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Book Bro

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Posts posted by Book Bro

  1. I hope the rating isn't because of Camilla but because of a more mature story. But it's probably Camilla. ._.

    In that case, it should be ok to get T without censorship, right? Hyrule Warriors is T and Cia is just as boobtastic. Bravely Default being censored was I imagine due to the chibi models looking a little too much like children.

  2. They'll probably just call it Fire Emblem: Hoshido and Norh

    This is my greatest fear apart from them just calling it Fire Emblem for Nintendo 3DS. I want a cool title to go with the rest of the games. ;/

  3. I don't like amiibos so hopefully they just give you a random item that's rare in-game but still obtainable, or I'd be fine with them adding customization options for the avatar to look like compatible characters since I don't care much for that either.

  4. First more objectives=better map design? Secondly most of the mentioned objectives are simply in essence, extra lose conditions, (or in the case of sieze is just bring your lord after beating boss) they can be and are often interesting, but they like everything need to work with the map and unit placements.

    I didn't mean they go together, I just get the impression they're going to have both more objectives and better maps (bc they're saying the difficulty will be high, which I'm hoping is bc less wide open fields and not just OP enemies).

    I also hope the objectives are implemented well so it's not super easy to just rout everyone instead.

    Will you still be allowed to play casual mode if you go with Nohr?

    Nohr version, Marx only, classic mode. Go back to Hoshido, scrubs.

    But yes I assume casual will be there and easy/normal/hard as well. :P

  5. I feel like Hoshido is built under the assumption that "fans who started with Awakening" would dislike better map design and more objectives. Which is probably wrong. I don't see how anyone could dislike that, especially if you can freely change difficulty now. Unless they figure most people who buy Hoshido based on similar gameplay to Awakening will eventually also buy Nohr just to have the complete experience and will then be more likely to buy future FE games that aren't like Awakening.

  6. I'd like to think they won't be in every game. IMO the less important the avatar is to the story, the better, but maybe Kamui will change how I feel about that. Ideally with an avatar character I'd prefer it to be somewhere between Mark and Kris, a regular unit you can customize that occasionally has dialogue/interactions with the main characters. Robin felt more like, say, if Lyn had been the "avatar" in FE7 instead of Mark, he was just too prominent and had too much of a personality to work as a stand in for the player.

    Edit: the avatar might fit in the Jagen role actually

  7. And again: I feel like once you finish Nohr, that's it. Since there's nothing to do grind-wise, or what we assume will be skirmish-wise, you beat the game, that's it. I feel like all the hard work up to that point is for nothing: I can't tell you how many times I've done random arisen encounters on Awakening, even though I've already beat Grima: it's still entertaining. Which, I think is why I'll be rooting for Hosido: It's looking like it's hinted this sorta thing will be with that version.

    Beating the game is the payoff. The concept of postgame is fairly new, not sure exactly when it started but all games used to "just" end. IMO FE already has enough replay value that postgame isn't really needed.

  8. Nohr sounds awesome. Thank god. The length of each game sounds fine to me, pretty standard and it's probably not counting side chapters.

    I still don't like how they've essentially decided the new fans absolutely wouldn't buy a harder/less grindy game, it's not even true as there are plenty of new fans more interested in Nohr and old fans interested in Hoshido. Hope casual/classic versions doesn't become a trend.

  9. Hope not, it was terrible with Awakening. I can't remember the last time I'd bought a game at launch before then, but Awakening was the first in the current gen as I'd just gotten a 3DS a bit before in anticipation. Never felt like I had to preorder games before so I didn't with Awakening, but with it and then Bravely Default both being immediately sold out for at least a month I got the impression it was gonna become a trend, so since then I've put in my orders early when I don't wanna risk it.

  10. He was saying 'YOU TRAITOR' in the trailer, Kamui was RAISED in Nohr. No reason to give a damn about Hoshido. To me, it's a nice piece of troll logic. Maybe he is supposed to be a 'generic' loyal solder ? Like, with the personality of it ?

    Yeah I found this kind of ironic. I imagine my own retort going like this:



    It's not like you swore an oath or anything. These guys just show up and expect you to fight to the death with them and you haven't even had lunch with them yet.

    I think, and hope, it will be a little more complicated than that. If Kamui has vague memories of his/her childhood in Hoshido and/or spends time with them before the decision is made, it's realistic there would be a sense of attachment to both sides.

