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Everything posted by Vangaurd


  2. I hate anything math related right now. oh and girls are evil. It's mathematically proven
  3. k thx im glad this is in the out of the forest section otherwise I prolly would have gotten my account revoked. i need to fav your art...
  4. Dont bother ever checking this thread again. Hanz is the only person nice enough to bother saying hi.
  5. Even if it's not until he has 10k, all we have to do is wait until tomorrow. In about a week, he will have more power than any of the regular admins. You stole my thunder yet again.
  6. Dragons simply because they look cool. And are fun to draw :3
  7. FE7: Eliwood! FE8: Joshua FE9: Ike The rest of them I haven't played good enough.
  8. Videogames are above movies on my list, just below anime. But, the first one is pretty cool. The rest of them suck.
  9. Meh, none of my jokes are funny...
  10. It's irrelevant as there are many more k thx's now than there were when he said that.
  11. EMP > METEOR They didn't have no frickin meteors in the Matrix now did they?! No offense to the person named meteor.
  12. Sorry, I missed the word Japanese because it was too cool for my eyes to process.
  13. Let's mug an admin and make him tell us what all the stages are!
  14. ARG THE JEW TUBES IS HAVING ILLEGAL ANIMOO! Yeah, the first part was kinda slow if I recall. The best part is, as stated, the violence, which they did a pretty good job with.
  15. I don't recall the E for everyone demo having a playable Zelda. If it did then that would confirm whether or not there is a sheik, and I haven't seen any info about that.
  16. Yeah, well, I unlocked Von Bolt. He's TOTALLY worth the effort.
  17. Nice. Can I buy one of those on eBay?
  18. Zelda final smash would be really random. I'm also expecting something related to Olimar.
  19. Right! Back on topic is what the doctor recommended to keep this the longest topic, seeing as the avatars one is catching up, what do you all think the next update might be?
  20. If/when these forums start getting more and more members and we all have 12893928498324723 posts, then they will definitely see us as some kind of deity. Until they actually see the content of the posts.
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