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Book Bro

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Posts posted by Book Bro

  1. WTF at Phoenix mode. What's the point of that? Normal/casual wasn't easy enough? Idc if my 5 year old cousin couldn't figure it out, FE isn't for children anyway. I'm all for casual mode but this is ridiculous. May as well add a mode where the player can't take damage at all and people would still defend it.

    Why not add a Phoenix Staff in casual mode instead that revives units on the same map? At least then you have to actually think to bring the staff and if your healer dies you lose the ability until the next one. This is still supposed to be a strategy RPG right?

    Weapon durability being gone is also BS. I see no reason to believe that this will be like Gaiden where there were very few weapons. Still hoping it's an option or at least that their reason for removing it will become apparent.

  2. We should be getting official art soon I imagine, and probably names. Hopefully some magazine will have a scoop later this month, since I think the Splatoon Direct is the only one they'll do before E3. Wonder if they'll have it in their presentation/Treehouse?

  3. Nah, I totally get it. It's hard enough being in NA and having to wait for months after Japan gets the game, I'd be annoyed too if I had to wait even longer than other English-speaking regions. Just try not to focus on it too much because that won't make it come any faster and will only make you suffer. :P You could use the wait time to play or replay some other FEs!

  4. When I hear Camilla I think of the vampire (technically Carmilla). Probably because the first time I remember hearing the name is in Castlevania where they sometimes call her Camilla.

    I hope FE Camilla is a vampire.

  5. I'm pretty sure games get released in the US before Europe because the US only needs one language release (English) while Europe needs multiple.

    And moving to If forum.

    NoA handles all of the Americas though which includes French, Spanish, and Portuguese as major languages (well not anymore since they've pulled out of Brazil). But yeah they don't translate all their games to those languages.

    All we can do is hope they're working faster on this since there's more interest in FE now. :/ Maybe we'll learn a date at E3.

  6. If she herself is, yes.

    If something she has is the Fire Emblem, maybe her significance is a "balance" of sorts.

    Yeah I kinda agree with you that she probably has the power to balance or control its power rather than actually "being" it. Especially considering her name like you said. :P

    Another theory I have that kinda goes with this and my feeling that she's hiding something is that she is tied to Kamui's shifting ability and to some extent has control over him/her, maybe through her necklace. And then when she's being choked it's actually Kamui trying to get the necklace from her after discovering the connection.

  7. Haven't done one of these yet so wth let's see what I can come up with

    -light magic

    -no grinding for skills (reworked skill system)

    -different kinds of dragonstones for Kamui

    -weapon durability

    -SS-like dungeons for Hoshido (maybe Nohr can also access them postgame)

    -able to turn off critical cut-ins

    -Tellius-like base (not just random events)

    -able to move Kamui around at the base and interact with units and merchants

    -shove and/or rescue

    -thieves can steal items

    -some large maps with multiple armies and you can command your allies like in Tellius

    -S supports aren't marriage and can also be made between people of the same gender and family members to denote a non-romantic paired ending

    -endings aren't all romantic including for Kamui

    -no plot twist to make Kamui not related to anyone just so s/he can marry family members

    -same sex romantic endings for at least Kamui

    -Kamui is the only one that can support every other unit, everyone else has support partners "that make sense"

  8. Im not expecting Fire Emblem: Game of Thrones edition

    Maybe someday, amirite?

    I love how people are looking at Carmilla as a possible reason for an M-rating. Senran Kagura Burst, when it came to America, is T-RATED, and that game was bursting with fanservice -- clothes damage, massive bust sizes, cleavages and pantyshots (really swimsuit shots) -- basically, those high school girls in that game for the most part make Carmilla look well covered up. And as if Tharja and Aversa from FE13 weren't any better.

    The only reason I think Camilla might have something to do with it is if she's heavily featured in cutscenes, even then that should still be ok for T over here but it might be a factor in the bump up in Japan.

  9. The stone actually is a dragonstone (that's the literal translation) so that's why everyone just assumes Kamui is a manakete. Previously we had laguz in PoR/RD who were like manaketes and taguel but didn't need stones to transform. You could be right about them being different in this game/world though as I imagine Kamui is actually the age s/he appears to be and doesn't need to transform to fight. I could see them not calling it a manakete actually, even if they use dragonstones.

  10. I'm with you. What we know of the story so far makes me hope they keep marriage for the endings as it doesn't sound like it'd make much sense for them to take place in the middle of a rebellion or being invaded. Paired endings that aren't romantic would be nice too.

  11. I'm not worried about there being gratuitous sex/violence, if anything I'm excited for the possibility of a darker story. I am worried about possible censorship if the game is closer to M than T, because I don't think NoA would risk putting out an M rated FE right now, they need it to still be accessible to younger teenagers so it sells well.

  12. This illustrates something that I've noticed in this thread.

    Separating "Awakening fans" from "all other Fire Emblem fans" is really insulting. Awakening is part of the FE franchise, so putting them in some different category implies that they don't belong - and that's awful. They're FE fans. Maybe not the type of FE fan that appreciates all the nuances in Lost Bloodlines, but to be lumped in some separate category, so that a game can be made just for them. . .no.

    I'm pretty sure "the Awakening world map was made to appease the FE8 fans" wasn't the overarching sentiment when Awakening's mechanics were announced.

    I agree with your point but IS has been comparing Hoshido to Awakening specifically. In this case it does seem like they felt they had to make a version just for fans of that game. Which I don't agree with. I think it would've been fine to design both routes with the same gameplay model, keeping some things from the last game and changing others, like they've always done.

  13. It would be spoilers, since most people here need to wait till probably 2016 to play the demo.

    Ahhh it would be amazing if the demo was out around the holidays this year, but that's probably a long shot. ;-;

  14. What I don't get is why people want amiibos to unlock playable characters when Awakening already did that but made it available to everyone, charged less for it, and included maps and sometimes items or skills with it.

    I feel the same about TCG Marth/Lucina/Minerva tbh, they should be available without the cards.

  15. It does seem like they're trying to make it for the Awakening crowd, but IMO they're being too "safe" with it, assuming newcomers wouldn't enjoy a more complicated story (just based on the initial comparison of Nohr vs Hoshido) or changes to the gameplay (linearity, different objectives), which I don't think is true.

  16. I think that I wont use them that much if the steam method is used or just a costume change. how about unique classes, original characters or skill scrolls? that would be a real game changer. Might be asking for much but I do have two FE amiibos and a third I could borrow so i want my moneys worth.

    Only if these were also available for purchase for those of us without amiibos. Having to buy an additional piece of (rare and often overpriced) hardware to access such big content isn't something I want.

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