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Light Lord

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Everything posted by Light Lord

  1. About to defeat Elliot, he survived and retreated to heal and bring more knights. This process repeated for about...5 times the first run and I lost like 3 of my units in the process (Cuan being one, so add 2 more). Had to repeat through a save file. Favorite Transformers generation?
  2. Mmmm, not really sure, as long as she wants. Would you like to see Magic weapons (FE) returning in more variety?
  3. Hey it looks pretty cute and cool, the design is really amazing as well, a nice drawing style of you and her. Opinion on fanfics in general?
  4. Nah, not really, I'm not sure of it, I would like to draw them myself but...time hasn't been on my side lately. Well, finished it, but I'm planning a second playthrough. Your opinion on the Chaos Number?
  5. No, I haven't since I have a list of standby animes to see. Favorite YuGiOh! archetype?
  6. New units would gladly be welcomed, but I can't think of something to expect at all. As long as a few of them get better caps or new weapon possibilities that would be could.
  7. I must say Kokiri Forest for the win. Favorite anime series?
  8. Finished it a month ago, arranging time to give it another round when I finish porjects and college Favorite character ever?
  9. College projects, they have been keeping me at bay a lot, but I have some free time now, tough I still have 2 weeks to endure there Favorite Nintendo franchise?
  10. Mmmm, I'll surely have my decision tomorrow, but spare me a place just in case please XD
  11. Hey pal, Happy Birthday! Hope you enjoy it the most you can with your family and friends!

  12. Hello there and welcome to Serenes Forest!

    Sorry for the very late welcome, but hope you enjoy your stay here.

  13. should be working in projects...but I can't seem to get them done XD

  14. Hello and welcome to Serenes Forest! Hope you enjoy your time around here and make friends too.
  15. This sounds interesting, nice to see another fanfic writer, where will you be posting this, if I may ask?
  16. Welcome to Serenes Forest! Hope you enjoy your stay around here.

  17. Hi there and welcome to Serenes Forest, hope you have a nice stay!

  18. Hello there and welcome to Serenes Forest. Hope you enjoy your stay around here, if you like FE challenges, you could try playing FE 4, it's quite entertaining in my opinion and a pretty decent game. Also, Pokémon is pretty cool, but I stopped playing in Sinnoh. Anyways, hope you have a nice time here!
  19. Maybe the MU system too, with some major role in the game (could be at the middle or by the end or as a strategist perhaps but appearing this time). And absolutely, an English release is most required. Monsters could also be welcome, but I'm not really sure about this one...Secret Shops too!
  20. Maybe some old forgotten mechanics, like exclusive Promotion items for classes, branch classing, limited arenas, support system (not from FE 10 please) or the lover system, dismounting, dancers or bards to come back, manaketes would be cool to see with the current evolution of the series; I won't say skills since they are sure to appear.
  21. Either Astrid or Rolf, Rebecca also has a honorific mention. Favorite Male Reclass Branch (A or B from Shadow Dragon)?
  22. More of anime, like Yu-Gi-Oh! series, Gundam, Code Geass, but my favorite is Yu-Gi-Oh! Favoite villain in a videogame or anime/series?
  23. Yep, but first I need an emulator that works well and a ROM, preferably translated but it can even work in japanese as an alternative. Favorite anime/TV Show?
  24. Talking as a character, her personality devellopment from FE 9 to 10, her hair, she looks cute and I find her somewhat as the girl I would like to meet someday (not talking about fighting in wars and things like that of course). As a unit, I alwasy cap at least, 5 stats of hers in FE9 and almostall of them in 10. Favorite FE lord(including Tearring and Berwick)?
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