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Book Bro

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Posts posted by Book Bro

  1. Oh right, the mobile game is the other I haven't played. I see... So this is a prequel to the prequel of the series. Well... All right. -_-

    From what I remember after BBS Aqua is lost wandering in the darkness and she calls out to Sora for help. So I guess she somehow gets out on her own? I kinda assumed Sora would rescue her in KH3.

    Thanks for the explanations Water Mage, Hero-King, DavidSW! :P

  2. Instead of more supports, I agree with Quintessence that we need better supports, and better character development. I think we can all agree the characters are something that appeals to all fans of FE. And there's potential there to have really interesting characters, but I also feel like too often in the 3DS games that's left on the back burner to have "hilarious" stuff like people walking in on each other while bathing or making bad jokes.

    Base conversations would also be good. Instead of spending resources writing so many meh supports just so everyone can marry everyone, write a few quality supports and then write base conversations that develop the characters and the world. Also, the narrator needs to come back. I hate that each chapter in the 3DS games is set up with a 2-3 sentence blurb.

    Cutscenes have come a long way since Tellius, but please don't waste them on unnecessary stuff like booty shots and little sisters giggling. They should be used to advance the plot and show the biggest/important events.

    Otherwise, I agree that mission variety and remakes are good for the series. Game length is fine with 30ish chapters, but Paralogues/gaiden chapters should go back to being like in the GBA games, expanding the story and being unlocked if you meet certain gameplay requirements. The 3DS paralogues feel too disjointed from everything.

  3. If humanity has taught me anything, it's that we are a bunch of hypocrites and we do many things "out of character". Xander being so flawed makes him all the more human. His lack of consistency basically shows that he's a far less flat, robotic, character than the rest of the cast.

    The thing for me is that most of his flaws and hypocrisies aren't presented as such by the game. I feel like we're supposed to see him as flawed only in that "he can't decide between his duty and his morals" but like... The game paints him as honourable, when he does mostly dishonourable things. He makes speeches about justice being an illusion while displaying a sense of justice when it's convenient for him. He whines about Kamui (and Camilla in Rev) betraying Nohr when it's him and his dad who are harming the country, but even after he's defeated Kamui decides Xander was right after all. The game never questions Xander or shows these inconsistencies as part of his character development.

  4. Xander is a coward and that speech is filled to the brim with hypocrisy. First of all, Xander's behavior is all over the place in the main story, and as such you never know what the writers will want to make him say next; in chapter 6, he wants Corrin to join Conquest to put an end to the war quickly and with as little bloodshed as possible, only to then scold Zola for wanting to do the same thing but with even less bloodshed, all so that he could have his supposed honor intact. Xander is a despicable character that tells himself what he needs to hear in order to sleep at night; he's the weakest and most cowardly character in any Fire Emblem game I've played, and he even goes so far as to kill himself rather than to take responsibility for his own actions.

    Preach brother!

    Xander is so bad in the story that I can't even bring myself to like him for the supports like I can with Azura.

  5. Also, have I found fellow Hinata Lovers?

    Hinata is best waifu.

    How could you hate such a down-to-earth guy? Plus I dig that he actually gets defense. Even if he's not the best swordie ever, he can tank pretty good. I've used him as a Weapon Master in previous runs, wanna try him as a Blacksmith next.

  6. I dislike Nyx because of her voice clips (she's always yelling at me for no reason wtf) and her dialogue is mostly annoying, like I get it you're old and bitter. I wanted to like her because her gypsy design is great, but even that is made weird by her appearance supposed to be that of a child. I only used her in my Revelation run to marry her to Jakob and their supports were actually good, so I dunno, maybe she isn't that bad but she makes a terrible first impression.

    Yukimura is cool. I don't get why people dislike him either.

    For me personally, Orochi is one of my favourites so it was surprising that she was the least popular character in the Japanese poll.

  7. Meh, in my opinion:

    1. The content didnt have to be spread out across three games. There's a lot of filler just to make the three paths the same length. In Birthright and Revelation especially.

    There's also the argument to be made that Radiant Dawn was also a long ass campaign that featured opposing playable armies and it was all included in one package.

