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Light Lord

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Everything posted by Light Lord

  1. Where I live, they say because that allows you to take advantage up to some point of the soldiers you carry and the chapter you face. I also like it, it makes you use different strategies than the ones you use the most, like adapting to the fight. Oh, I wouldn't mind the return of skills like in and FE4, FE5, FE9 and also with new additions to it. The reclass system would also be welcome too.
  2. I don't think you've asked me that. IRL? Well, not paying them mind, but if it's needed to fight that's another story. In FE...well, I'd have to deal with Haar right? Not sure about this one. Favorite weapon in FE?
  3. They can have as many of those rings as they can carry and receive the bonus of each. As for Sigurd and Deirdre, I always gave Sigurd the Speed one for improvement, but he may not need it in the future, the Skill ring in him could be of use for somebody else, perhaps Ardan or any character that has a tough time hitting enemies (just be sure to have money for it); Deirdre would do well with a Magic Ring, that way you can put to Sleep almost anything. Save some uses of the Sleep Staff for a Bishop boss in next chapter! That will be useful fighting it, since that boss has a similar staff. Just like before, if you will use the Sleep staff in the future with another healer or staff wielder, sell the staff and the ring to give them to someone else.
  4. Personally, a new saga would be a nice bet; also, Fir Emblem has left behind too many interesting gamplays and features and not looking at them again. The fatigue system is nice and allows you to train your team in a new way, mixing the support and lovers system would also be interesting, there's also the MU one that can become a favorite IMO. Then again, remakes with something "new" as Marth's games have been would be a nice touch too.
  5. Spoilers go here, but basically Joekitty has answered the question. This won't be of much importance in the game, until you get to Gen. 2...maybe also in Chapter 3, but that's something else. It would be a good idea that by the end of Chapter 2 you sell Deirdre's Sleep Staff and give it to Aideen or later staff users you will get; you'll see why in Chapter 3.
  6. Out of 5 I tried to convert, onle two liked FE, but they have no way to play the Wii, Gamecube and the GBA below FEs. The other 3 said they didn't like strategy turn-based games.
  7. Kittens, no good reason, just felt like it. As for the Salamance, it will return soon enough, so don't worry about not seeing it around. Do you find ninjas cool or not?
  8. Well, I haven't made or passed through a thing that maybe I would like to change in my life. On second thought, there are a two things, like a nickname I was given here in college or maybe messing up chances I had with a girl ._. Favorite mage unit besides Tinny?
  9. Sure, but I was hoping Nintendo actually localized the game over here, but I will play it no matter what. Now if only I had an emulator and/or a card compatible Favorite mage unit beside Tinny?Ninja'd Favorite axe unit?
  10. Sorry pal; but I'm still Light Lord, Light, whichever you feel like using. Mmmm, what do you like the most: music or movies?
  11. Anyone around here uses DuelingNetwork even today? Just curious.
  12. Yes and no. She actually moves when you get near. You can move to the forest to the left side (where Aideen and Dew come from), Cuan would do, use him as a decoy to lure Ayra then escape a bit and strom the castle, seizing it, and then talk to Ayra with Sigurd to recruit her, that will do. This decoy is tricky sometimes, because if Cuan is a bit far from her and the other units that will storm are close, Ayra will go after them instead. As for Arenas, there are 7 enemies in it, you can fight them during the entire chapter, but using your weapon (it drops its durability) and also what I pointed out before of HP. This time, you don't lose units, but their HP goes to 1 (if I recall correctly) if you lose a fight.
  13. Mirror Force for the lolz when my opponent has spawned, attack without thinking and regret doing so Favorite song?
  14. Nothing really, just felt like changing it while I work in my personal sprite to try finish it this time. Favorite weapon from FE?
  15. Well, pretty much what everyone has been telling you. In next chapter, Lex can get a Brave Axe, you can find the info of that event in the FE 4 part of the Serenes Forest section. Also, sometimes a mid-boss will charge you with a group of enemies with them. If you beat a large amount of them, the mid-boss will retreat to his/her base and return with the complete squad after it; this can be; a) good if you need to train some troops a bit more; b) a dire situation if you're low in weapons, HP, and all around the map; also, the arena works pretty different than in other FE, you have a limit access to it, if you're unit loses a fight, it will still be around with 1 HP; use them to increase your level and get Exp for all units that can fight, if one loses then abuse staves by all means or leave it to guard the castle.
  16. Nothhing really, but I'm not eager to play it like the others. Favorite song?
  17. Hi there and welcome to Serenes Forest! Hope you enjoy your stay around here, make friends and have fun. Welcome aboard!
  18. Thanks good Sir, I hope it doesn't upset you

  19. I still prefer I, but also III. Those are my favorites, but the first one is the one ahead. Have you played Tear Ring Saga?
  20. Actually I find good to be on afternoon, it will be like that for 4 years to me and I have passed 1, so I got used to it now. Now I knew there was a reason why I liked afternoon a bit more than morning classes, which I still have but once a week so it's okay.
  21. Best thing of having classes at morning: Having the afternoon free (who does HW at that hour when you can do from 23 pm ) Worst thing of having classes at morning: I don't think someone is fully awake at that hour. Best thing of having classes at afternoon: ...I'll think of something Worst thing of having classes at afternoon: The entire day is messed, you don't even feel time passing by or you feel it passing quite slowly. I've had a slight change of mind...now I hate Tuesdays and Thursdays.
  22. I'll go for lances, since they can be use from some distance to attack safely. Favorite LoZ boss? From any game.
  23. There are actually two. The first one was against Ganon in OoT, but this one mainly because I didn't made the sidequest to get the Big Goron Sword so...you can imagine how hard it was to beat him; the second one...I'd say it was against...a character in Tales of Symphonia Dawn of the New World, I don't remember its name, but he had red hair and glasses. Favorite animated movie?
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