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Light Lord

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Everything posted by Light Lord

  1. o_O It will be really hard to surpass that one ALS! Pretty good one.
  2. He got faster since last game, but most laguz I use are cats and dragons. He's still a good laguz unit. Mmm, Roro?
  3. Not really. He's cool, but there's no chance of testing him already. Maybe Katarina/Eine?
  4. Sety: Well...she's cute. Now, can you please...let me...do...and sheath...that sword? Thanks. *I should stop messing with him already* Hey Amelia, what's the best choice for you: General or Paladin? In any of them you max speed and skill easily.
  5. Thanks ALS. Finished my entry. Hope you guys like it, it's my first attempt so I would like any advices or suggestions too for future works. May do a few modifications, not sure yet, but not for the entry.
  6. Yeah! I have time and the set looks really cool to give it a try. ALS, can I attach my entry as an image? Or should I upload it somewhere and then link it here?
  7. She's quite cool, but I ask once again. Like Farina, why does she join only in Hector's Mode? I'll guess Brom?
  8. Skasaher: I'd be honored to help you, but I don't know how I can be of any help. I can't kill them. Hey Seth, could you make a list of powers you have?
  9. Ilyana*talks*:Hey Mia, hey Mia. Mia: Ilyana? What happened to your voice? Ilyana: I'm not...*AO*Hey, you look line an apple, hahahaha! Mia: This is not funny Ilyana. Wait, that voice, Ike told me about that orange. AO: That's right! It's me hahahaha! Hey, mustache! Septimus: Who? Are you talking to me fruit? AO: Hey Mustache! Septimus: THe name is Septimus! AO: Hey mustache! Septimus: WHAT?! AO: Astra sword and Flare thunder. Spetimus: What?...Aaaaaah!*gets Astra crit and Flare crit* What if Sigrun could join in FE PoR's Endgame like one of the laguz generals?
  10. Schaeffer: I would have placed them between my forces and those priests. That way they would have surrendered I would have gained Daein's pride. Which reminds me...*dead* Hey Navarre, Samto and Rad, do you master the Meteor Sword/Astra technique like the other swordsmen of FE?
  11. He's cool. Quite a cool story for him and decent stats. Mmmm, I'll guess Mia?
  12. Holyn: Becuase I wanted to earn money, I thought fighting was only to gain money until Sigurd and his friends came here. Titania, what holds the future for the mercenaries?
  13. Navarre is quite cool. Also the last works of Karel were interesting. I would like to see your next project TheReaper, they are amazing.
  14. He's quite a tank. But Nephenne still beats him in everything. Mmm Elincia?
  15. He's a tough tank, but really low speed and skill make him a bad striker. But Titania is a cool Jeigan, she's quite useful and powerful. Mmmm, I'll guess Geoffrey?
  16. Black knight: If that allowed me to finally surpass my mentor, I would train under him a bit more. Hey Skrimir, how's being Gallia's King doing for you?
  17. Sheeda: Yes, I wish I could! But marth wouldn't allow me. Mmmm, Link, could you convince Marth to let me enter? Link: Sure, no problem with me. Marth, why don't you want her in? Sheeda: Yeah! Now we'll be together even more my dear. Marth: Because I wanted this place to be myself, but I guess it would be fine. Cecilia, who's better: Percival or Roy?
  18. International Baccalaureate Organization. I made Highschool with said program, 3 years. The last year of the program we have exams that come from CARDIFF. Normally, the last year of High School is also aiming to prepare you for your career and college, but in IBO we were more like preparing for the exams of IBO instead of the college aim.
  19. I wish I had the chance to take APs for my career right now, I entered career with a 0% of most animation, digital and stuff like that, even if I searched a bit on the topics. I guess it's a bad point of IBO, but well, I'm doing a bit fine.
  20. What is an APs exactly? I possibly know a related term over here, but I can't seem to remember it.ยจ ^Ouch. That's a tough one.
  21. Over here we have the chnace to see which classes we'll be taking during the course. Maybe know the teacher before, but normally you know them when college starts, which happened about a month. That means exams are coming.
  22. wants to get Other M already!

    1. Zanarkin


      I hear its a bad very linear game...

    2. Light Lord

      Light Lord

      Yeah, maybe, but I'm out of games to play.

      It's just until FE 12 is released in USA.

  23. Nah. Gale is better. I just like him when he gets pawned by Fazilla or any other character. Mmmm, Sedgar?
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