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Everything posted by Vangaurd

  1. Yes, soon I will take over the world. Once someone tells me what a forum is.
  2. Ah, I see. Thanks for the freaky bandit hugging info.
  3. Holy crap, that's pretty good. The old gif animator that I tried to make sprites wouldn't work, much to my dismay.
  4. I like bosses that spawn craploads of enemies!
  5. Meh, just make sure that your halberdier has wrath and less than 50% HP. also, from my point of view, think about how man halberdier bosser there are, and how annoying it would be if all of them had +15 crit.
  6. Well, to be concise while making a point, at least.
  7. I always wanted to read it, but the His Dark Materials trilogy was so overly satanic, that I couldn't bear. (what does that have to do with anything?)
  8. Ah, ok. Doesn't sound like too much of a problem for me. *has leet hacker chinese friends* If I have problems then they can help. Edit I downloaded it, and we should talk about battling each other on it some time... Or have we already been talking about that? ZOMG!
  9. From the "biggest pokemon site" it sure sounds like serebii Oh, and this is the longest introduction thread, I think.
  10. because uh... it does? and, umm... Hi, Meteor. I think you joined before me though... Yes, I know meteor didn't start this thread
  11. Ugh, I tried it and ended up in an insane asylum for about two weeks. From December - Project 86
  12. Vangaurd

    Be honest

    lol, that's weird, my sister hooks them up "properly" also. It annoys me and I'm always like WHY WONT THE NUNCHUCK COME OFF?!?!
  13. I have my sister, but she's usually at college and only competent in "Easy" difficulty.
  14. Ah, so it's for the computer. *thinks about downloading it*
  15. I could be very very wrong, but I THINK it was the da Vinci code. Which doesn't really make sense because it was a FICTION story, so, someone who knows something could probably actually answer your question. Man loves mystery.
  16. They all got deleted when I reinstalled XP. I used to have a bunch, though. Mostly SNES.
  17. It seems like Marth and Roy served their purpose of advertising in SSBM. Look at all you losers, sucked into this world of pain simply because you were curious. I'm just kidding. You aren't actually losers.
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