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Posts posted by LuxSpes

  1. 1 minute ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

    I like Arena Assault because it challenges me, and makes me build budget units.

    It's personally not the sort of challenge that I like doing and I steer away from budget units because I dislike sacrificing units for their non 5* weapons. It's more that AA sucks for my taste than it being a bad mode in general. 

  2. 3 minutes ago, Quintessence said:

    Hi guys, I got Xenoblade 2 for birthday just a week ago and I'm just at Gormott getting the hang of alternate Blades and such. I just summoned a Blade for Rex and she seems awfully generic (a wind blade with some knuckles/rings) but I'm wondering if I should really invest on her, or them, or just focus on the original Blades (Pyra, Dromarch)? I'm the optimizing type that would regret releasing a Blade I invested quite a lot of resources, so I'd like advice regarding this issue.

    It's not worth it to invest in that Blade. On the status page of the Blade, you can see their rarity represented by the number of Crowns. Generic blades can have from 1 to 4 crowns, but there are some blades with unique design and 5 crown, that you get either through the main story (ex. Pyra), through sidequests or through pulling from cores. The only blades that are really worth investing into are those rare, unique 5 crown blades. Some generic 4 crown blades can potentially be better than rare blades, but you'd need crazy luck to do so and a lot of the rare blades are already strong enough. Though you shouldn't be afraid of using those weak low rarity blades while you don't have any rare blades, but you shouldn't invest your best Core chips in them.

  3. 5 hours ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

    Arena Assault! Kinda. But yeah, the system sucks.

    I was gonna mention how Arena Assault is kinda what I described, but as @Vaximillian mentioned,  AA sucks. I sometimes outright don't do it. Facing random arena teams is just not that fun for me honestly. 

    And yeah, it does. I do hope the update next weeks does something to make things better. Shuffling the rarity pools around or adding new units so that the 5* exclusive pool is no longer the largest pool would be nice.

  4. 31 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

    That's probably the whole point, to be honest.

    Oh I'm aware. I guess I could stop caring about remaining in Tier 20 and use however I want.

    But I just wish we could get a repeatable, rewarding game mode where merge levels aren't a factor in your scoring that could allow me to make use of all the unmerged or low merge 5* characters that are currently gathering dust in my barracks. 


  5. 5 hours ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

    I was planning on upgrading Parthia, and I'm at 240 Dew, so I'm ready for Lucina. I hope none of the Falchion upgrades are anti-dragon specifically. That'd be too specialized.

    Yeah, my +2 Lucina has gotten replaced from my core...

    The other part about Breathbreaker that would be iffy is that it would allow red units to have a breaker against blue units, which is currently not possible. I guess we'll know in 1 week and half. 

    It's a shame that 5* exclusive units are pretty much useless in arena if you care about staying in Tier 20 unless your a whale or really lucky because of how hard it is to merge up those units. Which is why if we ever get a "Pick any unit in the game to summon it" event, I'm probably picking Lucina and not another 5* I have no copy of or at low merge levels.

    2 minutes ago, Korath88 said:

    A fair and balanced unit.

    This is why I'm keeping Lucina on my arena team.

  6. 1. What was (or has been) the game's best moment (can be an update transition, a period of the game)?
    Probably the period around the release of the second Echoes banner. I was having fun with the game in general and I was using my favorite arena trio to date in Sanaki, Julia and Linde. Shame that I can't use them for arena anymore since they're all 5* exclusives meaning merging them up for arena would cost me my soul.

    2. Who's your favorite unit (based on gameplay, skills, stats, VA, design, whatever has the most weight to you)?
    Lucina. She was one of my first 5* and is the 5* exclusive unit I've gotten the most copies of and is thus sitting at a respectable +6 merge. She's also been a mainstay on my arena team since September. My Rauðraven Sanaki is a close second.

    3. What has been your biggest achievement in the game (it can be content completion or unit building)?
    Probably when I finally merged my Nino up to +10. It was my first 5*+10 unit and it also marked the first time I scored more than 5k points in the arena and the first time I managed to stay in Tier 20.

    4. Your favorite story chapter?
    I'm really "meh" about FEH's story overall, so I'll probably go with the latest chapter since it's fresh in my mind and it seemed to offer more characterization for Alfonse. 

    5. Your favorite Event (CYL, TT, VG)?
    I'll go with the Mini TTs since they're short, meaning they don't consume all my time with the game for 2 weeks but they still give good rewards.

    6. Your favorite Special Map (GHB, BHB, daily unit, special maps)?
    Legion Infernal because of how challenging it was. I remember having to really think and inherit some specific skills to beat that map.

