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Light Lord

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Everything posted by Light Lord

  1. Levin: Fine, fine. I'll stop but that won't make that conversation appear magically. So now that I won't be blaming them, I'll blame you and Light Lord! Or maybe other people I find around, maybe Delmud and Faval. Hey Ike, what do you think of people saying that Edward can beat you easily?
  2. Yep, Banjo Tooie was the only one I finished. My favorite boss was the Godzilla Ballon, don't remember its name tough. Favorite boss in any videogame you've played?
  3. Mmm, I go for Ragnell and Aureola. Favorite FE weapon?
  4. Even if both of them useless in most strategies, I like Blade Knight and Felgrand Dragon the most. Followed by Stardust Dragon and Rose, Warrior of Revenge. What do you think of today's TV shows/cartoons/series?
  5. I'm between Against the Black Knight/Unstoppable Destiny and Lance's Champion's theme in Pokémon (if it counts of course ) Favorite videogame theme?
  6. Well, in college we were given this assignment since it's something important in the career I choose to study. Basically, vote for the element that you believe its the most important in a movie or a videogame. If you feel like it, you can also say why you believe that element is important to you. Also, feel free to correct me if I forgot another important element or if one of the options needs to be more specific. As for me, in a videogame I prefer character development since it allows the players to identify themselves with one of the characters of it, allowing them to feel emotions when the character they like goes through events, be it bad or good. As for movies, I prefer the plot, since most of the time I like a movie it's because I got hooked on it through the story. Thanks an advance for your help!
  7. I'd say failblog, but I'm not too much into channels in Youtube really. Favorite music genre?
  8. Light Lord


    Hi Aere, hope you enjoy the forest! Have a nice stay around here and make friends, welcome aboard!
  9. Hope you enjoy your stay around the forest! Welcome to it and hope you make friends, have a nice time around, all that. Welcome aboard!
  10. Tinny: Of course, it doesn't matter if your awesome or not. True love is not about that after all *hugs crashman_alpha* Hey Zelgius, so which of the Black Knights is the most powerful?
  11. Aless: ...As long as you don't get in my way or threat Leen, I'm fine. But what do we have to do? So Aless, why so serious? I mean, is that a trait that all Black Knights have?
  12. That's because I like what I'm studying, that's why mostly
  13. Mmmm, most of the time if I had a nice day. When it was bad or I feel quite down, they aren't cool nor good. More of nightmares. Favorite school subject so far?
  14. Red, followed by Green (not talking about Pokémon characters, but feels like it XD) Favorite music genre?
  15. Actually it's not that bad, I have a year of experience already, so I got used to it. Issues with the career mostly, from 1 through 9 pm we could manage to get the school subjects for it and here I am (actually I'm at school right now, I had a lab session to attend). Well, we have the choice to do so, I'm still not sure but it's in my plans. Basically, our career is programming, but also mixed with some art, sinc ethe main goal of the career in this university is to cover things that those that would like to work at movies, videogames, or programming should know.
  16. Actually in my third week and it has its pros and cons of course. In college I'm now with interesting subjects that have a lot to do with programming and making 3D figures. There's also issues with copyrights and that stuff, which is quite needed in the career. Since we made our shedule most of us have the best one we could find, mine is all the way from 2 pm to 8 pm, with at least 1 free hour between hours.
  17. I choose Chpt. 10, it's my favorite and I like the chapter quite a lot. And if you have the time maybe you should give it a try, I found it quite cool personally (not as tough as the 5th one)
  18. Mmmm, I'd give myself an 8. I'm nice most of the time, helping my friends and people I start to know with anything I can, but in a fashion I still think I take a distance from people like if I was some kind of lone wolf. Aside from that, I'm easy going and enjoy spending time with my friends, helping them if I can.
  19. MY BIRTHDAY Christmas is really enjoyable and cool, spenidng time with ALL family members, knowing we had another year together alive and united, priceless (sounds like a commercial...almost ) Yours?
  20. Mmmm, I'd choose Aless, since he's a Black Knight because I find most of them a challenge. But Sety is far more trusty, so Sety would be the answer. Favorite movie of all times?
  21. Light Lord


    Hello and welcome to Serenes Forest! Hope you enjoy your stay, make friends in the process and have fun around here! Welcome again and enjoy the forums!
  22. Thanks for the greet!

  23. Thanks for the greets pal!

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