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Everything posted by LuxSpes

  1. Well the Princess Banner showed up earlier than if we followed the CN schedule. Went for it since I my first SSR was guaranteed to be Lana. Got her on my third multi, but I also managed to snag Sophia and Liffany, who were the only SR I was missing. I also have the full Princess Faction now sans Angelina, but I'm gonna wait for whenever her Focus banner with Cherie and Liana is released since I'll be guaranteed to get her there if I roll an SSR, while I could get a spook or a duplicate Shelf on the current banner. Also, I tried Lana in the Arena for her Bond Power unlock and I now understand why the Princess Faction is considered so busted in PvP. With Shelfaniel and Lana dropping AoE attacks with Luna's Faction Buff, I could shave half the of the HP of the entire opposing team without retaliation, remove some of their buffs, and disable their tank. Luna could then kill one and cause more AoE damage before Cherie came in to clean up 2 others. And that's without Black Hole or Heaven's Sanction.
  2. Since I don't think I'm gonna be able to get this month's guild Runestone, I used a bit of guild points to get Luna her level 45 Bow Master level. So I now have tier 3 units for both Pegasus Master and Bow Master. Allows me to be more flexible. I can have her go full offensive as a Bow Master with Shelfaniel as the faction buffer or have her as a pegasus master and use her buff and wind pressure to deal chip AoE damage. Also not impressed by the guy who brought two level 20s, including our only healer, to the level 32 guild battle and then decided to auto. He seemed to be really active, but that's seems like asking to be kicked out of the guild.
  3. I finally managed to solo the level 40 flier Aniki, which allowed me to do the level 45. I walked away with 4 rainbow books, which allowed me to finally get Angels unlocked. This should be a big power boost for Cherie who was still using tier 2 troops. Not sure what to do with the 3 remaining books. I could unlock Gargoyles and Holy Pegasus, but I don't know is I should rather keep them to upgrade the Angels instead (if they need Rainbow books down the line that is. Right they only need gold material). Edit : Accidentally used one for the Gargoyles when I tried to check who could use them. The answer : none of the units I have leveled have use for them. @Sylphid Like Ayra said, the free SSR dagger is the best weapon for an archer Luna until you get Ullr's Bow, a SSR bow that increases troop range by 1, meaning Luna can run Griffon Knights or Heavensguards to attack at range, which is much stronger than using Demon Hunters. @Ayra From what I read, Luna can't really reach her full damage potential unless you have Shelfaniel to take care of the faction buff or you run her on Strategy team. When she doesn't have to to carry her buff, she can run Snipe, Move Again and Wind Spiral to go full offensive. Getting Ullr's Bow is also a big power spike for her.
  4. So I'm one of the newer servers and the previous Echo of Light, which ended later there since it started when the server launched, finally ended yesterday. I was strongly considering going full whale for the twin princesses' skins and maybe try a couple more pulls on the banner, but when I looked this morning, we had no Echo of Light. I sent a ticket to ask when we could expect to have the Echo of Light up and they said we'll have to wait for when the current Echo of Light finishes for the older servers and the new one arrives. I asked for them clarify if that meant newer servers would eternally lagging behind when it comes to Echo of Light or if they'll just skip the current Echo and its rewards, and if the latter was the case, when we could expect the skins to be back . The reply was pretty ambiguous, just telling me that they'll open this event in the future and to please be patient. No idea what that means honestly. Kind of think this might hurt their sales number since I'm pretty sure a lot of people willing to spend might hesitate if there's no Echo event to make their spending more worthwhile. I'd honestly have preferred they cut short the previous Echo to keep my server in-line with the others instead of this ambiguous waiting period with nothing going on. That is true, but I was addressing, Sylphid's comment about their Luna feeling weak, so whether or not Luna is a freebie is not a factor. And I just used Cherie as a comparison point since she's a premium attacker .
  5. I know that. I'm not saying that Cherie's weak, just that Luna can hit in the same Atk once you invest in +MDef% gear. It can just take a while for her to feel powerful since % based increase are more noticeable the higher the base number is.
  6. My Luna hits harder than my Cherie. During battle, with Faction buff, my luna reaches 452 Atk with Wind Spiral active from her 301 MDef. Meanwhile, Cherie hits 400 Atk. Luna also benefits from doing her Bond Power since she her Hero Boosts give 40% more Atk to her troops compared to only 20% for Cherie.
  7. I don't have H!Myrrh or L!Lyn, so both would have been fine and my Duma's -Atk, so another copy would have given me a chance to fix his IVs. Meanwhile, I already have a L!Azura, I don't see the point of merging her to +1 and I don't care for her fodder. So of course I got L'!Azura. After getting dupes of units I barely use on the previous two gifts banner, I can't say I'm really feeling this year's anniversary.