    7. Your favorite banner?
    The female mage banner we got back in May for a VG since it featured Linde, Sanaki and Julia. By the end of it, I think I managed to snag 2 Lindes, 2 Julias and 1 Sanaki as well as a Tharja but I was more frustrated at her denying me from a potential Sanaki than happy about getting a 5*.

  7. 21 hours ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

    YAAAAAAAS Falchion is refineable! @LuxSpes

    I'm hyped, but I just spent all my saved up refinery materials on upgrading Cymbeline. I'm at 92 refining stones and 20 divine dews, so I'll have to gather quite a few before I can upgrade her Falchion. Really curious as to what it will be, since she shares the refinement with Chrom. I could see them giving Alm's the same effect as Eprhaim's since it would allow Alm to abuse Windseep, but I'm not sure what they could give to the Awakening Falchion that would be good for both Chrom and Lucina since they fill completely different niche. I guess Breathbreaker is possible or maybe built-in Death or Sturdy Blow?(Lucina would prefer Swift Sparrow but that wouldn't help Chrom and his 25 base spd) No idea for Marth. They've been pretty original for most of the refinement, so maybe all three will receive something completely out of left field. 

    I hope it will be good since it would be just the right buff she needs to compare to my +10 Nino and +10 Nowi who started to overshadow her on my arena team. Would also be nice to pull 4 more copies of her so that she can reach +10 herself.

  8. 2 hours ago, Ronnie said:

    For a popular series, I kinda expected more people in the discussion.

    I don't know if it could be related, but MH World is not coming to a Nintendo console (in fact it's coming to every consoles+PC except for the Switch) and given this is a forum for a Nintendo franchise, this might play a role as to why few people talk about it here. There also might be dirt poor Nintendo/MH fans like me that decided to ignore that World existed because they don't have the money to buy a 400$ console just to play a single game, even if its in a series they appreciate greatly.

    MH is also a somewhat niche series outside of Japan, even though Capcom is pulling all the stop to advertise World. The game just released yesterday. Discussion might pick up in the coming weeks.

    It could also be that the people who would discuss the game are too busy playing the game to actually post here.

  9. 37 minutes ago, DisobeyedCargo said:

    Okay I feel this is a good place to get help.

    I am in the middle of chapter seven, I have completed the Mysterious not quest, but Riddles on The Wall Is not appearing... WHY?!

    i am on Verizon 1.2.0 of the game if that is important. 

    I think you might need to start the "Uncover the Truth" sidequest for Riddle on the Wall to appear. It's given by a nopon somewhere on the Flight Deck Level of Argentum IIRC.

  10. Tried to do it with my usual Reinhardt+Cherche team set up, but I was quickly overwhelmed. Tried it again with Flier emblem and it was much easier. Corrin took care of the sword wyvern and Lyon and Cherche got rid of the blue Manakete on turn 1, which made the rest of the map much easier to handle.

  11. Some weather broadcaster predicted that we'd have over a meter of snow, but considering they're predicting it in two weeks time and that weather predictions aren't really reliable past 1 week, let alone 2, I'm not sure it will actually happen.

    20 hours ago, Soledai said:

    Nice man, grats.

    You're welcome, I'm glad it helped

    I was shocked since I wasn't really paying attention to the summoning and expected just another Odin or something. 

  12. I don't really think it has its place in Fire Emblem. In Paper Mario, battles are the main focus of the gameplay since its a traditional RPG. Thus making it feel interactive is essential if you want the player to stay engaged. But in FE, achieving the map objective is the main focus. Fighting is an essential part of achieving the objective, but it's not the focus of the game. When I play FE, it's not to have immersive, interactive fights, but to solve a strategical "puzzle". I had so much fun playing through Conquest because a lot of maps required me to plan before going in and then adapt my strategy during the map due to various events or situations. Having the strategical element continually interrupted by combat would just break the flow of the game for me while for now, you can basically skip combat animations to keep the focus on achieving the objective. 


  13. @SoledaiFor some reason, I thought the Tempest Trial would start today in FEH and decided to wait a bit before going to bed to have enough stamina to finish the last monthly quest I had left (I wanted it to be over and done with so I could spend all my stamina on the Tempest). So when 2 AM struck and I realized the TT wasn't happening today,  I shrugged and thought I try summoning with 17 orbs right now since it's enough for 4 pulls and I'm awake.

    Turns out I only needed one pull :



    Thanks for sharing your luck around

  14. 11 hours ago, Trisitei said:

    so how's xenoblade 2?

    oh, isnt there some rate my professor thing you could use?

