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Light Lord

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Everything posted by Light Lord

  1. She 's fine, in FE 10 she's pretty useful with the Wishblade. Mmmm, then Ishtar being friendly with Tinny?
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dddAi8FF3F4&feature=related
  3. Granted, however said muffin transforms you into a zombie. I wish for long happy vacations .
  4. Mmmm, Hilda begging for mercy and forgiveness to you and Tinny? Altenna is fine, but she could have a better Spd cap.
  5. Tinny: Well, it was fun, but what if he brings the slurpees and you're there with the Sety doll? Leidrick, are you and Veld so incompetent that you must send a young girl do the dirty job with the Darkness Sword?
  6. Merric: I think I'm major Holsety, why do you ask Sir Spy? Ellearan: Perfect! That means I'm major Tordo. Hey Hilda, why are you such a demon? by the way, Tinny beat you once again.
  7. Light Lord


    Welcome back Feaw, hope you stick around for a looooooooooong time...just don't wander too far from the forest if you haven't been told.
  8. Hector: If such thing existed here, I would have Minor as far as I know. Either way, I don't need that Swanchika if I have my Armads with me! So Sety, what do you think of Xane wandering around stealing staves, girls and whatever impersonating you?
  9. For the moment being Damian and Ralph (Acacia's and my OCs) are going to the Yied Shrine, you can tag along from. Right now, our group is stationed in Velthomer, if you want to tag along from there.
  10. Never mind and don't worry about it.

    We all have things to do.

  11. Rafael simply couldn't help but feel his father was talking with him from his past. He finally understood what it meant and realized how foolish his attitude was up to that moment. He also understood why the soldier took advantage of him, he surely made it clear he was doubtful of being a captain, he finally was able to talk again "You're right Damian. Everyone needs to believe a bit in themselves. Well, we gotta be ready for tomorrow. The march on the dessert will be a tough test, since we enter enemy territory. thanks again Damian, get some rest." As he left, he felt a great weight had been lifted from his shoulders. He couldn't help but let go a smile and begin to believe in himself a bit more. Some more memories of his past came back that night, memories he thought long lost. Ralph, we'll be friends forever right? Of course we'll be Erika, I promise it. I gotta go, my family lives in Phinora, thanks for the time Ralph! We'll meet again Erika! I wonder how Erika's doing. We lost contact since Alvis' rule began. She's surely fine, I have nothing to worry about. I've got to stay calm and focused...for tomorrow we may find the truth behind all of this mess.
  12. Pretty obvious, but of course. Mmmm, then Thany asking you to teach her how to play FE ?
  13. Lute; Maybe I shouldn't ask for this, but I need a new magic tome that can help me avoid even more. If you can't, maybe preparing dinner tomorrow. Hmmm, a lance that boosts resistance for you Jill, do you mind if it comes from my fanfic? I have been working in one that might prove useful.
  14. Lakche: That means I'm still the Kill Goddess, right? Of course I want it! Thanks Lumi, you're the best! Jill, since almost everyone is getting a few Prfs, do you want me an axe/lance?
  15. Solar Sword/Sol, Guard or possibly Nihil to ensure some safety. Mmmm, let's try Amelia.
  16. Well...maybe the 'vacations' stuff wasn't meant to be there. The RP is still on, for those that are interested in it. Mmmm, Luka when are you going to introduce your character? Dread is waiting for him to make a sudden appearance.
  17. I'm not giving it up, it's just that yesterday activity was...way too low. I want to know if someone sticks around, I'll continue it by myself changing some minor plot stuff. That's all.
  18. Well, I never thought this would work out as I expected. If anyone else is interested in going on with this RP, we'll go ahead. If not, maybe this should take loooooooong vacations. Thanks for your support everyone and as the other thread said, the original project is still underwork.
  19. Sety: Surprise kiddo!*transforms* Xane: Tadaaa! Got you there and in wide national TV dude. Hey Tinny, how does it feel to pawn the arena so much with a simple thunder tome?
  20. "Hi Damian, I know you have your own things to tend to, but if ou could spare me some minutes I would be grateful to you." replied Rafael, greeted by Damian. He then turned his head down and started getting worried. "Damian, you seem honest enough. Do you think Oifaye choose the right person to lead this mission?" asked Rafael in s erious way, but obviously concerned by something. Rafael began explaining everything to the bishop; the main reason for his doubts, his old life in Chalphy, but mainly he continued talking about how he felt in the current assignment. "Sorry, I think I got carried away." replied Rafael, turning to Damian and waiting for his reply.
  21. Perhaps Resolve or wrath. Shove is forced Jill (She has no skills).
  22. Kannival: You develop them when you are a bad guy. Yodel, can we begin the ceremony?
  23. Jill: I'm happy with my title as best axe user, thanks :) . Titania: Maybe this can turn out to be a tough fight. Kieran: I'll win this one after all! So Blume, do you have any regrets?
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