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Everything posted by LuxSpes

  1. If I manage to be available to farm pillars, I'll probably focus on Forneus and Barbatos since I'm really needing hearts, pages, feathers and snake jewels. Looking at my leveled servants, using a combination of Scathach, Jalter and a support Waver for Barbatos seems to be my best bet. For Forneus, I can probably have Scathach and Ozymandias NP turn 1 with the help of a support Waver. I have a NP 2 Ibaraki, but I'm lacking the feathers and exp necessary to get her to ascension 3 and beyond. In fact, all the quartz I spent on Ishtar's banner and all the events we had since October left me with a lot of SR to level up. Really could have used all the EXP from the Christmas lotto, but I had to deal all the projects and exams the end of a semester brings, so I was only able to get up to 7 boxes.
  2. That's the list of drops. Glaceon wants to know the drop rates, so how many runs of one pillar do you have to do on average to get a material drop. For example, you might need 51 AP per pages for Barbatos if one run costs 40 AP.
  3. Thanks IS. Instead of fixing a common complaint for Aether Raid, you just put the fix behind a paywall/incredible amount of luck and patience.
  4. Honestly, I was already getting sick of Aether raids since I don't have the units necessary to deal with 4 cavalries with overlapping range huddled in a corner and surrounded by traps, but this pretty puts the nail in the coffin for me. Really wanted to +10 GHB and TT units, but I don't think I'll be willing to deal with AR's crap much longer. Really hope Grails can be obtained elsewhere soon.
  5. Never managed to get a throne, but I can kiss my chances of getting one goodbye now that Mythic seasons are a thing.
  6. So these are the Mythic Effects: So not only are the boost from Mythic Heroes a straight upgrade compared to those granted by Legendary Heroes (+5 HP/+5 Res compared to Gunnthra's +3 HP/+4 Res) but Mythics give a stupidly strong advantage to whales that can manage to +10 them in Aether Raids.
  7. Kozaki's art for this book is some of the most detailed I've seen from him, especially Eir's and the official picture for the book with Sharena in the background.
  8. Same. The game's been getting stale for me for a while now and while Aether Raids were initially very fun, they just feel like a worst version of Arena at this point. Current Arena is a pain, but if I do all my matches in a single day, I don't have to worry about doing it for a week and while it does have something related to defense, it only rewards defense wins with a small reward. Meanwhile I'm forced to play Aether Raids every day to stay competitive and you can lose nearly half of your progress because of losses. To shake things up, we really need something to do with all our units that's not competitive and PvP oriented as well as refresh to the summoning pool so that I don't have to rely on the same few skills all the time.
  9. So overall, this FEH channel announced : Book 3 Mythic Heroes with Light, Dark, Astra and Anima New Hero Fest with Eir First Summon Tickets Tibarn is coming in January So overall, I'm intrigued by Book 3. I'm wary since Book 2 started somewhat promising and ended up being pretty disappointing, and I'm unsure FEH can actually handle going down the 'dark and edgy' road. Not sure how I feel about Mythic heroes. When the Light and Dark icons were leaked, I expected new Legendary Heroes, but they're apparently different. First of all, Eir is on a Hero Fest banner and not on a 'Mythical Banner'. Until they give us more details, I have no idea if they're going to be permanent additions to the pool or just relegated to special banners. The fact that their blessings are tied to Aether Raids are pretty ominous since I'm not a fan of how Blessings impact arena and Aether Raids are already enough of a pain for me without having to deal with blessings on top of that. First Summon Tickets are either a good thing or a bad one depending on how they're implemented. If they're just added as extra rewards and don't take the place of orbs, it just gives up more summons overall, which is good. But if tickets replace orb rewards in certain events, it could slow down people who want to stash orbs for banners they really want. The only thing I'm really hyped for is Tibarn. I've been saving orbs ever since the RD was announced and knowing it's gonna feature Tibarn is making me really glad I did. And it seems like Laguz units might have a gimmick similar to how they worked in the Tellius game considering Tibarn is initially in human form before automatically shifting at the start of the 3rd player turn while Nailah never shifts. Overall, kinda meh on this channel. None of the news here are really game changers as far as how we play the game is concerned. The closest thing to a gameplay change to one of the current mode is the whole Blessing bonus in Aether Raids and it's definitely not something I'd consider like an improvement if it's anything like how blessings work in the arena.