    Game's beaten. Reached level 99(today) and got all the rare Blades and I'm finishing up on their affinity charts and quests. I'm really enjoying the game, but I'm unsure about how it compares to XC1. I feel like I'd need to replay through both games to really compare them, but at the moment, I think I still prefer XC1. 

    Nothing affiliated to the university. I think rallying other students to deposit a former complaints as a group is the only thing we could do.

    5 hours ago, Soledai said:

    Okie dokie

    @LuxSpes Xenoblade Nerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrd


    That I am

    and hello.

  15. 1 hour ago, sylveonzoroark said:

    yes my dad forgot my age but at least i have red velvet cake and sushi

    My mom often forgets my age so I can relate.

    And happy birthday Sylv!

    1 hour ago, sylveonzoroark said:

    the mods of this forum had their titles removed a few days ago but good thing i took a screen shot before


    This is great.

    Shame they got removed. I'd probably go with Danker than Dank or Thomas the Dank Engine.

  16. 1 hour ago, sylveonzoroark said:

    yes my dad forgot my age but at least i have red velvet cake and sushi

    My mom often forgets my age so I can relate.

    And happy birthday Sylv!

    1 hour ago, sylveonzoroark said:

    the mods of this forum had their titles removed a few days ago but good thing i took a screen shot before


    This is great.

    Shame they got removed. I'd probably go with Danker than Dank or Thomas the Dank Engine.

  17. @bling Happy birthday Kim!

    2 hours ago, Soledai said:

    You're gonna make me feel bad

    Here, take my luck, I should've given it to you yesterday though. But be careful, that might make everything worse

    I'm fresh out of orbs right now, but hopefully the mini TT will hit before the banner ends, so I'll be able to try again then. 

    And I'll be careful with your luck.

  18. 30 minutes ago, Soledai said:

    Wait, what was your job again? If you told me before, I do apologize for my forgetfulness

    Kinda same here, I've hardly been playing it, or any mobile geimu for that matter. Non-mobile games, in addition to life, decided I went mobile too much, so I'll be back to making blog posts about robots and shoot 'em ups before long.

    Which reminds me, I was telling a friend that I wouldn't pull in the RD focus. With anniversary coming soon, every new focus feels like bait to me, so I'm gonna continue hoarding and I can't say I have any characters I'm working on at the moment, I'm just making things work. My content team hasn't changed every since I got Ayra, that being: Ninian, Bride Cordy, Ayra, Nino

    Tutoring. And it's fine. 

    In my case is that FEH is the only mobile game I play and it has been extremely lacking content wise (people also noted how cheap IS were for Christmas compared to the majority of other gachas). Combine that with Xenoblade 2 releasing and I much preferred spending my gaming time on the later than just grinding the same maps for feathers in the gauntlet or the TT. 

    And personally, I'll spend my orbs on the RD banner even with the anniversary around the corner because RD bias. I might get nothing, but that's nothing new. My content team is pretty much Reinhard/Cherche +2 dancers because why not. And if it doesn't work, I go with my Arena core of Lucina/Nino/Azura + whoever completes that the best. My flier emblem team is also pretty strong, but they're all at low merge levels which means they're useless in the arena.

  19. 19 minutes ago, Soledai said:

    Hey to you too. I've not been great lately, but I'm getting by.

    I kinda missed chewing the fat with you, so how have you been? And how is your Feh hoopla going?

    Shame to know things haven't been great, though it's good to know you're getting by. 

    I've been doing well. Last semester was hell (never taking 5 classes in the same semester at that university ever again) and I'd say I'm at least done with it, but I some exams were pretty hard and I have yet to receive the results. This semester should be much better since I'm back to just 4 classes, though I always finish past 6:45 PM, which kinda sucks. Job has also been kind of weird since my boss resigned and the new management made a couple of noticeable changes to how things are done, so I'm still adapting. Aside from that, XC2 has been siphoning all my free time lately. 

    And with regards to FEH, due to XC2 being the free time black hole that it is, I've barely played it lately. Pulling has been a frustrating experience lately since I often end up with the same few 3-4* characters, though I'll take my chance to get the RD units. Also got my second 5*+10 unit just before XC2 came out in Nowi. I still need to give her QR3 and Aether if I ever get lucky enough to pull a B!Ike.

  20. 8 minutes ago, Soledai said:

    Well, well

    I saw you lurking the other night, I thought to call out, but thought better of it and didn't

    Probably would have missed it since I had a tab of the thread opened for the past few weeks and I only got around to post today hue.

    Also, hi Sol. It's been a while. How are you doing?

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