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Light Lord

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Everything posted by Light Lord

  1. Thanks for the greets pal, I sure enjoyed the day up to now and what's left of it XD!

  2. Thanks for the greets pal, and don't worry about, you were aware from yesterday when you asked Jill XD

  3. Tinny; WHy not both? Actually Jill wanted to meet us, she's still going to get the present. Jill, you're not mad you were taken out of HnH right? It was a bit hard to save you in the end, sorry.
  4. Seeing a very well and detailed fanart, or thinking of fanfic ideas XD also when they say i.e. with me, that Jill is not useful or things of that sort. If you had a chance to become a super hero, which would be the name of your hero identity?
  5. Mmmm, mainly when they play with my name, giving me odd nicknames or making fun of me. Also when they insult my friends. But anyways, as of lately I've been trying to keep alm in those situations because if I don't, something goes wrong always. Favorite movie of all times?
  6. I understand when a family member is in that situation, you just want everything to turn out fine. Hope he returns and everything is fine.
  7. Thanks pal!

    I know that, she insisted on it XD thanks again!

  8. I've heard the meme XD and honestly, I don't even like to choose it for a starter. May guve you an upper hand in an early gym, but I prefer to attack fast and strong. So if IS would release news of a new FE game, would you like a remake or a new one?
  9. Thanks a lot pal!

  10. Nah, the default one. Don't ask me why, it's just that I don't like to change it at all. If you could choose two fo the starters of Kanto, which ones would you choose?
  11. Thanks a lot Crash!

  12. Thanks for the early greetings!

  13. Thanks for the greet! I also give my late greetings for your birthday, hope you enjoyed it! A tad late I know, sorry.

  14. Jill: Sure! I wanted to buy him a present to, tough he'll be out for most of the afternoon tomorrow. Me: Uh, guys I can hear/read everything you say. Jill: That's the point, it means you won't be able to prevent it this time *giggles* I was thinking clothes, or a new sword for him, but he's not having fights lately, thank goodness. Tinny, can you help me a bit telling them to not get anything please?
  15. Miledy - 173 Jill - 27 Raffin - 44
  16. Anna: Well, heaven in a fashion is what everyone thinks of what they like or love the much. For Aless, he has killed people in the wrong path, so he still has to atone for his sins, however the Reaper wishes to harvest his soul to send a Black Knight to hell. Jill dear, you won't be mad if you don't win the HnH right? I would like to help you on my own, but the result is almost clear.
  17. Wii, but I wish I had a PSP or Xbox. Favorite videogame developer company (Konami, IS, etc)?
  18. Bought a few Cyberdark Impact boosters, got nothing interesting nor rare to sell. My brother bought another pack, one I couldn't pick of the same booster. He got one of the rarest cards in the pack, Cyberdark Dragon ¬¬ my luck is bad when picking TCG Boosters. Yours? In any TCG game.
  19. Miledy - 173 Jill - 24 Raffin - 49
  20. First I thought it could be real, but reading the title...it makes me doubt...quite a LOT. Wish it was true, but I choose to not believe it.
  21. Tinny: Because you're more kind, being violent is not something we should be darling. Moreover, Nanna allows it because Aless is her cousin, so she's fine with it. So Aless, how can you be evil even if Gharnef is not ordering you anymore?
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