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Everything posted by Vangaurd

  1. Oh, well, I guess I kind of did word it poorly, as simple pallet swaps are easy pie. So yeah, I meant actually doing heavy editing and/or simply making from scratch.
  2. Post a link? Unless you're too lazy in which case you're pardoned because I also suffer from that disease.
  3. Did you ever play pokemon netbattle? It was basically online pokemon and it was hecka fun, except that it wasn't because all everyone used was leech seed then substitute.
  4. Well, I guess you have skills for thrills, then. Sprites are awesome. I'd like to see some of the stuff you've done.
  5. Ok, since everyone hates this thread, here's another one If you haven't seen this then you really need to. Potter puppet pals is awesome.
  6. I dont care when my EV hacked mewtwo is rarpingz your pokemon.
  7. nah, Barney encourages kids to become mindless zombie slaves like the kids on the show.
  8. Simply hacking the EVs is no fun b/c it doesn't involve palkia vs. palkia every 3 seconds. Also, I'm reasonably sure that the EV values that a given pokemon gives you are fixed. I dunno for sure but you/I could look it up on serebii. And I think the RNG determines the which pokemon appear where, as well as script. But, I dunno how to program a videogame, so I wouldn't be an authority on these matters.
  9. The only time I played a wifi game on the DS, it was mario kart, and the guy I played was a hacker. On one race, I had basically won when he suddenly became invincible, ran through me, across the finish line, came back to run over me two more times before finally driving back over the finish line to finish. I was too busy LOLing to be mad. But, yeah, I'd play wifi. Then I could be one of those guys who has his friend code like 13 times in his signature.
  10. So I figured we could share funny/cool youtube videos with each other on here. I don't like surf youtube constantly, but I do find some of the videos funny. The first one I will add is Unnecessary Censorship Barney 9 It's funny, and nothing is wrong with it as long as you have no imagination at all. *edit* please add a brief description to the link so we will know something of what we are about to watch (or not watch) Basically this guy censors words as long as they start with an F and end with an ing, such as Flying which becomes F*beep*ing. You may not find it funny, but I do.
  11. Yeah, nobody gets my jokes either. Sorry, didn't mean to wreck your fun.
  12. I personally like the new units, such as the motorcycle troops that can capture buildings. Fun stuff.
  13. Heh, yeah, the only thing I would/do use hacks for is EV training by messing with the RNG.
  14. Do conversations count as fighting? Or is it arguing? I'd have Joshua fight Ike because they are both awesome.
  15. Please tell me you're kidding. The anime, or making fun of it at least, is the best thing since sliced bread.
  16. I was joking cuz mach punch is the weakest fighting attack I could think of. How many of you have used cheats to teach a machamp with speed EVs and no guard fissure?
  17. and i can make useless posts that have nothing to do with anything and also has bar grammar.
  18. I celebrate Easter because we get a week off of school for it.
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