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Everything posted by solrocknroll

  1. Votals 3.1 - the Skye's are clear Dragonflare (3) L-2: Kirsche, GP, Gaius Not Voting: JB, Refa, Dragonflare, Riptor, Quote,Toren
  2. Quiet Burn: eh Justice RIP: I enjoy this. It reminds me of Kid Icarus: Uprising.
  3. this topic has more Electric/Fighting types than Pokemon itself lol Warrior of Light - Fairy/Fighting Firion - Ice Onion Knight - Normal Cecil - Fairy/Dark Bartz - Fairy Terra - Fire/Psychic Cloud - Normal/Flying Squall - Fire/Steel Tidus - Flying/Water Shantotto - Fire Vaan - Normal/Fighting Lightning - Steel/Fairy Y'shtola - Grass/Psychic Noctis - Dark/Psychic
  4. actually I miscounted there are 9 alive so it takes 5 to hammer
  5. Dijon Mustard: I quite enjoyed it. The vocals were really good and I liked the overall sound that it conveyed.
  6. This morning, there is one dead. You try to analyze the body. It's Elieson. Elieson is no longer psyched. It is now Day 3. Day 3 ends in 72 hours on August 24 at 11:00 A.M. CST/GMT-5. With 10 left alive, it takes 6 to hammer.
  7. In my mind, I'll think it. But I won't say it considering how those people don't even know how I feel about them in the first place lol.
  8. To have fun? You act like journeys need to be epics. Ash's goal in life is foremost to have fun with his friends and to meet new Pokemon. That takes precidence over being a Pokemon Master. I don't see why Ash needs to change anything.
  9. Gender is exactly a social concept. Society created expectations for people just because they're born with a man or a woman. These concepts were created by society. In a world where gender roles never existed at any time, transgenderism would likely not be a thing. People wouldn't have to feel uncomfortable in their own bodies if society hadn't told them that their bodies were meant for specific purposes. In a perfect world, androgyny would be the primary beginning for everyone and whether one felt the way they should feel or not wouldn't matter.
  10. if a person living as their true self is going to make you uncomfortable, maybe you should just never leave your house and Caitlyn and Zoey are both women. That isn't something that you get the authority to decide. No one but someone's own self has the authority to decide who they are
  11. I missed a lot so I'll go for the last four for right now Disinnocence: overall pretty cool. I too enjoyed the ethereal vibe. Excellen: Not really my style Chen: oh my god I love it fuccoib: tears for fears isn't really my thing
  12. yeah i get all my games in October and December so Fates is the only thing I've gotten this year my brother did get planet robobot yesterday though so that's fun
  13. why exactly? unless you really hate the taste or have a personal negative experience with a friend or family member, then this seems pretty over the top I spit out coca-cola immediately because the taste is that awful to me. but if it's just so you can be your own moral guardian, that's a little much
  14. not to mention that Alain's team was lit Like, his team was Charizard X, Tyranitar, Metagross, Weavile, Bisharp, and Unfezant. If Ash had actually won against this team, it would be even more of a stretch Edit: and to hammer this in further: Alain has lost on-screen once in the entire series. He's beaten Malva. He's gone toe-to-toe with Steven. He's fought Rayquaza and the Primals. He's beaten Trevor and Remo and Astrid. Only Siebold has beaten Alain so far.
  15. do you people actually watch the anime? Ash hasn't won, but that doesn't mean that he hasn't improved or that he needs to be replaced Top 16 in Kanto. Team being Pikachu, Charizard, Squirtle, Bulbasaur, and Pidgeotto. Muk and Kingler existed as reserves that were just called back to win effortlessly. Top 2 in Kalos. Team being Pikachu, Greninja, Talonflame, Goodra, Hawlucha, and Noivern. This is clear progression, whether you think it's enough or not. Ash isn't even an idiot. He's perky and kind but that doesn't make him stupid. Ash was portrayed as less bright in Unova, but it wasn't to diminish his accomplishments. It was to replace Team Rocket as comic relief since they became super serious. Special is absolutely the worst Pokemon medium because there is no concrete main character. People who want Ash to be replaced need to realize that his replacements would just be clones. May wouldn't have been allowed to be the Coordinator she was if she had been the main character. She'd likely have become a ditzy Ash clone. And you can guarantee that every main character would have Pikachu. Whether you're irrationally biased against Pikachu or not, it's still the mascot of this series and having the anime without Pikachu would be like having Sailor Moon without Usagi herself.
  16. Marriage equality was the primary idea on my mind. The Supreme Court was able to make a choice accurately, and yet smaller states now complain that their hateful standards for marriage aren't being upheld. Without the federal government, the states could be prejudiced against anyone, and not everyone can move to New York or California. Likewise, there was the point brought up earlier about businesses rejecting people for religious reasons. That's prejudice and should be shut down for obvious reasons. The bathroom issue is equally valid. A person should not be antagonized for who they are. Glee had an episode about this back in 2013 or 14 and it was incredibly insightful. Just because you feel differently does not mean that it isn't valid. Racism on the other hand wasn't a particularly valid point on my part, but the other two most definitely were.
  17. With the clang of the gavel, Eury has been hammered. ...Scientifically speaking of course. It is now Night 2. Phase ends in 24 hours on August 21 at 11:00 A.M. CST/GMT-5.
  18. And where exactly is the federal government overreaching? The federal government always knows best for pretty much every topic, and the states who want their own choices just want to use them to spout their homophobic, transphobic, racist vitriol. It's the federal government's job to keep the backwards states from forcing their horrible ideas on the people who live there. I shouldn't be disadvantaged because I live in Tennessee, one of the worst states in the entire country.
  19. Normally, a person's favorite game doesn't mean anything. And I don't have a problem with people disliking the games at all. I mean, there are plenty of topics about the modern games I don't complain about. But the people with the most radical views tend to always be Elibe fans. I don't think I've ever seen someone with Radiant Dawn or Shadow Dragon or even Sacred Stones be so upset about the current direction. It tends to stem from how Blazing Sword was the first game in the west, or how Binding Blade was the first game after Melee, so a lot of people could enter the series with those games. Moe is still a really bad term regardless if it is an opinion or an argument. People throw around anything moe to describe anything that's remotely Japanese and cute. And it isn't as if somehow the older artists will be "spitting on their legacy" by coming back. That makes no sense in any way. Also, dunno what you mean by saying that I dislike Genealogy. It's one of the most flat out fun FE games in the series. I think the twist is rather meaningless from a story perspective, but I love how it mixes things up from a gameplay perspective. I like every FE game in some way except Blazing Sword and ironically Conquest. To that extent, I actually don't even like Fates that much honestly. I don't particularly care about it, but it still gets exhausting seeing the amount of vitriol sent it's way for being different. It's not even becoming more "anime," because it's actually just conforming to Nintendo's style. People who want a super series Fire Emblem need to remember that Nintendo's main series are Mario, Pokemon, Animal Crossing, Zelda, Splatoon, and Kirby.
  20. Eurykins (4) L-2: Elieson, Quote, Riptor, Dragonflare7 Dragonflare7 (2): Gaius, JB Not Voting: Toren, Eurykins, Kirsche, Refa, GP Phase ends in 21 hours on August 20th at 6:00 CST/GMT-5. With 11 left alive, it takes 6 to hammer.
  21. Votals 2.2: Eury is at L-1 everyone else's Votals will come soon enough, just thought I'd go ahead and mention that
  22. ace attorney trials and tribulations is like, a gift from lady gaga or something. truly perfect runner ups would be animal crossing gcn and kid icarus uprising miles edgeworth 2 would probably be here if I had the capacity to play it
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