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Book Bro

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Posts posted by Book Bro

  1. You'll be paying more if you get both physical.

    As for the DLC, I'm not exactly sure how it works as Nintendo hasn't brought this point up at all afaik. But if I had to guess, I would say the DLC won't be shared between two physical copies since they're considered two separate games. Maybe you should email NoA or ask them on one of their social media pages. :/

  2. So apparently there's still some 3DS games in development

    Even though I didn't vote for it, I think it's the perfect time for a Gaiden remake. They have the Awakening/Fates engine ready to go and FE hype seems to be going strong. Gaiden's been getting nods with Valm and Dread Fighters/Witches. Hopefully IS will surprise us.

  3. In Hoshido: Leon, Camilla, Niles

    In Nohr: Oboro, Kaze, Scarlet

    Forgot Kaze is in both routes :D

    I am going to miss Leo, Odin, and Niles a hell of a lot. When I play Birthright. I'm going to play both Conquest and Birthright side by side to alleviate that.

    Ha, I also came to this decision after not being able to choose. :)
  4. Something about how he described sibling S ranks makes me wonder... He says NoA wouldn't confirm or deny sibling marriages being there, and just replied with the same comment that "certain things have been changed." Could sibling S ranks have been changed to platonic paired endings? As far as I know A+ ranks don't have actual written supports, so maybe that's why they would still be classified as S and not A+...

  5. Voted FE4 because it's the one I most want to play through. I was playing it but I'm not a fan of emulators, I would enjoy it a lot more being able to play it properly. And I would like some fine tuning of the trading/gold systems. Not sure if it's the right time, I definitely don't think an avatar and a bunch of fanservice would fit. I think Elibe is better suited to the current style of the series tbh. But I would be fine with any remake as long as it's handled with care. I wonder if it's too late for one to be released this generation... Maybe after FE15.

  6. I loooooooooooove the part where all the soldiers are in their own epic battles in the beginning because I remember feeling so freaking excited like "HOLY SHIT FIRE EMBLEM AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"

    Seeing it always reinvigorates my excitement for the games.

    For real, that was an amazing Nintendo Direct opening. I remember being confused at first and then thinking it was SMTxFE I couldn't have been more wrong before it transitioned into the gameplay. And then I was all hype.

    It's been a long wait for this game.

  7. It's confirmed. NoA (Treehouse?) hates the French.

    I assumed it is. Denis is a French name pronounced similar to "Duh-NEE". If you look up the song "Denis" by Blondie (a cover of Denise with the gender-swapped), that's how it's pronounced.

    I preferred Denis, but Donnel was fine. Now... Benny? I was fine with Donny because it's a nickname in-universe, but... Benny?!

    And now they changed Garou (fr. "werewolf", from loup-garou) to wolfskin!

    I'm actually glad about the change. I wonder what Managarmr will end up as.

    And then they changed Eponine (though given how you pronounce "-nine", I get what they were going for). Way to get rid of a nice Les Mis reference, NoA!

    So yeah, NoA's hatred of the French confirmed.

    KIdding. But Benny really irks me.

    Next up: Soleil is changed to Sunny

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