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Light Lord

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Everything posted by Light Lord

  1. Rolf's my favorite, tough Astrid and Rath come close behind him. Favorite battle theme in FE?
  2. Mmmmm, I think I go for Unstoppable Destiny. Favorite FE map theme?
  3. Castlevania, it actually looks cool (tough I have played the GBA and NDS ones). Favorite FE game and why? (acually that's two questions but anyways XD)
  4. Sephiroth and Chaos actually. Most funny moment while playing a FE game?
  5. Mmmm, I'd say one from the YGO WC 2011 game, the last one. Man, Konami wants the player to defeat three duelists in a row without a break or anything, not even using another character to do so, only you and if you have no luck, you are done for. Favorite Green Knight?
  6. As in FE? Mercenary and Wyvern Rider. Any cartoon/superhero comic/series that you wish had a movie?
  7. Hi thre and welcome to Serenes Forest! Hope you enjoy your stay, make friend, and like the forums. Welcome aboard!
  8. Oddly, a combination between Leaf's and Raven's hair styles (tough I tried Eliwood's a sometime ago) XD
  9. Hi there! Enjoy your stay around the forest, make good friends, and pretty much the entire forums XD. Anyways, welcome aboard!
  10. Personally, I don't think someone specific. You could give it to the unit that you're using to guard your main castle and that usually ends up quite far from it. I gave it to Cuan by accident and forgot to get it back, so if I used Ardan it was hard to move him around the later chapters.
  11. Magic in general right? I can't decide between Priscilla (sorry CrashGordon, but I like her mainly because she along with Raven, ends up being an RNG blessed unit ) and Merric. Favorite red knight?
  12. Explanation in previous post. Levin appears in the town that is to the farthest right, nearby Mackily if I remember correctly, with Sylvia by his side.
  13. In a fashion two questions, but anyways XD Mmmm, I guess Sword of Seals so far. Why? Because in comparison to the others, the story seemed forced IMO at some points, the first "final boss" is not that difficult to defeat, as well as the last one; aside from it, even if supports are used, there's no actual end for other characters that are not Roy and his girl (I mean there aren't many endings like in other games, then again FE9 and 10 followed the same formula) and personally I expected something more from it. Favorite song that is a movie theme?
  14. Blue and red, followed by black too. What did you liked the most of TearRing Saga?
  15. Well, I waited just a little. I had found about it when I was playing FE9 and 10, then saw the forums and joined right afterwards. However, when I joined I was out about 1 year and returned by the end of that year, beginning of the 2009. Favorite super hero from DC or Marvel?
  16. Because I'm a Salamance wearing said objects...and because I'm still working on my personal custom sprite, so that will be my avatar until I finish said sprite. Do you like the Vocaloid vids in youtube?
  17. Conquer castle Herheim, then move all units to strike them down, but be careful because Vortz and Beowulf appear with a mercenary team, as well as the knights sent by castle Anphony. Once done, don't conquer until you have someone back in your main base with Levin. Unfortunately, they all must survive, but they always attack the nearest enemies to them/keep close to Lachesis, so this becomes a problem when healers are not close to them or you're in a dire situation.
  18. Mmmm, I'd say the 12th has been one of my nice days in most months, for some reason. Favorite instrumen? Be it acoustic or electric.
  19. When a great-uncle passed away, about...half a year ago, if I'm right. Which do you like the most: Star Wars or Lord of the Rings?
  20. Not caused by me, but I've been in two crashes. None of them really bad, but a surprise because you never see them coming. Favorite FE character so far?
  21. Movies then to a restaurant and then take her back to her home. Do you wish YGO made a Gagaga Magician card?
  22. Not trying to sound like showing-off, but it depends a bit on what awesome means to you crash. If you could go into an anime or videogame world, which one would you choose?
  23. Yeah,I know. eclipse gave it to me just because I know of a Yugioh card with Kristya and well, it ended up like that XD

    A bit embarrasing XD

  24. ._. right, I confused both. Anyways, it still applies what I posted about the Sleep, but Silence to avoid that.
  25. Hehe, yes but I don't know how long I will last with this XD

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