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Book Bro

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Posts posted by Book Bro

  1. I would be lying if I said my hype was still strong for this game. On the one hand, almost all of the story gameplay and trailers I've seen look really really good. On the other, there is an overwhelming amount of otaku and Awakening fanservice that it puts a huge blemish on the game for me. Not only because I dislike waifus but also because it makes me feel like the game won't stand on its own and will depend too much on said fanservice. Personally, I'm still looking forward to the game, but it's definitely not the same feeling I had with the first two trailers-- I actually thought it had the potential to compete with Tellius which for me personally are my favourite games. Now I don't think so because even if the story and gameplay are perfect, I won't be able to get over the fanservice even if it's "optional content". Like I said I'm still going to play it and maybe I'll be wrong, but for now that's the impression I've been given by what I've seen.

    Bottom line make your own decision about the game but don't act like all negative opinions are just salty trolls.

  2. Not happy that they've let you S rank your siblings. Though not entirely surprised either. Their new vision seems to be absolute player worship.

    A+ ranks sounded interesting at first. Seems like they're just "best friends" supports between the royals and their subordinates. Wonder why A rank wasn't enough for that.

  3. My biggest fear for this is that marriage and children will now become a staple for Fire Emblem, and they will remain in all future releases of the franchise...

    I hope not, and especially if remakes of 2, 8, 9, 10 happen down the road. I feel the same about avatars. FE14 is not helping to ease those worries though.

  4. Fire Emblem has changed.

    The core idea is reportedly, and I quote from the Famitsu interview, "making an anime you can live in."

    Seriously? They said this? So now are we allowed to criticize the new direction they're taking with the series without being called elitists? Because I think we can all agree that really is not what FE is about.

  5. You're not supposed to use them all. Having like 5 kids is entirely possible if you plan ahead of time.

    I know, but what I dislike is that I can't recruit them otherwise. Every other game (except Shadow Dragon, and I also dislike needing to sacrifice units there) lets you recruit everyone save maybe one or two characters in a single playthrough, going through the story regularly. I like recruiting everyone even if I don't use them, but Awakening makes it a chore.

  6. Why the hell do people think the children needed grinding in Awakening? If you've been training their parents, they should have good enough bases to get a few levels in their own paralogue. They have an internal level of 0, a displayed level of 10. They're combat ready from the moment you get them.

    I have to grind S ranks at the very least. I can't use all the mothers and their partners and get them all to S rank at a reasonable time just going through the story. If I want the kids to have good skills that's more grinding.

  7. I really don't like it. S supports are a good idea but not when they only result in marriage. It forces all the conversations to go a certain way or to force a proposal in at the last minute. It also took away from the story in FE13 to me because characters were going on cutesy dates and walking in on each other naked in the middle of a supposedly apocalyptic war. Maybe their new writer will make them better, but I doubt it.

    Awakening-style children force you to grind if you want to access a huge chunk of recruitable characters, and more if you want them to be useful. But if you do that means the parents will quickly become outclassed. In FE13 their recruitment wasn't thought out very well IMO so hopefully the pacing is better this time. I also hope their parent/child supports are less filled with teenage angst.

    I don't know how these things will work with the story but to me it seems like they're only included as more unnecessary pandering to Awakening. If they wanted Awakening 2.0 they should've just made a direct sequel.

  8. Tsubaki to Subaki makes no sense. Is Subaki even a real Japanese name/word? At least Kaze and Hana are even though I'm not crazy about Hana.

    Azura sounds way too much like a fan character name. Aqua is much better.

    Harold to Arthur is weird because Harold is already in English and we already have an Arthur and an Artur.

    Usually I don't mind for localization changes but this game is making a lot of seemingly unnecessary ones.

  9. Just catching up on the news... I was kinda hoping they would keep Leon maybe with an accent, and Rinkah seems unnecessary. I can live with those changes and Suzukaze to just Kaze. However Marx to Xander is unacceptable. :(

    Also is Corrin Kamui's English name or just what they named him? Not a fan if it's the official name.

    The gameplay looks great though. If only we were getting it this year.

  10. I don't really like the name change, it seems a little uninspired. Something like Fates of the ___ Wars/Kingdoms would've been better. Oh well. I'm hoping the voice acting will be good, Awakening set the bar high. The singing though... No like.

  11. Wind Waker hype

    I don't have the Wii U version and not even sure if I'll get either version but this is cool. If I were to buy one I would probably go for the Wii U but if WW characters are 3DS/link exclusive that'd be a bummer. I definitely wouldn't buy both.

    Also I'm of the opinion female Link is unnecessary especially since there's so many awesome female Zelda characters that aren't just gender swaps of some dude, as this game has proven in its roster.

    It's kinda funny how people were expecting TP 3D and then we get this. Never try to predict what Nintendo will do!

  12. I would like Pieri more if her hair style was less crazy. I like the multicolour but the super messy pigtails seem so out of place, idk that's weird to say I guess. Also not a fan of dual personality characters that are supposed to be cute because of it but I'll give her a chance. Cyrus is definitely my main cav tho.

  13. From the Fire Emblem General in 4chan:

    Razwald (what the fuck)

    Class: Mercenary

    Personal Skill: (something illegible) Dance Can use a support command that grants every ally within two squares of him +1 to strength and speed. Lasts one turn only.

    He loves girls, and spends his days off hitting on women. He's great at dancing, and can use a special command in battle.

    (I used the word support in his personal skill description but it isn't related to actual supports).


    Class: Dark Mage

    Personal Skill: (???) If he is equipped with a weapon composed of 8 kanji, +10 to crit.

    A spellcaster who spends his days developing awesome critical attacks. He is easily riled up for battle, and can lose control of his power.

    They're not even trying to hide it anymore

  14. Zero does indeed look cool. I'm a little disappointed with Pieri, I thought she was going to look different (short hair and less young). Here's hoping we've seen the entirety of the cameo characters now. At least they look good. I still find it weird that Odin/Owain is a dark mage.

  15. I really hope it's them. I found the quality of the writing in Awakening to be superb. Not the narrative, but the script's diction and sentence structure. It was well done.

    Does NOA mention who is taking charge of the translation ahead of time?

    I dunno, if it's them I hope they use less modern slang. I don't really like it in medieval fantasy settings. At the risk of sounding like I'm nitpicking, it sometimes felt a little too jarring in Awakening.

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