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Everything posted by solrocknroll

  1. Johalva because he's the only Warrior in the game and his stats are better than Johan's. Sure, Johan has a horse, but Lex already wore out the Great Knight shtick.
  2. Um so like you know that I meant to bold that right ##Vote: Darrman
  3. I went to see finding dory but ##Vote: Darrman Better than No Lynch, which is decidedly a bad thing
  4. wait were we supposed to actually send in a shot I did it in topic because I thought that was the proper method for some reason
  5. I don't really think it matters if Grubbin is Hawaiian or not. Hawlucha is not a French animal. I mean, Grubbin is a Sheargrub from Pikmin first and foremost.
  6. I'm guessing that Flareon and Zapdos are probably Mafia roles, while Venomoth, Pidgeot, and maybe Charmeleon would be town roles. But idk. I don't know everything about TPP.
  7. Beast because Nicholas Hoult and probably Nightcrawler and JLaw!Mystique
  8. Yes, but HP Up-Hearts will still exist, which replaces an HP level-up. Card capacity and amount of cards per turn can also be increased, which is basically FP. The only thing with no analog is BP. And admittedly, if the gameplay is fun, I could do it without reward. I would often get into battles in Sticker Star just because I found the battle system so fun.
  9. I've got it now. This topic can be closed. I didn't know that ZSNES didn't really work, but I have a really old version so it's probably fine.
  10. I'm using ZSNES. I'll try and look for the import save, but I've looked in all of the menus.
  11. As someone who has absolutely studied AA6's plot because I have zero self-control, Thane's impressions aren't accurate. [spoiler=Major Ace Attorney 6 spoilers in pretty much every facet of the game]First off, Apollo staying behind in Kurain has a ton of backstory that I won't even go into. He doesn't stay on a whim. It leads to a ton of great development for Apollo, and we get to find out exactly what happened to his father and brother. Thane believes that Apollo's past was retconned, but this is actually acknowledged in the game itself. Apollo's father's death is the exact same as AJAA painted it, but it was a little more than just a stage mishap. There are no "flanderizations" if only because Maya has a really small role. Ema has a lot of plot relevance with Nayuta for some reason. Everyone else is completely consistent with their previous characterizations. The culprits have great motives unlike Dual Destinies, but one case is so gloriously anime that it has to be seen to be believed. It's the one where you play as Athena with Blackquill as the co-council. I mean, if you have absolutely zero tolerance for anime, then you'll hate that case. But I'd at least give it a chance. The overarching plot is interesting and is very similar to what you might find in the Investigations. However, the plot definitely has a lot of similarities with Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright in regards to the main antagonist. The music is okay. Admittedly, it doesn't have the same oomph. A New Chapter of Trials has a great remix, but Courtroom Revolutionnaire is butchered. But yeah, don't listen to other people's impressions before you actually play it. The contrivances are no more contrived than what you'd find typically in the series. Definitely nothing like The Monstrous Turnabout
  12. God, do you have to be so ridiculously heavyhanded? We get it. You hate Fire Emblem. Paper Mario has absolutely nothing to do with Fire Emblem. It's sarcasm, but your complaints are still ridiculous. Even among people who do not like this game, they still praise the graphics and aesthetics. The game isn't even "casualised" when Sticker Star was accidentally harder than the older Paper Mario games anyway. And as someone who is a casual, I absolutely do not appreciate your suggestions that being casual should ever have negative connotations. I'll enjoy my Sticker Stars and Fates and Animal Crossings and Pokemon, and you can like whatever it is that "hardcore gamers" like. why do i feel like i just took bait
  13. I got mine from GameStop, but now I suddenly have the urge to check if mine's a bootleg. I mean, it works fine. But clearly some people have some pretty great fakes.
  14. I don't know if this topic is crossing the line or anything, so just tell me if it is. Anyway, I have an SRM file for Thracia that I'm trying to get to work with the game. I've tried to do the thing where you rename the file to be the same as the game, but it still isn't working. It only gives me the "new game" option. I'm really at a loss as to how to get it to work. Any advice would be appreciated.
  15. Dragon Quest is a different scenario though, right? It was a remake? If so, they probably just localized it because why not since they were already remaking it. I mean, if your pleas actually meant anything, Theatrhythm Dragon Quest would be coming out here. That would be requested by both Dragon Quest AND Theatrhythm Final Fantasy fans, and yet nothing.
  16. The posturing will never do anything. She, only one person on the staff and is the producer, not the director, said maybe. That's not even a definite yes from one whole person. I'd either get used to Sticker Star style, or not follow Paper Mario anymore. Paper Mario: Color Splash is basically detailing the future for PM, and I'm fine with it.
  17. Color Splash looks amazing. Whether you like it or not, you can definitely tell that Ms. Tabata is putting her heart into this game. From the Treehouse stream, you could really tell she was having fun. Even if you don't like Sticker Star or this game, they should at least be respected because they're being made with love. I'm actually glad the JRPG elements are gone. Watching the Treehouse stream absolutely sold this game, and Huey looks adorable. I love the paint and cards systems, and I love that the Koopalings are back. I love Morton's dumb brute personality because it sets him apart from Roy, who has always been the smart brute. I trust the team to give all seven Koopalings fun battles and personalities like Morton had. If they go back to the old formula one day, I hope it's more like Paper Mario 64 than TTYD because I hate TTYD. Paper Mario 64 definitely had a much greater charm than TTYD.
  18. Tharja is a beautiful character, but to talk about killing anyone or any character a horrific thing to do. I was absolutely right to oppose it. It only existed because you hate her. As for the Pokemon thing, I'm not going to say I was right about that. But that Tharja game? 100% right.
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