    2. Birthright and Conquest both fail to resolve plot points that come up in each path and that are relevant to the story of each path, like the beginning video with Azura, her song, Garon's evilness, etc. So I can't say I feel they're standalone, complete stories. Also, Revelation is obviously the canon path, the main villain and true threat are both reserved for that path.

    3. I mentioned it in another thread, but I don't think there needs to be a version divide between new players and older fans. I think if the game is good we can all enjoy it for what it is, even if it isn't exactly like our favourite game. I like Conquest the most of the three paths, but I would've preferred one version with grinding available if it meant a more polished story, better pacing, etc.

    4. I actually see it the opposite, Pokémon not being a cash grab. Those games don't encourage you to get all versions, because connecting with players who have the other version to get the monsters that aren't in your version is a major part of the gameplay. The story is pretty much always the same across versions so you don't miss anything there.

    But with Fates, if you want to get the whole story and get the whole playable cast, you need to buy all versions, and the game really pushes that on you with constant "I wonder what siding with the other country would've been like..." and teasing answers being in the other versions.

  8. It makes sense if Roy was to be added, with his amiibo and Smash bros status and all. But if Sigurd were to be added I'd get hyped for a remake. Please?

    Goddamnit, never mind...

    Hahha sorry to be a downer! But still, it is weird that Sigurd is there over more popular/known lords like Robin, Chrom, or Lyn even. Who knows, maybe it could be hinting at a remake? I sure hope so!

  9. I personally don't believe "casual" or first-time players would be turned off from objectives that aren't just rout/defeat boss, so I don't even know why they decided Birthright needed to have only that. FE15 should have a variety of objectives.

    As far as grinding, I felt that even though it was available in Birthright it didn't feel necessary, unlike in Awakening where to me it felt like I had to grind because of how skills worked and the fact that children felt more like main game units. In Birthright and Revelation, skills are easier to get both through reclass and online castles. The kids are totally separate from the story so I don't feel like I'm missing important units by not grinding for them. I think what could work is having grinding be more limited on higher difficulties, like maybe on Normal there's unlimited opportunities to grind, on Hard you have limited opportunities, and on Lunatic there isn't any grinding at all. That or save it for the postgame with SS-style dungeons or PoR bonus maps. The only thing I would want is for it to be implemented as an extra for those who enjoy it, not as a requirement for content that's relevant to the main game.

    Basically I don't think there needs to be a gap between "casual" players and "traditional" fans. I enjoyed FE8 and 14 even though they weren't always traditional FEs, and many newbies enjoyed Conquest even though it wasn't the same as Awakening. FE15 should just do its own thing instead of trying to please everybody like FE14.

  10. I like the Rainbow Sage's speech in Conquest:

    Never forget that life is the most precious gift of all. Protect it. Cherish it. And whether your path is bathed in light... or in the gentle veil of darkness... Allow yourself to be happy. This is such a lovely world... Don't take it for granted. Do this, and your soul shall give hope to the future, brave prince/princess... Do this, and it will shine brightly with all the colors... of the... ... ...

    That was on point and at the time seemed like it was setting up Kamui to be a tragic character.

  11. I get why you would want to choose Revelation first, but you really should start with the other two routes. World-building and character development in the story are minimal as it is, but it's practically non-existent in Revelation. The pacing is way off too, you'll get bunches of units thrown at you and it'll probably be harder to decide who you want to use. You aren't missing anything by going back and doing the other two routes first, but you probably will feel weird doing Revelation first after a few chapters.

  12. They were still marching back to their countries, making the excuse of a request for military aid weak. Pelleas says to Micaiah they are answering Begnion's request to wipe out the laguz alliance, and Micaiah ambushes them while they are retreating trapping them between them and Begnion. Just like a hunt.

    Dirty tactics maybe, but the attack still isn't racially motivated, so calling it a sub-human hunt is inaccurate. They would've done the same if it had been a beorc army, I'm sure.

  13. Bullshit. Sothe sees it for what any sane person would see it as, and so should Micaiah, if she's sane.

    You keep saying it's obligation bla bla bla, i don't give a shit. If i'm the leader of a group and my obligation is suddenly to do some fucked up shit then i'm out. If i stay, then people have the right to call me out for the fucked up shit i do.

