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Everything posted by solrocknroll

  1. Votals are still the same 13 hours until phase end lol
  2. this is truth which is one of the reasons why ffxiv is truly amazing
  3. this is such a false thing flareon gets access to easy flamethrower, fire blast, shadow ball, and double-edge all through the main story. there's likely some other good moves it gets too flareon' special attack isn't even that bad lol
  4. I know it's probably going to be a new female character but I'm really hoping for Gaius above anyone else. especially since I really want another XIV character Ashe and Vanille are cool too though. Hope or Balthier if the new character is male.
  5. your logic for the field trip goes in a ton of directions what about a girl who's a lesbian and she wants to stay in the girls room because she is a girl? i guarantee there are some parents who would complain just as hard. what if this transgendered girl is attracted to guys? as a parent, would you not want them away from your son then? you'd rather they stay with the girls this isn't something that is exclusive to trans people
  6. I do see people's points honestly. Obviously there's a time and a place for fanservice. I do want people's opinions on optional outfits though. Are those still an issue if they are something you have to go out of your way to use?
  7. No, obviously not she used the term, puff-puff, which, I don't actually even know what that means. it just seems to demonize strippers or something and lady gaga is also the best example I can think of for this because of outfits like the seashell outfit
  8. puff-puff? are you literally comparing a lack of clothes to being a stripper? so lady gaga is a professional stripper then? Edit: after looking up Jessica I can see that she's insanely tame there are real women you can see at like the mall dressed like her
  9. okay yes but this isn't limited to Fire Emblem lol look at literally any video game and you'll see people screaming about fanservice even something like persona 4 golden lol
  10. it's just skin people, calm down i'm legitimately asking what's so horrible about showing skin. it's not that big a deal people seem to literally devour any fanservice that's dedicated to references to older games in a series, but skimpy clothes suddenly are bad
  11. radically different everything make the game take place in a magical fantasy land with whatever you can literally throw in it new artist (Kozaki is cool but artists should always switch between consoles, which is why the Kita requests are lol) new aesthetic (make everything as final fantasy as possible) a big sized cast with gimmicky personalities to make them stand out marriage a cool avatar with swords/staves lots of fanservicy eye candy people over the top outfits and animations typical gameplay but a fresh coat of paint. lots of vibrant, popping colors like Tokyo Mirage Sessions tons of vocal tracks with a large variety of genres (pop, bossa nova, hip hop, jazz, whatever. i'm thinking along the lines of a mix of persona and sonic adventure 2 here) maybe even a modern day fantasy setting like FFXV new weapon aesthetics (not new types, just even more insane designs) a cast of characters that are primarily teenagers like persona a story that aims to be a campy pastiche of other serious fe games and instead works on humor down to earth writing. flowery writing is boring. my goal is here is something like xenoblade x so basically just make persona emblem chronicles #xv and we're all set
  12. Human bosses don't typically work. Berdo makes this very very obvious. He's literally a Dark Bishop but with a shiny new tome
  13. 1. impressions because I actually sort of know you 2. favorite flavor of joseph? 3. are you scum
  14. Votals 4.1 - maya have the votals? JB (2) L-2: Kirsche, Refa Refa (1) L-3: JB Not Voting: Quote, Gaius, Toren You have 44 hours until Phase End. With 6 left alive, it takes 4 to hammer.
  15. I also recently played Super Paper Mario lol Super Paper Mario has enjoyable gameplay and colourful visuals. The writing is fun, and I never really felt like it was a chore. But most of the antagonists are absolutely awful. I hate Bleck. I hate O'Chunks. I hate Dimentio. I hate Mimi. I hate Mr. L. Nastasia is the only good ones. The music is hit or miss. Sticker Star is overall superior in almost every way. But SPM is still pretty fun, and far better than the Thousand Year Door.
  16. That 2000s one looks amazing though compared to the other ones that's like, the best style for anything. K-On is probably my favorite anime. I'm fine with Kozaki staying, but I'd rather Kozaki stick to the current style of 3DS games. As in, if there's a big NX game, it probably should have a different artist. For instance, if FE15 is a big NX title, there could be a new artist, and if FE16 is a 3DS Gaiden remake, then have Kozaki do the art.
  17. Tokyo Mirage Sessions: no English VA I get why there's no dub. It would cost a lot and it would take a long time. But I also prefer dubs to subs for the most part.
  18. admittedly for me, I've played so much about Genealogy that nothing is really a surprise to me, so I'm not the best viewpoint. true point about Sigurd though
  19. I admittedly forgot about Pope Francis, who is absolutely amazing. Edit: In fact, he might be the most genuinely saintly person alive. He gets a check mark from me tbh
  20. it's not as bad because at least it's not fire emblem related
  21. that's like literally the only twist in the game genealogy is not a complex game i highly doubt that it'll really impact your enjoyment though. there's more to the game than just the story
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