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Everything posted by Vangaurd

  1. Meh, I use my own crappy artwork which is why I don't have anything in my sig - all of my art is so lousy, if you saw more then the head, you would instantly go blind. Of course, I could make a signature with just heads...
  2. Well, the potter puppet pals one should be safe... And I kind of figured/hoped that the description would aid with determining whether or not they were NSFW. Also, if you are at work, should you really be watching youtube videos or even be on these forums? Terrorism! http://youtube.com/watch?v=Jdg0JFtGf_c should be safe for work.
  3. OMGFAGAO THATS DEVILS MUSIK JK, I like Sum 41 a lot. Currently, Shalom - PAX217
  4. Not only does Sephiroth sound cool, but it also has 1 main pronunciation that most people agree on. Unlike L'Arachel. I used to think it was L'Archel also XD. Doesn't Sephiroth come from the tree of Sefiroth? As said by wist, a Hebrew word. Also, wouldn't Hawaiin be a language that used apostrophes?
  5. Joshua... because ummm... he's cool?
  6. This game isn't that hard because once you take out all of the enemies that actually attack you, you can simply wait and heal before moving into the rest of the movement ranges. Seeing as I could barely beat it on normal mode, I don't know if they actually changed the AI for hard simply because I haven't played it.
  7. Our theory was that for every 10,000 people who preorder it, he delays it for half the time he did previously. first, 2 months, now 1 month, next, half a month. Also, Sakurai hates americans. Pichu is useful simply because he's fast and snottily annoying. Like, really, really annoying.
  8. I dunno. When I went to seattle it wasn't raining... although it was overcast...
  9. Yeah... that would be ideal, but I still have to beat Path of Radiance.
  10. It would be nice to know how we are supposed to obtain said hammers... Or do we simply get a fixed amount in the beginning?
  11. I'd go to Japan simply to go to Japan. ToS: KoR would simply be an added bonus. simply. simply. simply. That is simply simple.
  12. I wish I had something that would make my driving of a car legal in the eyes of the police.
  13. *hates on you for mentioning Kirby Air Ride. BUT IT SUPPORTED LANZ Yeah, it and Mario Kart Double Dash... And that's freaking it. *bitter* HEY MAYBE WE CAN LAN WIIS FOR BRAWL!!
  14. Vangaurd

    Desktop thread

    My CRT is better than your LCD! (I dunno where that came from)
  15. He has 2 guns. They are permanently attached to his arms. XD Well, except that guns are generally anti-personnel where as pokeballs are usually forces of mass destruction in the universe. I'd also go with the portrait. That's awesome.
  16. Meh, if you have spoilers to say, simply use the spoilers BB code tags. Makes everyone happy, and you can say what you want to. My problem is that even if I tried to seclude myself, all my friends would be talking about it anyway, so I don't really se the point. It is more fun to have a bit of a surprise while you're playing though. Of course, having spoilers is fun because then if you know, for example, a character but not their move set, then you can wildly speculate on what their moves might be.
  17. Well, then download a good freeware image manipulation program, such as gimp.
  18. Yeah, but that's boring and it keeps it from upping our post count... XD
  19. I don't care about fonts that much as long as they aren't dingbats or something else that is impossible to read.
  20. It would totally make sense (from a marketing standpoint at least), if they simply remade the first one and then remade the third one later. 2 times the games, 2 times the money. Remember, these guys only want to entertain us because there is good money in it.
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