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Everything posted by Vangaurd

  1. We thanks you for making this board. it rocks. Also, we are clearly 42, as it is the answer to life, the universe, and everything. fyi, 3 is the number of completion, 7 is the number of perfection, just thought you'd like to know their significance.
  2. Heh, just use mach punch and it's dead. No questions asked.
  3. Seriously, if you have Gerik as a hero, why would you ever need another one? *Starts singing I Need a Hero* *stops because of weird looks*
  4. Yes, but... I like making my own avatars, thank you very much. There's no fun for me in having other people do stuff for you, especially if it's something you can do (every one can draw, just at different levels of accomplishment. The important part is to be proud of your work). When you say from scratch, you really mean based off of pre existing sprites just with changes to the way to clothes and hari, etc. look, right? Anyway, I used to do a bit of sprite stuff, but it all turned out poorly because, and I maintain this is true, creating sprites purely from scratch is impossible. The Japanese guys steal theirs from... ones that are already made. Yeah.
  5. I think that obi-wan is also a Jiegan because he didn't suck when he was younger, but he certainly sucks now (now=when he is older). Also, Fire Emblem is ripping off of World War Two with their beginning description of Daein in FE10. It's just like Germany after getting blamed for WWII.
  6. My favorite is definitely the swordmaster. Their +15 crit seems to give them more of a +50 crit, and hense, pwnage ensues. My second favorite is
  7. Ugh, but WITH blissey pokemon is weird. Nothing should have that much hp and sp. defense at the same time.
  8. Yeah, playing with 2 COs is fun especially when you are losing and turn the tide in a single turn
  9. Heck, I've always liked my pencil sketches better than their digitized counterparts, k thx.
  10. I am reasonably convinced that spriting is actually impossible unless you are simply editing pre-made sprites. Then it's no fun. But, I would do fanart! It sounds like fanatic almost...
  11. Did you eat them like chocolate fondue?
  12. No, because then they would have to go to the extra work of actually saying that they split it.
  13. I didn't have a gamecube until after Path of Radiance came out...
  14. Colin and Grimm. I do not regret anything. Also, Chemistry is better than physics by a long shot if you have my teachers.
  15. Dang it, now I want a bacon licking turtle also! *something about putting the word banana in that sentence was just wrong.*
  16. Actually, I found that by scribbling around in Paint, you have better results than if you try to actually draw something.
  17. Oh, crud, this is five pages. They really need to relocate this thread because it no longer has anything to do with anything besides meteor's (the person's) awesomeness.
  18. Vangaurd

    Desktop thread

    I dunno. Those desktop icons were huge. I personally like my desktop icons to be on the smaller side, and I naturally assumed everyone else would be normal like me.
  19. I know you're all doing this simply because you hate me. Oh, and since I didn't say hi earlier, hi.
  20. FE 8 for me. I didn't get it for the gameplay, I got it because the sprite work was so amazing. And it just happened to be a really fun game. Of course, I sucked at it, and everyone's always like dude FE8 is teh ez pie! Which damages my self confidence to no end.
  21. Vangaurd

    Desktop thread

    My question is is that the actual screen size or is it blown up? It looks blown up to me. And I also hate vista.
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