these games have basically zero politics in their stories. Even the simplest question, why are Nohr and Hoshido at war, doesn't have an answer. It's nuts, even Awakening gave backstory on the conflict between Plegia and Ylisse and gave Walhart a political reason for wanting to conquer the world. The worst part is that you have the seeds right there, with the crop issue, the political conflict within the Nohrian family,

    the inner issues of having Mikoto and Aqua accepted by Hoshido,

    all mentioned but never examined further.

    The story also suffers from having nothing explained about Anankos or the religions of Dawn/Dusk/Silent Dragon worship, until literally the last two chapters of Revelation when you get a half-assed attempt at justifying Anankos and Valla's existence.

  9. What exactly did you dislike about Birthright?

    Conquest is my favourite of the three versions because the gameplay is amazing, possibly the most fun in the series, even if the difficulty gets a bit cheap near the end. There's a lot of creativity in map design and objectives. The characters are a lot more interesting, especially once you start going through supports. The story is pretty bad, but I still think it's the "best" of the three because it's not boring and at least tries something new, even if the execution is poor. If you can look past that, get it. The gameplay is seriously worth it.

    Birthright in comparison to me was still fun but way too easy, and the story was average at best. Revelation is completely boring in gameplay and story, only get it if you care about getting all the characters or seeing Nohr/Hoshido supports. Otherwise I'd say reading a story summary or watching a playthrough is better.

  10. My opinion on Miyamoto is that he's someone very important to video games who has earned respect and admiration, but has quite an old-fashioned view on how to make games which doesn't really work in the medium anymore, it having evolved so much in such a short time.

  11. I got this when it went up, finally after so long wanting to play it but not wanting to pay ridiculous prices for a physical copy.

    Just finished with the beginning stuff at Colony 9, I'm enjoying the characters and setting more than XCX so far. It feels like a classic JRPG story which I'm looking forward to. The quests though... I've just been taking all of them and letting the conditions be filled as I go. I'm glad it automatically gives you the reward without having to go back to the NPC.

  12. I think posting and discussing here and elsewhere on the internet is the best we can do. I mean, even with how successful Awakening was they still heard the criticism and took steps to improve on those areas. Hopefully they'll keep listening.

    Filling in surveys from Nintendo is also good, if you come across one. They usually have a section where they ask for comments.

    Btw, welcome!

  13. My feel is that this game will indeed be free to play and you'll get plenty of characters and weapons to beat the game without the need to put a single cent, but it would be a hell of a nightmare to beat using just the free stuff. Want to recruit the Seth/Titania-esque character? That's worth a dollar. Brave Weapons? Another dollar. Psychic Staff? Fifty cents.

    I can also see a much heavier focus on My Castle, and you'll be able to buy legacy characters so they hang out with your army.

    You have to pay $5 to recruit the thief. $1 every time you want him/her to open a chest.

    But in seriousness... I hope it's not that bad, in that characters or maps are locked unless you pay. I would be OK with rare weapons being purchasable, like maybe you normally just get one Brave Lance but you can buy more for $1 each. I could see there being more accessories that you need to buy. They could also just do what they've been doing and make you pay for the ability to grind money and EXP. But basically I want the game to be playable from start to finish without needing to spend money, if it's not going to be a full FE campaign.

  14. I guess what I meant is that Fates constantly struggles between trying to be a serious story about war, and a Saturday morning cartoon where the chosen yet relatable hero has an epic adventure to beat the evil dudes. It wasn't a good mix. I appreciate the dark elements and the concept, but the overall execution feels like they were afraid to go too far in that direction. The endings really show this. They're much too simple and happy considering the shit that goes down in both routes.

  15. Actually I wonder if this is related to that magazine that reported FE15 was being worked on. Maybe they got news that there was a new FE game announcement coming up and assumed it was the next main entry.

    The logo is nice but I wish I could tell what it's supposed to be. Could be a shield.

  16. I'm shocked. I have no idea what to think. I really don't think it'll be a full game, because why wouldn't they release it on 3DS as well in that case? I could see it being a My Castle sim but more focused on the multiplayer battling aspect. Hope we get more details soon.

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