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Everything posted by solrocknroll

  1. Yeah, this isn't FE5. This seems like FE7: guest starring FE5 characters. There are ways to keep FE5's elements without tearing them all down. Repairing weapons is especially important. S
  2. This is all fine and good, but absolutely no one likes Leif, and Leif makes nothing but error after error after error. Leif liberates Manster and defeats Veld. That's literally the only thing he does. When I say anti-Corrin, I'm being serious. A character like Leif who gets nothing but hard times is just as bad.
  3. what about people who actually like making optimal pairings this topic pretends that it ruins the experience or whatever, but many people only have fun when controlling everything. different people have different wants
  4. do any of you actually realize that making all of your characters "anti-Corrin" is just as bad as Corrin was? people are irrationally mad about Corrin so they now want characters like Leif who are just as bad Leif literally does nothing but make mistake after mistake. Thracia could not happen and Seliph could probably still win. Corrin and Leif are both the worst Lords in the series for the opposite reasons, yet it seems that everyone is blinded by how much they dislike avatars Everyone says their characters are "flawed," but in what way? Most of these ideas aren't actually new flaw. Chances are, Marth already did it better. Why not have a character who's illiterate or something? That's probably not a particularly great idea, but making mistakes or slightly naive or whatever isn't really new. Especially if you try to make it a point that not everyone likes them.
  5. I'm not going to cover most of that because opinions, but do you honestly think a lot of Braixen's fanbase only likes it because it looks like a magical girl? That's even the characterization it takes in Pokken. It might not be your problem with Delphox, but I've seen many people hate Delphox just for that. That fan design is way too witch for Delphox. Delphox is meant to be a classical wizard to match Chesnaught's classical knight and Greninja's classical rogue. All I can think of when I see that design is Sarah Jessica Parker.
  6. I want her to be a morally infallible good girl. She will have lilac hair and will use lances. Her family is the reigning rulers of a smaller duchy. Her struggle will come from liberating her small land from the evil empire that is trying to constrict the life out of the smaller lands. Her best stats will be Luck, Resistance, and Speed. Her growths will overall be pretty decent. I'm picturing somewhere in the middle of Eirika and Ephraim usage wise. Other characters will tend to respect her, but most people won't actually even know how she is at first.
  7. doesn't matter i'll turn off certain items like the dragoon, but i tend to prefer having items sometimes i'll just turn them all the way off my bayonetta and cloud are so good I can beat anyone with items on or off
  8. Delphox is not a failure lol. Delphox has a much better design than Braixen does for one. Delphox set out to finish out what the chain started. People irrationally dislike Delphox because it isn't a kawaii Sailor Moon mage girl, but I'm very happy it avoided that and turned into an actual wizard. And the real reason Braixen is in Pokken is because Serena has it. And Serena's didn't evolve because her main rival had a Delphox. So it wouldn't really make sense for both of them to have Delphox.
  9. obviously doesn't care that I was skipped for no reason
  10. likes the objective best Fire Emblem game
  11. are you people going to give actual reasons and not just "avatars are bad!" Literally any character that's good at anything is called a Mary Sue. Rachel Berry of all characters is a Mary Sue apparently. This term has an almost subzero amount of meaning, and I believe people use it in lieu of an actual argument. "They're good at things and they eat up the spotlight." Yes, that's called being a protagonist in something that isn't an epic or a tragedy. Protagonists aren't meant to repeatedly fail unless that's the entire set up. If Glee wasted many, many episodes on Rachel and Kurt "accurately" failing, then the pacing would be ruined.
  12. my sisters were born through c-section, so I thought that was how all babies were born
  13. jesus I don't know you but why exactly are you reacting like this??? Parrhesia had a very logical complaint, I mean, Feraligatr is not a rare Pokemon and thus there's no way to guarantee that someone else wouldn't take Cubone. Especially since Cubone might actually be harder to obtain than a Feraligatr. Edit: also posse? this isn't a schoolyard
  14. Yes, it even talked about Alola Formes lol. There's no denying that it's real. Fairy type and the Kalos starters leaked before XY and people denied them there too. I need them to be real. I literally could not care less about Litten either way, but I think I might actually cry if I don't get my Popplio mermaid. Litten's evolution isn't even that bad. I mean, Meowstic doesn't exactly look like an actual cat either. The obsession with quadrupedal Pokemon is so baffling. If you really want one, Mermaid!Popplio is obviously quadrupedal. It rests on its tiny seal feet.
  15. How can one not believe it's real? Mallow is pretty definite proof. And even then, the same leak had stuff like Oricorio who are definitely real. Like, I understand personally disliking the designs. But the fact of the matter is that the proof is very much in favor of it being real.
  16. I live in the Deep South, my schools are not teaching special snowflake acceptance. I made my views on my own. Having a transgender friend has helped me, as have my own personal experiences. Being offensive is to harm another person. It's just as bad as being physically violent. Especially since most people have mental issues and can be more emotionally fragile than physically fragile. Love is literally the only thing in this world that matters.
  17. Science determines much about how the world works, but biological science is not psychology. The mental side of humanity is far more important than the physical side. People need to follow their feelings to express themselves instead of letting "rationality" define them.Edit: "It" is a disgusting pronoun to use on a human being. Maybe you don't actually realize that I'm not "regressive" lol but actually 15. And I only believe in seeing the power of emotion. I'm not jaded and bitter.
  18. I'm here and still not going to make a non-PM type of communication connect with me if glee is your thing
  19. literally no one actually cares about biology feelings are the only things that matter as human beings. To feel is to truly understand what it's like to live. Science doesn't deserve to decide what's right or what's wrong. Humans are also worth far more than simply children factories. That's a terrible way to simply living. also I'm seriously questioning why you haven't been modded for using slurs considering the fact that that word is just as bad as any other slur.
  20. I don't really have a big problem with anyone who's far right except for when they try to take away the rights of people who are humans too. I live in a very homophobic, transphobic, pro-life place. I'll be the first to admit that I'm extremely jaded about this. But I also believe that these people need to respect the life choices of others.
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