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Da Bear

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Status Updates posted by Da Bear

  1. Thor: The Dark World was awesome. It was on The Dark Knight levels of awesome

  2. I'm guessing the name change had something to do with Thor 2.

  3. Today, I started my first run of FE7. On Chapter 5 of Lyn Mode and I'm finding it incredibly easy <_<

  4. dibs on that weird ostrich guy

  5. Your avvy is just weird manf

  6. 1500 profile views! It's the little things in life...

  7. I picked Canas third or fourth, I'm good

  8. when you headed to vote Micaiah too late yoy forgot to vote Calill! Go remedy that error!

  9. your pick in the rout draft

  10. I would like to wish everyone here a happy birthday.

  11. Happy birthday!

    1. Randa


      Your about three and a half months late.

    2. Da Bear

      Da Bear

      I know but I figured better late than never right?

  12. Happy birthday

    1. Inui


      nice trollface br0

    2. Da Bear

      Da Bear

      That's basically my feelings on the subject.

  13. And baby, it's amazing I'm in this maze with you.

    1. Da Bear

      Da Bear

      I just can't crack the code


    1. 1% critted

      1% critted

      College maaan. I'm studying a lot for my straight A's. So far so good.

    2. Da Bear

      Da Bear

      Dude that's awesome, keep it up.

    3. JSND Alter Dragon Boner

      JSND Alter Dragon Boner

      inb4 1% off the A mark at the end of semester

  15. My new avvy should sum this up well.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Junkhead


      You must've drank coffee again.

    3. Da Bear

      Da Bear

      I don't do coffee mang.

      All in for water duh

    4. Junkhead


      You're a terrible person. :,(

  16. 2 months later... I have done as you wished...

  17. I probably should have told you that Im_Marcus returned to haunt the FE: A board.... (GFAQs ofc)

    1. JSND Alter Dragon Boner

      JSND Alter Dragon Boner


      Did he never got banned or something or what

    2. Da Bear

      Da Bear

      He's gotten modded like thrice... he just pops up occasionally.

    3. Da Bear

      Da Bear

      Never even reached warned (I have reached that on all but 1 of my past accounts...)

  18. Oh, it's your birthday! Happy birthday! /totallynotabitlateintheday

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