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Everything posted by LuxSpes

  1. I saw somewhere that affection is a completely different stat from happiness and can confirm it with in-game exp. My Azurill with max affection still didn't evolve when I level her up. On the other hand, the happiness rater in Santalune said some of my pokm were really happy despite having low affection. Affection may influence how you gain happiness, but raising one doesn't necessarily raise the other. As for why the massage one didn't evolve. This is a pretty silly question, but you never know: Did the Igglybuff share the same type of pokeball? Could some had been hatched in a Luxury ball while the other was in a normal pokeball?
  2. 'Hey Einstein, I'm on your side!' - Falco 'Only I have the brain to rule Lylat' - Andross
  3. I liked my moxie scrafty. It has a great type both offensively and defensively and it's stats allows it to take a hit. Plus, its STAB move are pretty useful in-game, especially against the elite 4.
  4. I was actually EV training in Victory Road when it happened. I was spamming sweet scent to kill Floatzel horde when it appeared. The fact that I had to kill 4 geodude screwed my evs a bit, but it's worth IMO for my first shiny ever. I also got pokérus in Y so I feel even luckier.
  5. ^ While I enjoy my time with pokemon Y, Fire Emblem Awakening is still my favorite 3DS game(and the game that made me buy the system)
  6. That's exactly how my encounter with my shiny geodude went. I remember someone saying that the only Sniny they ever saw in-game was a a graveler that exploded in their face turn 1(bonus point if it was a Nuzlocke run and it knocked out the guy's pokemon)
  7. I've played both Xenoblade and Skyward Sword twice in a row.
  8. Bidoof is awesome, what are you talking about? (were you implying that Bidoof is in fact awesome or that it's bad to get a shiny bidoof?)
  9. I know this post is a month old, but I find it funny that someone would say that considering that some people are playing harder difficulties in nearly every games and that some people love to put self-restriction on themselves(people going through Metroid Prime 2 without the Dark suit is a prime example unintended awful pun. Some people are going through Awakening without pair-up or grindind). It may be because I have no problems with anime tropes and I only played 4 FE games(RD, SD, PoR and FE:A in that order), but I liked FE:A's character quite a bit. The presence of the Avatar and marriage somehow made me more invested in the characters and since I try to change which waifu/husbando I pick each playthrough, it allows me to care for different characters. I never had the level of emotional investment in any other FE games(this game is the only one that I played in the series that made me cry. Chapter 10 TT_TT) And this game had an amazing soundtrack. Other games had a couple of stand-out tracks, but this game is full of great piece of music that varies a lot in style (chaos ablaze vs Id serenity or Id purpose vs Don't speak her name) People seem to be overly focused on the flaws of this game to the point that it looks like the worst game ever rather than a good game that saved the series from death while offering a solid base to build the next game upon.
  10. Name, avatar, signature, I use all of them to build a mental image of the poster. The tone in which I interpret posts may also be affected by these 3 things.
  11. This^ I remember getting bored with the game(while grinding to complete the support log mind you). I then put it aside for around 1-2 months while I was playing SMTIV. I was starting my second playthrough of SMT when I just got the FEA itch. Played it again for 1-2 months. Now I'm putting it down again to play Pokemon Y. Even good gamea will start to get less entertaining if you play it too regularly for a long time.
  12. Enjoy what little time is left of Halloween
  13. Play the music with the pic for added effect. I may have gotten this idea from SoC's tumblr
  14. These are the supposed typing for anyone interested:
  15. Actually, I remember reading that Pokemon was always the game that made people discover how to hack a system, so the fact that it would happe again with the 3DS isn't that surprising. And every time something impossible is accomplished, it will be because 1 random guy comes and claims to have accomplished the deed. It was only a matter of time before some computer wiz figured it out.
  16. Well, for awakening, I grew to care for my new characters as much as my original, even if I felt really detached at the start.
  17. I just had a quick look at those thread and the amount of flack awakening gets is quite peculiar. FE13 is the game I played the most(technically I spent more hours in FE10, but that's mainly because I was boss grinding the Dawn Brigade). And maybe it's because I've read a lot about Metroid Other M's plot recently, but I find the claim that FE13 has the worst story ever a bit of a stretch(That metroid game truly has one of the most horrible story I've ever seen). I find FE13 plot to be ok. Yeah, it's pretty cliche and the story seem kinda pieced together, but the overlying story at least got me emotionally invested in my characters.
  18. You can at least console yourself with the knowledge that it's not a Luvdisc.
  19. I need my fan to go to sleep. 1. It gives a steady constant noise and helps to cover irregular noises (like snoring) that drive me crazy. 2. I'm always too hot, even in Winter, so I need my fan to be able to stay cool(I cannot go to bed if it's too hot).
  20. Do you even bother to catch something like that?
  21. I guess it depends on the person, but I usually feel more free to be myself on internet than IRL. IRL, my shyness usually makes it very difficult for me to express myself and show what I truly feel inside. Someone mentioned internet giving you a mask, well in my case, it removes it. When I'm at school and around acquaintances, I'm usually extremely reserved despite talking to people. I'll discuss over a couple of generality. I often need the other person to mention something that would hint common ground before opening myself. This is mostly due to the fear of being judged. For some stupid reason, I try not to annoy/displease anyone even though I know it's perfectly impossible(In fact, I'm pretty sure I know the reason and I'm slowly working on it, but it's far from easy) . On the internet however, the anonymity usually makes it easier for me to be myself. First, I know from the start when I'm posting something that there is a bit of common ground. I know that people in this forum love playing FE(and pokemon in the appropriate sub-forum). The anonymity also means that I can decide to never meet someone again if I say/do something embarrassing . Overall, while being anonymous allows you to act completely different from yourself, it allows me to be more open about myself. The added bonus of knowing in advance the presence of a common interest also ease things.
  22. Well, I still like the game very much. I took a break from it this summer, but came back to it full force during september. Now, I'm playing Pokemon Y, but I intend to go back to Awakening after that. There's still a lot of things that I can do with that game.
  23. Sucker Punch now it's Steel for neutral damage, so it doesn't really matter that it walls it's 2 STAB. And power up punch is a decent option, but it's low BP make it an unsure option. Also, nevermind the Thunder punch suggestion, it's a gen5 only move. And I maintain that Ice fang could also be replaced by Sword Dance.
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