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Everything posted by solrocknroll

  1. it's okay, I didn't actually realize this was a real game until the end of night 1 lol
  2. Fates has everything that a game needs. It ha a self-insert, which is vital. It had fanservice and romance, which I require from an RPG. The gameplay is ironically the unimportant part.
  3. (can we edit now? Anyway, double post because of that) like, this is an actual thing you said what reason did you have to say this?
  4. I am not Captain Hindsight but I can definitely tell you that you need to not lie to people who are obviously town Like, there's no point to that whatsoever, and you calling out Refa, Blitz, and I for being asleep or whatever is asinine. We made some mistakes, but it's not like we were utterly blind. We had our own team that worked opposite yours just because you lied about things.
  5. My active vanilla status meant that I didn't have any results for scorri to give me also agh I didn't even think that I should have claimed something that would get me NK'd because that would have been handy
  6. idk if you realize Ken but I did actually try the constant lying made me trust Gaius over you, mainly because Refa, someone I knew for a fact was town, supported the Marth lynch
  7. I flipflopped on Gaius just because I had no idea what was actually being said. I couldn't tell based on those verb less messages what was going on. Ken was much more aggressive in his reads, so I was blinded by that The main thing I regret is not questioning wagons. All of the wagons were started by people I was currently townreading, so I was confused.
  8. I caught on way too late to the mafia team, but by last night I was able to at least identify all three I don't know where that theory that Blitz was an arsonist came from though
  9. it's not letting me do that for some reason but I think it's because it really wants me to have the Sheets Mobile app since I'm on a phone
  10. how do we input into the spreadsheet? Like, do we need a google account? My only google account has my full name and I'd rather not edit that is it possible to just make a request in thread that will be put onto the list?
  11. did not know that my girl Fiona didn't have a card how is she the only RD character who's not evil/Laguz to not have a card lol
  12. Then why would you lie about clearing JCW then lol
  13. yes but you could have killed a character you hate, used the Valkyrie, and then killed them again
  14. lol I forgot that Arthur literally cannot use the Valkyrie staff should've just accidentally done Claude/Sylvia then I guess
  15. It wasn't Regret who had the investigative role though. They were just passing info from a friend.
  16. I mean, we can obviously tell who the scum are now. Lord Gaius and Kirsche are definitely confirmed scum. You're an ITP. But it's probably game over, no?
  17. Simple: Regret told me that an investigation revealed you were an ITP. So I basically said that an ITP was a perfectly acceptable lynch and that Regret should publically reveal that information. I, however, clearly forgot about this when you posted your evidence.
  18. but um I was the one who told Regret to reveal the Blitz investigation results I did not read deep enough into that log to actually realize that Regret was talking about me, not the scum team
  19. Tanya because she's the prettiest. Edit: I actually totally forgot about Setsuna. She's my real favorite.
  20. Sticky Web, Spikes, and Toxic Spikes are just as bad though. That's what I'm trying to say. Stealth Rock is on a few Pokemon's sets. Heatran, Garchomp, etc. But that doesn't make it bad. Excadrill is great and has a spot on pretty much every team. And it is immune to Toxic Spikes. It resists SR and Spikes. Why not just carry an Excadrill?
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