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Everything posted by Vangaurd

  1. But Joshua is a pwnage SM. He deserves it.
  2. Yes, I admit I would not want to get into a fight with one. TIME TO ROLE PLAY! WHO IS WITH ME YOU NERDS?!?! Just kidding. RPing is worrying to me.
  3. I like Castlevania because sequence breaking is fun. Trying to beat the final boss on level 2 (recommended is around 50-60) can be a bit of a challenge especially because he kills you by thinking about looking at you. Randomly, one of the spelling suggestions for Castlevania on Firefox was "televangelist." Weird lolz. Oh, and linear storylines are FTW. Running around without a purpose is borink.
  4. I like Gerik because he is cool. And he is bad at dying, unlike most of my characters. Does anyone else wonder how much time wist spends typing these essays on the forums? Every post I have seen is at least four beefy paragraphs long.
  5. I liked Ephraim because of his manskirt. I have one of those also and I wear it daily.
  6. I never beat the game enough times to make them super pupils/trainees.
  7. They killed the DVD version by getting new voice actors and changing the script. Of course, I could always just watch it in Japanese with the subs.
  8. We care because this is in a place that has the capability to increase our post count. And this has to do with video games because of the game they are making out of the da Vinci code movie. Duh.
  9. This game seemed to throw a bunch of useless units on you (not like all Fire Emblem games don't do that) such as class redundant ones. I'm not sure if the class change chart helped things or made them worse...
  10. MERCENARIES FIGHT FOR JUSTICE AND HONOR AS PROVEN BY IKE!!1 They must always have good conduct on the battlefield to fight for justice. Only bad guys hug each other while in battle.
  11. Can someone tell me what shoddy battle is? I'm too lazy to look it up on wikipedia.
  12. I don't complain simply because I can't draw that well. But then again, I try to be an artist, so I wouldn't like it if people who drew worse than me made fun of me. As long as they can't draw or are better than me, it's ok though. Oh, and I like big thick black outlines for no apparent reason.
  13. I'm reasonably sure that once you get Duessel, you could beat the game using only him. Same applies to whats his name, the wyvern lord. Cormag. Thanks, Haar. In case you couldn't tell, this post was edited.
  14. anyone care to tell me why there is a quote limit? k thx
  15. That is definitely a LOL moment. If I said I was the prettiest man would you all be jealous?
  16. No. The Japanese hate us, remember? Almost as much as the Cubans.
  17. Vangaurd

    Be honest

    I don't use it unless I'm playing Wii bowling or something where I might actually throw it. Does anyone bother hooking it in properly when you connect the nunchuck? I think that's a waste of time. Plus it makes it a pain in the butt to undo.
  18. I have Aurion_Emblem... of course, he is MORE competent than I am, but that is a small matter.
  19. I voted for all of them because, as a general rule, assassins are major sources of win. And killing you. And because I could.
  20. I have one of those. It sucks. It's only decent stat is HP, which I don't care about. Also, back on topic a bit, I like the story because Ike is a champion of justice. Because mercenaries fight for the power of good in the universe.
  21. so, how much do you think we should hate all the Asian people playing as sheik this time?
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