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Book Bro

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Everything posted by Book Bro

  1. Picked Black Eagles first, favourite is Edelgard closely followed by Dorothea. Recruited Sylvain, Felix, and Ashe from BL among my 2 playthroughs and my favourite is Sylvain. Currently doing my second run with GD, favourite is Lysithea. For the staff, Hanneman is a great character. I really love all the Black Eagles minus Bernadetta though. Wonderful supports and a great story. The Golden Deer are a bit simpler by comparison but I'm growing fond of them too, recruited Marianne and Lys in my first run and love them both, as well as Ignatz, Claude, and Hilda.
  2. Part 2 was even better. Really cool way for fans to get acquainted with characters they may not know.
  3. I mean, she doesn't change in the sense that she knows what her goal is from before the start of the story and it remains the same until the end. But does that make her bland? Absolutely not. In Crimson Flower you get to learn about the events in her past that lead to her doing what she does, witness how she takes power and charge which really sets her apart from other lords, and learn what her vision for Fódlan is and why she isn't simply a villain. Her route is the shortest and the ending is rushed but I enjoyed it a lot. It helps that the characters in BE have really good supports. I'm doing GD as my second run and their supports are a lot less impactful, for example. With BE you get a lot of world building through supports and really interesting character development. It's also fun using Edelgard's personal relic and skill post time skip, which basically is ultra Galeforce.
  4. So cool to get full voiced lines for older characters! Hope they do more of these.
  5. Haha that pretty much describes all of Crimson Flower
  6. Very cool, I expect it to overtake Awakening too. Hopefully this means an even bigger budget for the next game.
  7. I mean you can honestly make up for losing just two units because you can recruit literally everyone else in the monastery if you side with the Church. The actual only reason anyone would side with Edelgard is actually because
  8. I loved choosing this as my first route, but it definitely feels like it's missing content. The Alliance was dealt with far too quickly and both Claude and Dimitri barely show up. TWSITD/Arundel were built up and were dealt with in the epilogue, when they should've been part of the story. We should've seen more of Edelgard wrestling with her guilt over needing them to achieve her goals and finally being able to take them down after assuring her victory over Rhea. It's odd to me that this route feels so incomplete. Still had a blast and it's a huge step up from recent games.
  9. Very random, but I love Sigrun so it's nice she gets her normal version in the game!
  10. Just finished my first Crimson Flower run, got: Edelgard/Hubert: didn't try for it and it's exactly what you'd expect. Cute, but I was curious to see Edelgard with someone else. Caspar/Shamir: felt not necessarily romantic but it was a great ending for them. They basically start a mercenary company together and are famous after the war. Linhardt/Marianne: super sweet. Linhardt moves to Duke Edmund's territory to study Crests and asks for Marianne's hand in marriage, they live happily ever after and are loved by the common folk. Dorothea/Petra: this is amazing! Petra becomes queen, declares independence from Fódlan and Dorothea is her beloved bride helping her do it. Awesome ending for two of my best BE units. Lysithea/Hanneman: now this was a beautiful ending, I'm so glad I got it because I was hooked from their first support. Goes into spoiler territory as to why, but they basically solve a big mystery related to Crests and continue working together until Lysithea inherits Hanneman's research. Felix/Sylvain: the only ending I was let down by. It was kind of sad considering all they worked through in their supports. They basically see each other once after the war and then it's implied Sylvain dies? And Byleth/Sothis, felt really awkward and interrupted the flow of the ending... Byleth is staying alone from now on. I really liked the supports in this game, even the romantic turn in the A conversation mostly felt organic and most of them do a crazy amount of world building.
  11. It's not politics. It's literally just "make more characters that are x". People need to stop getting offended by minorities asking for representation. If it's such a tiny thing as you claim, why get worked up about it?
  12. Sorry but "5 % of the population is gay so there should not be gay people in FE because realism" is a shit argument. First of all, it's a game where 100% of the characters are romanceable if you're straight which is just as nonsensical and also exists solely for fanservice. Why is it only bad to appease fans when it's a minority group? Second, over the entire series that 5% adds up to more than 1 Leon and 1 Heather. So really we should get a bunch of gay characters at once to make up for all the absences over the years. Third, diversity in fiction is always doable. It's a fantasy game, deciding "there's no gay people here" is a conscious exclusion.
