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Book Bro

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Posts posted by Book Bro

  1. My guess is that the stuff beyond the southwest wall, as well as the area south of the mountains on the right half are two other countries. The river or the forest south of Nohr may also mark a natural border and the area could be yet another country.

    I'm assuming Hoshido is the largeish area in the top right, in which case it's interesting that it seems to have a wall big enough to appear on its own on the map around its capital inside its own borders.

  2. Werewolves,maybe,as Werewolves have always been related to Europe, or maybe even Vampires, but that's a stretch.

    D: I so want a vampire that turns into a giant bat! I doubt it though. >_<

    Although I'd be scared they would make the character a super cheesy vampire. Bravely Default pulled it off well IMO.

  3. I love it. Not only is it a nice change from the usual FE setting but I've always been interested in Japanese culture and Asia in general. I hope future games take inspiration from other real world cultures as well. Personally being latinamerican I would love to see some Amazon/Aztec/Mayan inspired countries and characters.

  4. Is it not the box that shows in the home menu for the game? Like how Awakening had the blue mark of the exalt.

    Edit: oh, misunderstood, we're wondering what it means... And well I don't know :P

    For some reason it looks a little like a zodiac to me, and the logo on the top screen shows the Yatogami and a background of the night sky full of stars... Hmmm... Could it be something like FE4's holy blood chart?

  5. OMG Tsubaki looks amazing!! His armour is so badass. Nishiki too, hope his fox tribe is a little more detailed than the taguel.

    If it a wolf and a dude, his name should be Remus. Fits Roman stuff to a t

    Or we can just go with Romulus.

    I want this!

  6. After twenty years of the same mechanics, IS thinked that could be nice to improve something.


    Thank you. It's took twenty fucking years for see something new!

    I understand your point but I'd just like to point out they always have changed things throughout the history of the series.

  7. Nice work!

    So Dragon's Vein points update shops and stuff? I think that would be good for people who don't want to mess with My Castle, assuming you can earn the points in regular story battles. All you would have to do is go in and update the shops whenever you want to buy more weapons, without having to spend a lot of time in there.

    I didn't notice the feature that lets you buy generic allies... that seems to defeat the purpose of FE. Does this mean no Bonus Box like in Awakening? Even if those were basically generics at least there was the illusion that they were real characters.

    I've been very critical regarding Kozaki's designs this game, but damn, he really did nail Marth (and Ike who can be seen on the Japanese website).

    He is very good at drawing other characters in his style, I would love to see him do all the lords that are showing up as bonus content this time.

  8. Thanks SoC, did Gamexplain use your video without permission or something? That's really shitty of them if so.

    I'm still hyped for My Castle. I wonder if the different scenery is based on where you are in the story or if you can change it freely. Kinda hope it's the former so it's not as jarring going from a snow chapter to your summer retreat base. I want to know more about Lilith too, I wish it was playable outside of the base battles as I will probably never use that feature since I never get StreetPasses.

    I'm feeling mixed about the hot springs.

    I was looking forward to it before this video, but if they all they say is "wow it's so hot" "ooh relaxing" "I luv the warm water" then it will be nothing but wasted potential. It is a great chance for us to see the units interact in a relaxed environment and show new aspects of their characters, but if all they do is talk about how they are in a bathhouse and/or chase Kamui out then it is beyond pointless.

    Good point, I agree. Hopefully there's still some special conversations that take place there as well that are a little more interesting.

    As far as the face rubbing, I'm sad to see it's pandering to the avatar even in their reactions. And I thought Robin was bad...

  9. I may have overacted a tad, sorry on that.

    But regardless I think we'll still have more older FE stuff, it's just they are showing the Awakening related stuff to grab their eye I think personally.

    I'm just tired of people complaining that Awakening ruined everything.

    No worries. It's not that I think Awakening ruined the series, I'm just tired of having it be such a big deal everywhere, especially because they never did that with any of the other games. As an example, it would've been easy for them to put Lyn, Eliwood, and Hector in Sacred Stones to appeal to their new international fanbase, and while I probably would have liked seeing them at the time in the long run I appreciate the fact that they used to not worry about that sort of thing and just made each game how they wanted. At the same time I acknowledge it's necessary to keep people interested but there's a point where it starts to be too much.

    Edit: oh and I'm not saying Awakening cameos in general would make me angry, just that I hope they're a few and treated like the Whitewings in Gaiden and not as major characters

  10. Yet someone like me who likes all the games is going Hoshido first because it looks more appealing, you are overreacting. Awakening kinda pandered to EVERYONE, or do you forget the spotpass stuff? The various references to every single FE universe?

    Don't misunderstand, I'm not saying Hoshido is only for newbies, that's just what they've been saying. I'm going on both routes and I prefer the Hoshido characters.

    Yes Awakening did that, but if so far has only shown Ike and Marth (and mentioned Minerva), as opposed to Lucina, Robin, maybe-Severa, and maybe-Inigo. There will probably be more legacy characters, and I am just assuming Luna and merc are legit story characters, so you're right they could just be bonus characters as well.

    Awakening was a massive success and yet here you are complaining they may be giving Awakening fans a treat after nearly the other half of the fandom has utterly shit on them.

    Giving them a treat is fine, but giving them five candies and spreading another five candies among fans of 1-12 is unfair.

  11. It's the same. There's also Jake who travels to Jugdral and Elibe, the Whitewings who travel to Valentia, Zeke who was previously mentioned. Hell, Luthier even appears in the manga of FE1. We also need to take into account that these two might not even be Severa and Inigo, just a little nod to their fans.

    Aimee is just a merchant, the equivalent would be them reusing the Awakening merchants, or if instead of Aimee it had been Merric, Linde, and Minerva who appeared and were playable in Tellius.

    Jake, I'm not sure about his role in Jugdral, but it's also not the same between Archanea and Elibe because he goes from playable character to shout-out. So if someone in if talked about their sweetie Frederick or something.

    But yes Gaiden is the same situation. I mean, I'm not gonna lie, with so much pandering to Awakening it does feel a little like IS doesn't care about the old games anymore. They made a whole version with the idea that Awakening fans needed one to themselves (this is what they've said not me hating on casuals), they hired the same artist, they upped the waifu features, they added Casualer Casual Mode, Awakening is the first game to be featured in Cipher besides the original, now there are Awakening cameos in if. Like yes Awakening saved the series blah blah but it's one game in a series of 14, it doesn't have to be shoved in our faces this much.

  12. Where are all the people supposedly overreacting? I'm just seeing the occasional disappointed post like mine, and that's more because I thought this was a new world (IS said it was) so it feels forced. I wouldn't like Tellius characters randomly being in it either even though those are my favourite games.

  13. And there is no reason for a npc healer on a certain map? That just happens to have a name and gets better over time.

    Not really when you have probably better healers IMO :/ unless it was like part of the mission to keep them alive or something

  14. ^ yeah just as pointless as having map objectives or lava tiles, or thieves getting to chests or npc allies ect. Its a map feature that happens to be a character that can level. how is that pointless?

    Well not really, there's a reason behind all those things... I know we know literally nothing about Lilith right now but my first impression is that it just exists as another mini-game type thing. Can you battle your Lilith against other players to win something? Does it give Kamui stat boosts as it levels up? These are things that would make it not pointless so I hope there's more info soon.

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