    This part I agree with. It IS fucked up, but I think the game is clear on that. Micaiah isn't portrayed as being absolutely righteous during part 3. That's the whole point. The game tells us why she's doing what she does, and how she justifies it in her mind, but it doesn't tell us we have to agree or think that's the best option. I can understand her actions while not necessarily agreeing with them 100%.

    To get back to the original topic, that's totally unlike Kamui in Conquest, where the game says "the fucked up thing is how those misguided Hoshidans don't listen to poor Kamui!" Conquest shows us Kamui doing fucked up things too, but tries to tell us they're actually noble and we should see Kamui as a saviour of Hoshido.

  14. Ok maybe I also need to refresh my memory on RD, but when exactly are the supposed sub-human hunts led by Micaiah?

    After part 1, she leads the army against Gallia during the river crossing. Gallia is an enemy of Begnion and therefore Daein. If some of her soldiers express racist anti-laguz sentiment, that doesn't make this a sub-human hunt. There is no racial motive behind this attack. They're defending a crucial point from an enemy army's advance. They're not going out looking for filthy sub-humans to kill for fun.

    Then you have the chapter with the Apostle's army, and the chapter against the Greil Mercenaries. The latter has laguz as members of the enemy's forces, but again, it's not an attack specifically targeting laguz because of racism.

    So...am I missing something?

  15. Shura, Scarlet, and Flora are my favourites. Shura has a cool backstory, Scarlet has great supports, and Flora has great story moments. I wish they had more supports and Scarlet should've been more important in the story.

    I like Yukimura in the story but not as much as the above three. I like Gunter but I feel they mishandled his story bits. I'm indifferent to Reina and Fuga. I don't like Izana.

    I hope this trend of Avatarsexuals stops, it's really a waste of potentially great characters.

  16. In that case, how about those Hoshidan citizens who curse Corrin's name when the Nohrian army breaches the Hoshidan army in Conquest, and while this doesn't count as much as Azura at the same time tries to cheer Corrin up, she does tell Corrin to feel bad for the choices he's made in Conquest.

    Also, Conquest establishes well enough that literally the only reason Corrin is leading the Nohrian army instead of Xander is because Garon wants to make Corrin suffer to sate Ananakos, so I fail to see why this is a problem.

    But right after those Hoshidans curse at Kamui we get the "they don't know I'm doing this for their own good, I must be strong" excuse. It tries to paint them as the ones in the wrong, because surely if they knew Kamui was invading and murdering them out of kindness, they wouldn't have said those mean things to him.

    Azura's support also just stays in the support. We don't see Kamui ever feel bad for what he's done or not done in the story except when he's feeling bad for himself having to obey his evil dad. He even gets over his massive failure at Cheve pretty quick. He never takes responsibility for the shit he causes.

    The whole Garon and Anankos and every villain wanting Kamui to suffer is never explained, so I just see it as more Kamui worship by the plot.

  17. I'm one of those five people on earth who liked Micaiah in the first place, so I stay with my opinion I like her more then Nohrrin.

    Hi, I'm Micaiah fan #2.

    I agree with everything you said Sunwoo. Another thing is that Micaiah recognized she wasn't a natural leader and looked for help. She had a council and listened to her allies. She didn't always make the best decisions but unlike Kamui she also recognized this instead of constantly pitying herself.

    As far as the inevitable Mary Sue comparisons, I never felt Micaiah had this problem until the ending when suddenly revelations about her came from everywhere. Before that she is portrayed as a flawed but well-intentioned character. Kamui though is constantly worshipped by all the characters and the story.


    Woohoo, dissenting vote!

    Can I believe that Corrin is the long-lost heir of another kingdom and makes shitty decisions due to upbringing? Yep.

    Can I believe that Micaiah is the long-lost princess of Begnion and the vessel of a goddess who has miraculous healing powers and can see the future? That's a bit much.

    In other words, Micaiah's premise is so ridiculous that I can't take her seriously as a character.

    Kamui is the prince of three kingdoms, the son of a dragon-god who can himself turn into a dragon, and the focus of everyone of importance in Fates' world.

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