  13. FE has had 16 games with like 1 confirmed gay Leon and 1 confirmed lesbian Heather and 1 confirmed Ike x Soren and a few others that have been secretly whispered about/hinted at. Like Dorothea is bi as fuck and even she doesn't straight up say "I love you and want to marry you" to her female same sex possibilities. Yet this lack of representation is somehow more realistic than having a couple gay characters in a game in 2019 where relationships between characters is a feature? Anyone care to tell me why I should worry about a gay character shoving his sexuality in anyone's face when FE has long had the womanizer character trope that is exactly that? Or why a gay character can't be just a regular character that happens to only get romantic endings with other males? It would be nice if the DLC characters that are supposedly coming were bi options, I don't think they'll be patching in any of the base cast to make them bi, which is a shame especially as far as Claude and Dimitri.
  14. This is what I'm getting at. Is this type of character necessary? Is Path of Radiance any worse off because we can't choose the gender of Ike and name him Bobby and because it wasn't "my very own adventure"? IS want to have their cake and eat it too, but all it does is result in characters that don't reach the full potential of a player avatar nor of a fully realised protagonist.
  15. Really bad. Byleth has no expression other than pissed off (male)/doe eyed (female), has no personality, isn't customizable, and is still way too important to the lore to ever feel like "I'm him". Like, if you need an avatar, make a completely irrelevant character who's just a witness to the story like Mark and stop forcing established characters to "stand in" for the player because it doesn't work. Byleth would've been way more interesting if he had opinions on the events of the story, actually spoke or reacted, etc. Story spoiler for chapter 9-10.
  16. Lysithea and Edelgard is really good. I can't imagine Lysithea not leaving the Alliance to fight with the empire, it makes so much sense. Hanneman has amazing world building in his supports with Lysithea, Edelgard, Linhardt, and Marianne. His supports with Manuela are great for different reasons. Linhardt and Marianne is very sweet. Petra has great supports with Caspar and Shamir. Edelgard, Hubert, and Dorothea have generally great supports.
  17. Keep the 3H characters coming. I like all the art... Petra's is a bit off; however I need more Petra in my life so
  18. Based on her route, as I haven't done the others... I love her as a character. I know and accept that she is far from pure and good, but I think she's got her heart in the right place and I do agree that sometimes it's necessary to go deep into the abyss in order to force an overall positive change in the world. Many historical figures I find fascinating for similar reasons. Often times, the people who have done the most to improve our world and society have done so by getting their hands dirty. It's really great to have such a complex lord that's so different from the rest, and I would say she's probably the most realistic of the bunch. Politics is messy and those in power will have to do dark things at some point or another if they don't want to lose it, regardless of the nature of their intentions. Edelgard is working towards a positive outcome that wouldn't be possible without suffering in the short term. I'm curious to see how the other routes will further shape my view on her. Regardless, as a character she's great, whether we consider her a villain or not.
  19. I'm on chapter 13 BE but I gotta say I really want
  20. The CYL3 characters look so good, very excited to pull! I'll be getting Micaiah for free and then trying for Eliwood (that art is amazing), then Camilla (love the redesign), and Alm last because red sword isn't too exciting (still looks great though).
  21. Felix because I wanted to make Cyril the dancer, but couldn't recruit him, and all Felix was the last guy I recruited when I already had an idea of what I wanted for all the others in my house. Also I knew I wanted a guy dancer from the start. I don't regret it, he looks great and it's kind of hilarious with his personality.
  22. I hope the reason this hasn't been getting much attention is because most people haven't gotten to the S supports. I wonder if it'll blow up when people start S ranking and getting those lame endings. I don't expect IS or Nintendo to fix it with DLC which is a shame, and if the next game is a remake of FE4 as is most likely I don't expect them to address it there either. But I'd love to be proven wrong
  23. Supports are possibly the best in the series. The story makes sense. Characters have motivations that are believable. There haven't been meme references as of yet. 3DS seems like a bad dream as far as the writing.
  24. She is incredibly three dimensional and unique among lords. It makes me angry that a lot of people are already reducing her to "man she crazy" just because she's ambitious and doesn't see things in black and white.
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