  8. Took me all three daily tries, but I finally managed to 3 star 4-3 elite. All my units were level 40 and none had tier 3 troops, which made facing lvl 40 units that did have tier 3 soldiers a real pain. Had to switch Liana for Tiaris since the former lacks decent AoE healing until she gets Prayer and Tiaris' talent came in clutch to allow Freya to survive tanking 2 enemies. I normally don't care that much if I can't 3 star a Star Rift right away since I can just come back when I'm stronger, but that rift is the only source of Samurai Scroll I currently have at my disposal, which I need to promote Luna and Cherie. Me reaching team level 40 tomorrow should also give me access to the level 40 promotion material in the guild shop, so that will accelerate my With that, I might finally be able to get tier 3 units of my own when I promote them, which should hopefully make dealing with lvl 40+ maps easier going forward. Luna is also starting to have trouble taking hits, so I might class change her to bow master soon. I am happy with how hard she hits though, all that MDef stacking is paying off.
  9. Since I could clear the Dark Contract event really easily by warping Ledin in the middle of the enemies, I went hard into it to farm it, despite only having access to the level 35 map. I managed to get 48100 points. Glad I did since the SSR pack gave me a really good Helmet that raise defensive stats while troops at 50% or more and raise Atk and Skill when below 50% (Carbon Fiber Helmet) and the SSR equipment netted me the Overlord Badge, which notably makes the wearer immune to stat down and mobility down debuffs. I was getting frustrated with my tank losing the ability to do its job, especially when it was undispellable, so this accessory is a god-send. If the map I can solo with Ledin comes back before the end of the event, I might try grinding for the second SSR pack.
  10. My guess as to why she isn't A- is that Rewind has a 5 turn cooldown while Liana's Again only has a two turn cooldown. But I'm not the one who made the list nor do I have Sophia, so I can't say much more on the matter. That's strange. It is slightly more expensive in Canada (a 0.99USD pack should translate to 1.30CAD but is instead 1.39CAD), but that's a 6.5% increase in price, not something a 25% one.
  11. I haven't touched Lewin yet, but I heard he's currently the best unit in the game to face the Thunder Dragon until Elwin gets a buff. As far as character guide is concerned, this one seems solid enough, though it's currently builds for the SSR units plus Egbert and Vargas, though the writer is still updating it. He also made a guide for factions.
  12. @SylphidSame. It's basically a RNG-less clock enchantment in some way. At 4 star, her single target will have no cooldown and most of her AoE will only have 1 turn of downtime. And that's how I feel about Tiaris. Guaranteed heals after every battle is great, but the difference between 2 levels isn't amazing, especially the difference between 3 and 4 stars. Seeing Diehardt mentioned always gives me mixed feelings since I joined too late to get him for free and while I can manage fine without him as a unit, he's necessary for me to max out Luna's bonds. This complete gacha situation where you need another SSR to unlock bond levels is probably the thing I like the least about the game at the moment. Your comment just made me realize that with me already having Ledin and my Leon spook, the focus banner with Ledin, Elwin and Leon has become my best chance at getting Elwin. Depending on how hard it is to get Lana from her Focus banner, I might spend on him so I'll have a SSR Infantry. And as someone who has the Clock, it's definitely worth the investment. I already used it time and time again to undo poor decision or even to correct mistakes like pressing "stand" by accident when I meant to attack or forgetting to use my faction buff with Luna. I also got the +1 Aniki and Dragon daily bonus and +50 crystals per day because I'm shameless.
  13. @Thokk Patrol It is since all its key players are SSRs, but that didn't stop me from somehow getting nearly all of them (only missing Lana and Angelina as far as SSR are concerned and if Sophia and Liffany show up eventually, I'll have all the princess units). And to me getting Liana to level 4 stars precedence on leveling Tiaris. Tiaris only gets a 10% increase to the proc rate of her passive at 4 stars while Liana gets a range increase on her passive, which is much more impactful. After that though, increasing Liana only increases her heal rate (from 1.5 her Int at 3 stars to 3 times her int at 6 stars) but she gets another huge upgrade at 6 stars since she heals 2 debuffs instead of 1, while Tiaris gets 20% increases until she reaches a 100% proc rate at 6 stars, with the heal remaining 3x her int. .
  14. @Sylphid You need to go into the Friends tab and then go to the Group tab and select the SF group. I had the same thought yesterday, but I managed to find it there. Regarding Liana, I'm currently focusing on getting her to 4 stars for that exact reason. 2 range on her passive would give me way more flexibility with positioning. I'm also try to give Shelfaniel 2 runs a day since getting her to 4 stars increases her passive's cooldown reduction from 1 to 2. Getting her to 6 stars for that -3 cooldown would be awesome in conjunction with Liana's Act Again. Luna's also getting 2 shards a day, but that's mostly favoritism.
  15. Did some rolls on the Twin Princess banner and I managed to get Shelfaniel, which I'm pretty happy about since I now have some flexibility in who I choose as my buffer for my team and I finally have a magic user for my faction. Decided to do one last roll after it and while I didn't get Angelina or another Shelfaniel, I somehow got Leon. I guess I now have someone to replace Sonya if she falls short on certain maps. I'm gonna stop for now, since I cannot not be satisfied with those results and the only SSR I'm missing for the princess faction, Lana and Angelina, will be featured on Focus banners (probably and hopefully in March) where they'll be the only units I'm missing, meaning I'm pretty much guaranteed to get them if I roll a SSR. Might also whale for the Echo of Light with the Shelfaniel and Angelina costume whenever it's released on my server (it's delayed on most recent servers since the previous Echo of Light is still running). @Sire I was looking at the friend code list you posted and I want to correct my name. You listed me as "LuxSpecs", but my name (both here and in-game) is spelled "LuxSpes".