  10. Here's a picture of the enemy flying dragon :
  11. You can see it for a second on the map when Tharsir attacks Sharena in the new chapter.
  12. Tickets do seems pretty bad. Instead of giving us orbs that we stockpile for future banners, they can just give us tickets and force us to spend them on the current banner, reducing how big of an orb stash we can get for a specific banner. Glad I've been stockpiling since they announced the RD banner since it's now confirmed to be the introduction of Laguz units.
  13. Mind you I was only trying for a single roll, so I was fully expecting getting something I was gonna burn. I nearly 10-pulled several time before and caught myself, but I guess I was too tired to realize there was something wrong with single pull getting me down to 57 quartz from 87. The last two weeks of a semester can do that to people...
  14. This game is trolling me. Got 20 quartz from 150 login streak, decided to spend them. Nothing until last pull where I'm greeted by Fionn. I'm really, really tempted to acquire my first rare prism.
  15. 3 tickets and 285 quartz got me no Ishtar. Feels bad to be back to 0 quartz. I definitely shouldn't pull at 3 in the morning because I can't fall asleep. My very last pull was my third copy of Formal Craft, which I'm unsure if I should take as a good omen or as the game trolling me. I did get 4, 5 and 3 copies of the 3*, 4* and 5* event CEs respectively and while I got 3 SR servants, I can't say I'm really all that excited about getting Berserker Lancelot, Beowulf and Astolfo, though it does mean I finally have Gold Zerkers now. Ah well, better luck next time I guess and buy fries to use all the salt the banner gave me.
  16. If that's the case, I guess I could put it on Nitocris, since she can at least gain 102 NP gauge first turn due to her Rapid Divine Words being at a high enough level.
  17. I finally managed to get 5K mana prism after nearly a week of spamming the 30AP Exp node, so I was finally able to get MLB Chaldea Lunchtime. My small problem at the moment is that I'm not sure who should have it on my support list. Most people put them on their caster slot since they have Waver or Tamamo, but the only gold Casters I have at my disposal at the moment are Nitocris and Da Vinci, who don't seem to be the best candidate since they're offensive casters. I currently elected to put it on Ozymandias since the rest of my support servants are also mostly offense-oriented, but Ozy at least has some support capability with Charisma and Protection from the Sun God.
  18. Dumped a couple of quartz on Gil. Didn't get him, but I did get a SR archer in Emiya. Shame I probably won't be able to ascend him anytime soon since Scathach used the last of my hearts and void dust. I'll probably try my luck again with Ishtar to see if I can get a SSR archer.
  19. Ylgr has gen 2 stats. Her BST range of 150-151 falls into the 150-152 range for gen 2 ranged units. Gen 1 ranged units have a 147-149 BST range. And I'm surprised as well that they didn't make her a trainee since it would have fitted her much more than Surtr and they gave him the bonus.
  20. Managed to empty the last box just a couple of hours before reset yesterday and I cleaned up the shop for everything except for the monuments and pieces, which I'm fine with considering I had none of the required CEs to farm gold stars and silver bells. Spent all the gold exp cards I got to get Rama to level 80 and to get started leveling Santa alter, which I now slightly regret since I got Scathach from a 10 pull I did first thing this morning. I guess I know where the EXP card from this year's Christmas events are going as well as 5 of my 6 remaining hearts.
  21. It seems to be. L!Tiki and H!Myrrh were the inevitable trainee gen 2 armor, but both adrift Corrins and Sutr don't look like trainee units, so it just seems like IS is slapping that BST modifier to increase sales. Just like how they keep slapping the armor label on random infantry units.
  22. When IS announced a RD banner would be released in a couple of months, I decided I would try to hoard my orbs for it, though I was unsure if I would manage to since I have a tendency to be trigger happy when it comes to summoning. With the Adrift banner and this one, IS is making so much easier for me to hoard orbs.
  23. So I didn't get Iskandar in the amount of Quartz I limited myself to, but I did manage to get my first non welfare gold saber in Rama. Shame that he requires 6 hearts just to get his skills to level 5, since I already have Jalter, Jack and Nitocris that requires hearts for their skills.
  24. No idea what to do with this banner announcement. On one hand, I really want the Zero servants + Schathach, but on the other, Merlin and Ishtar are coming out soon...
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