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Book Bro

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Posts posted by Book Bro

  1. So it sounds like we might get what is Japan's downloadable version (single game with locked choice at Ch 6) and have to buy the other separately. Either way, we only buy one version up front.

    I am okay with this.

    This would still displease me as it's basically making us pay to unlock content already on the cart we bought. Plus since Nintendo's eShop service locks downloads to your console and not your account it might create problems for people with more than one 3DS. It is better than having two versions though, at least the choice aspect will be in the actual game.

  2. Here's the thing that bothers me though; the guy (/girl) that doesn't wear shoes, for some reason feels the need to wear gloves. And not big gauntlets or something that might have a purpose, just thin, black gloves. Maybe the whole thing is just some kind of fashion statement?

    XD For some reason I find this hilarious. I guess when you have dragon blood you just don't give a shit. Explains Nowi's outfit too while we're at it.

    I still like the Kamuis but it's getting harder to take the design seriously when you get down to these odd details.

  3. I don't think she'll be playable, it was probably a one time thing since Awakening was all about the fanservice. And tbh I like her better when she's just a shopkeeper/menu girl, she got pretty annoying in Awakening. >_> She'll probably be in charge of the DLC menus again.

  4. I really don't think more fanservice is the answer to fanservice. Rather than just making both genders sex objects, they should just focus on making good design choices that can please everyone. You can admire a character's looks without having to drool all over them, seriously.

    Totally agree, it'd also be nice to have more characters that aren't super beautiful that are still likeable. Of course when waifus are involved you pretty much have to make your cast be cute. Although some of the possible recruits seem to be more varied in terms of looks (Ganz, the ninja assassin guy).

    I generally prefer characters not to be sexualized in their design unless there's a reason for why they dress that way. It makes sense for Sonia for example to dress in a revealing outfit. It makes less sense for Camilla since she's a physical warrior who rides a Wyvern but I'm gonna wait to learn more about her before making a judgment. The outfit itself isn't the best in terms of design admittedly.

  5. What I wonder about is how differently each game will play as a result of the World Map only being included in Hoshido. When you think about the possibility (which is now more valid due to the 6 skill slots) of reclassing returning, how different the significance of class change in each game would be.

    Exactly, I'm wondering will Hoshido be built around grinding or will it just provide the option to grind? I'm thinking the difference between Sacred Stones and Awakening. You didn't need to grind at all in SS, while Awakening built its mechanics around the assumption that the player will have to do some grinding to achieve the best results.

    It seems a little like adding unnecessary work to the development if Hoshido is like that and Nohr has a totally different set of guidelines, so I'm thinking (and hoping) the skill system among other things may have changed and grinding won't be so necessary.

  6. Because people like it, when Smash included Robin over Chrom you should know how popular the Avatar character is. Not to mention the inclusion further more popularized Robin. They are trying to retain the audience that was created by Awakening, sample as that.

    Yeah I know I'm in the minority. I just don't get why people like it. :/

  7. If a current AT gets promoted to playable it's gonna be Takamaru. Sakurai just said in an interview recently (before the Direct) he would have made it if he was more well known. And honestly, the guy is so cool that I'd be psyched even though I haven't played his game.

    However, there's also a cut AT that should make the leap and his name is Isaac!

  8. Having and MU actually immerses me more because i feel like i'm actually part of the game instead of an outsider just watching the story unfold.

    That's the selling point, but as long as the avatar is treated as a legit character how is it any different from just not having one? Like what about Robin for example makes it any easier to feel like you're part of the story than say just having Chrom and Lucina? (Serious question, not trying to sound rude.) Robin still has his own personality and history. He doesn't represent me any more than Chrom does, but since he is supposed to he ends up feeling like a Mary Sue (excuse the term, I hate it too).

    To me, I've always felt that FE already did a good job of making you feel personally involved since you have complete control over all the characters including trying to keep everyone alive as you grow more attached to them (classic mode only I guess).

    Anyway, maybe Kamui will change my mind if this choice-making is executed well enough. I'm just going to approach him/her as a regular lord though.

  9. Yeah I'm not a fan. I don't get the point of avatars in FE. It doesn't immerse you in the story any more than not having one. In fact to me it's less effective because it's simultaneously trying to pretend the avatar is the player but also treat them as a real character. Like, Kamui has this whole backstory and ties to this world, but I'm supposed to feel like this is me? It just doesn't work. Even with the "choices", and them saying the avatar takes them to a whole other level and makes them more personal... I mean, I wouldn't have a problem empathizing with just a regular lord in that position.

    The customization is also pretty meh because as Robin proves, and now Kamui, the character is still gonna be referred to and portrayed as their default by IS/Nintendo anyway.

  10. Honestly I hope the game will be casual as fuck to further the bad taste you got from Awakening. lolis, waifus, anime cliches, big asset, grinding, 500 DLCs, OP mechanics and other more! Bring it! Hopefully the trailer is a false impression and that the true story is very generic.

    Edit: Hopefully there also an Fire Emblem if: my two imoutos is too kawaii for me so I can't choose side: The Animation.

    Lol ummm what? You hope the game is literally generic garbage just to spite people who disliked Awakening? You're saying you don't care at all about what the game is like as long as you can have a waifu. At that point why even play FE? Go play a proper dating sim.

  11. How dare Nintendo go and have two versions of a game outside of pokemon. It's not like they've ever done something--



    Doesn't mean we have to like it.

    It's also a bit different because at least the Oracle games were basically two different Zelda games with their own stories. This is one story being split in two and released separately, when FE has a history of doing multiple paths in a single package.

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