  16. Yesterday, I stumbled on this reddit post that listed all the dates for the banners released in China. Since global seems to be following pretty much the same schedule albeit delayed, I decided to extrapolate when these banners could be released on the global server. Here's the reddit link for anyone interested. Definitely gonna save for all the Focus banners with Princess faction SSR since I'm already committed to that faction at this point.
  17. First few tries of the challenge quest with Jalter + double merlin weren't working, with Drake blowing up one Merlin before I could really get to her. Decided to try again with double merlin, but have Jalter, Merlin and Mash be starting trio with Jack, Merlin and Hans in the back. The plan was to have Mash out to defend Merlin while I dealt with Nightingale and Drake, but every I somehow forgot Drake had an ignore Invulnerability skill and lost Jalter and Merlin. Decided to stick with it and just use my Command Seal to bring everyone back. In the end, I didn't need to use any seals since it turns out bringing Jack to a quest where all the enemies are female is a pretty good idea. Took me 44 turns, but Jack managed to get everyone. I've been slacking in the farming department. I did manage to get Merlin to 10/10/10, but the shop is nearly full. I might just get the Lore and stop there.
  18. Managed to get the 60 Bozel shards right on the daily reset by using one of today's bonus runs. Good thing since today's map seems way harder to cheese than the previous. Farming the event also allowed me to get to level 35 and the first thing I did is get Luna to her next class. And wow does having a Faction buff make a difference. I was able to clear two Gate of Fate trials that were really walling me on the first try thanks to it. Next on list for class upgrade is Ledin so he can get his own faction buff for when Freya falls short. Speaking of Freya, I read on Reddit that the CN server is testing out changes to how immunity to fixed damage works. Bosses still have immunity to fixed damage source that calculate their damage based on a percentage (like Luna's faction buff effect dealing 15% of target's HP as damage), but will take full damage from sources that calculate their damage on a unit's attribute (like Freya's unique skill and Barb doing 2x and 2.5x her defense as damage). Took the info from this thread.
  19. Just realized I could cheese today's Dark Contract map with a team full of bonus unit by having Ledin take care of the Golem and Chris wipe the Skeletons, so I'm using my burgers to run the map as much as I can to try to at least get Bozel before the event ends. Also only a couple of hundred of Exp away from team level 34, so I'll finally be able to get my unit to their final class and unlock Faction Buffs.
  20. Just farmed it. I can put it on my character for you to register it.
  21. Looking at it, I prefer her already released Miko one to the Egyptian one. And despite how anachronistic it is, I really like Lana's Sonic Fairy store costume, though I'd need Lana first. In a similar case, the Echo of Light skins for Angelina and Schefaniel look interesting, though I won't spend a dime there if I don't own them. The Ledin Echo of Light skin also looks neat from what I can see, but unless it's together with another skin of a character I own and like, I don't think I'll get it. I'd be curious to see what Luna's look like and how you can obtain them, but there not in the vid for some reason.
  22. Considering all the princesses I already have, I'll definitely try for at least Shelfaniel. Getting Angelina would be nice as well, but she's not as high of a priority since she comes back on rate up banner with Liana and Cherie and I want to save crystals to try for Lana when she's on the rate up bannet with Luna and Tiaris. @Sire You might have to make your wallet bleed for that dancer Liana skin. I might be misremembering, but I think it's an Echo of Light exclusive skin alongside Lana's yakuza skin.
  23. Finally started working on my soldiers in the past few days. Fliers are up to level 8 and Infantry to level 7. The rest are level 5, 4, 3 and 2 for Cavalry, Lancer, Archer and Holy respectively. Went hard on fliers because of Cherie and Luna, so I'll have to work on the other categories, especially since I'm starting to hit gold material I don't have the level to farm yet. Also managed to 3 star Luna's first Gate of Fate, so I'll be able to get my daily shard for her. (Now to figure out how to beat her 3rd Gate of Fate mission so I can get 2 shards a day)
  24. Did 4 pull, got 4 bronze RIP Don't know if I'll try again, but I'm tempted because of the skin. Also, discovered that sending units on expedition doesn't prevent you from using those units so I'm doing them much more actively than before.
  25. I managed to beat Luna's first Gate of Fate mission, but it took me all of the 15 turns available and I had only one unit beside Luna standing by the end, which is far from the 9 turns and 3 deaths max needed to 3 star it. I realized I could and should use the forest in the upper left corner of the map, but even with that, the sheer amount of enemy units meant I couldn't do it without massive casualties. I guess I'll keep looking for a video or guide for it so I can at least 3 star it for daily sweeping. Also, I finally saw the Guild tab existed today, which made wonder if people here had started one. Seems like there's benefit to being part of one.
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