  11. FE exploding with Awakening isn't a reason to suddenly say "HAPPY 25TH ANNIVERSARY" to a series most people haven't been that invested in.

    I would say the opposite. It's the perfect time to hook people waiting for if and increase awareness of the series. I mean even a discount for Awakening and FE7 would have been nice.

    Hell, even a cheesy tweet reminding us those games are on the eShop even without a discount would've been nice!

    Note: I'm not saying NoA owed it to FE or anything like that, I just think it would've been good marketing for the series

  12. Japan has an obsession with making characters older than they look, so I'm guessing everyone is in the 12-18 range.

    Wait, surely you mean younger than they look right? Because I always assume characters to be older than they actually are. ._.

    With that in mind here's my guesses:

    Dancer: Looks 18-19 to me so she's probably 15-16

    Marx: Looks 28-30, prob 20-25

    Camilla: Looks 24-26, prob 18-22

    Blarth: Looks 19-24, prob 16-18

    Onee-chan: Looks 14-15, now I would be surprised if that was wrong but, prob 12 ._.

    Felicia: Looks 16-18, prob 15ish

    Other Felicia: 1 or 2 years older than Felicia or maybe they're twins

    Garon: 10000000

    Kamui: Looks 17-19, prob 15-16

    Old man Camilla: Looks mid to late 40s, prob early 30s -.-

    Ryouma: Looks 25-28, prob 20-25

    Hinoka: Looks 17-19, prob 15ish

    Sakura: Looks 13-14, prob 12 too

    Archer guy: Looks 20-25, prob 16-18

    Kazahana: Looks 18-20, prob 15-16

    Tsubaki: Looks 19-25, prob 18ish

    Saizo: Looks late 20s/early 30s, prob 20-25

    Orochi: Looks 20-25, prob 16-18

    Ruler Lady: Looks early 30s, prob 25-28

    Cravat Guy: Looks 28-30, prob 20-25

    Bonus: Anna will mention her 25th birthday :)

  13. It reminds me of RD especially that scene in the second trailer with the two armies and the last scene in the first trailer. Marx = Zelgius and Ryouma = Skrimir (I find it funny that the commander of the supposedly peaceful nation reminds me of such a hotheaded character).

    Also Genealogy a little with family being a main theme.

  14. I prefer separate music tracks, the ablaze tracks were generally just not as exciting for me as some of the battle themes, but...

    Considering the smooth map to battle transitions that we now have, Ablaze versions seem appropriate.

    This is a good point. And like Ryo pointed out you can hear one map theme (which I really like) in the first Direct which is played in the second Direct as the ablaze version.

  15. I think the reason most people refuse to play them probably has more to do with there being no official way to get the games. Some people don't want to bother with emulators and patches, which is understandable. There's gonna be those people that just won't play them at all because they're not as bright and shiny as Awakening, of course, but I think it would be worth translating at least Binding Blade and New Mystery for the VC. The older games will probably have to wait to be remade unfortunately.

  16. Yeah sorry, I was thinking of the skill rings, not the stat rings, but assuming you can freely trade in if then having rings would be pretty much like reassignable scrolls just...also being able to do it during battle, which could end up being pretty broken, so maybe not. -.-

  17. I'd rather it would be like FE4/9 lol. Maybe have some skill scrolls for some hilarity too.

    I haven't played very far in FE4 but do you mean like the rings? Would it be different from scrolls though? Although, maybe they could have rings be the way to learn non-personal skills and have special events to get them like in 4. And then scrolls are used for learning the class specific skills which become locked to the character once learned? I dunno. :P

  18. Yes please. I'm hoping the skill system is radically changed. I didn't like it being tied to reclass, it just flooded us with a bunch of lame skills and made it a chore to grind up to actually good skill set ups. I don't mind some class skills like Lethality for assassins and so on but I'd prefer something more like RD overall where you have limited skills and have to think about who to assign them to.

    Edit: oh about personal skills, I kinda agree that some should be locked to certain characters but I also like being able to reassign others so a combination of this would be cool to me

  19. Yeah it's a little sad, Nintendo (international) isn't exactly using this surge in popularity to its max potential in regards to the older games. In the North American eShop they just have FE7 even though 8 is on the European one. They should also put Shadow Dragon and Radiant Dawn up ASAP in my opinion, people are hungry for more FE and if isn't coming anytime soon, you can bet they would eat those games up in the meantime. And of course translating at least some of the JP games would be amazing.

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