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Light Lord

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Everything posted by Light Lord

  1. Miledy - 170 Jill - 38 Raffin - 50
  2. Personally, I pay it no mind, unless it affects me. Favorite Zelda game?
  3. Miledy - 164 Jill - 45 Raffin - 55
  4. LightLord x Jill But talking seriously, I'm not sure, i got the question but I can't seem to think an answer. Favorite Brawl character?
  5. Miledy - 157 Jill - 64 Raffin - 57
  6. Actually, in PoR I give her a support with Mist because I always try to test the rumor that Shiharam recruits her and only an A rank talks her back in to your team, tough it has never happened to me (NO Yuri intended) and in RD, it's odd that I do so. If you could bring to real world a FE character aside from Sety or Tinny, who would you choose?
  7. Actually, I feel tempted to make sprite of Nordic weapons; Odin's Spear and Mjollnir especially, since it would be a nice trick or interesting to see them in a game. Favorite music artist?
  8. Schaeffer definitely, what a coward and a failure, I expceted something more fighting him, but at least you can get his weapons if you play your cards well XD Do you think some characters in FE should have Prf weapons?
  9. Dang it, 55caasi got ahead of me XD *Annoying Oranges rain and they won't stop falling...or talking*
  10. I will surely look really stubborn XD Miledy - 157 Jill - 58 Raffin - 67
  11. *strawberry machine guns aiming* Fire at will!
  12. Actually it's a bit funny, since I just thought of it when I created it. Then edit it to what it is today, which is this: 5dslightpaladin92 5ds: YGO late series of Yusei Fudo, in which I base a fanfic I write. lightpaladin: a bit of FE, but they are an organization the main character of the same fanfic belongs to, it's explained in the fanfic, but they face monsters and demons, things of that nature, protecting humanity. 92:...I forgot it O.O just jk, the year I was born. Favorite school subject?
  13. *throws a barrage of apple* Wait a sec, food is supposed to eat, oh well XD
  14. This reminds me of the brotherhood discussion of both Boyd and Rolf XD tough it was power against skill. Actually, I favor speed the most. You can avoid a few hits, hit more times, I find it useful. And personally, many of my favorite classes in FE have high speed, as swordmasters, snipers, valkyries, etc. Favorite Boss FE character?
  15. Well, since there are coconut shooters... *throws Explosive Orange* It seems we love each other quite a lot XD
  16. Just to keep the image fresh and if I manage to get the shading problem solved, continue working on it in the near future. It's just as a reminder...kind of. The thing is, I have a method that worked out for me doing custom sprites, but it takes WAY TOOOO LOOOONG, so I can't spare time and when I take longer I start losing my nerves or my eyes get tired, so it's a bit complicated, the two first results were my Zane and Akiza sprites I have in my gallery, which is abandoned for now. Did you had in mind Star Wars V's scene when thinking of the splice you use as avatar?
  17. Looks quite improved, I will look forward to this hack MK404. It looks just great, good luck with it!
  18. Miledy - 154 Jill - 60 Raffin - 72
  19. Because I can't seem to get the custom sprite I wanted; I have little knowledge on the shadings and I can't seem to keep working in sprites efficiently since I started seeing 3D programming. Also, I don't want to assk someone, since I can't seem to describe correctly my sprite and well, I'm more of the kind that would like to do it on its own in the end. Which do you think is the best: weapons or magic?
  20. Yeah, back to this...even if too late...why did I see this so late ._.? Oh well, let's see how things end up. Miledy - 151 Jill - 59 Raffin - 82
  21. Drink, band, motor or Google's engine? In that order, yes, no, no. Ninja'd yet again XD Mmmm, favorite movie genre?
  22. Mmmm, no, I've never played it..tough if it is the one where you can use spell, I've heard quite a lot of it already. Not sure if I will play it. Ninja'd Have you beat a fan challenge of Legend of Zelda OoT or Majora's?
  23. From 64, Fox father's death. There's also Greil's death, Aeris' death, but the saddest I think would be Dracula's case ever since Castlevania Symphnoy of the Night where his hatred towards humans is explained. @crashmanalpa: well, I never saw it like that, may give it a try when I have time to replay FE4. Have you beaten any of the Zelda games fan challenges? (thos of only three hearts, no max magi, no sword upgrade, etc.)
  24. There are quite a lot. There's the scene of MIB where K is shaking Frank to get him to talk, while everyone looks at him and think of him as weird; there's the catfights between Kyza and Lyre, and Aimee with her crush in Ike in Fire Emblem Tellius; and mostly others of anime like in Naruto the episode where they want to see Kakashi's face and start imagining it. Since pairings don't matter too much in Second Gen, do you pair any characters (kind of asking more about Tinny)?
  25. Black Knight-another boss that can screw the entire mission/level/chapter.
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