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Everything posted by solrocknroll

  1. so why hasn't this alt been banned yet don't ban them though; they're too entertaining
  2. Just to make this clear, you're referring to Brokeback Mountain and The Fault in Our Stars for your other examples? Or did you just come up with those concepts for the argument?
  3. I would go on with my life and just replay Fates and stuff although anyone who says the series is dead because waifus or fanservice or whatever needs to wake up
  4. I saw this stance that making a character like Captain America gay is that he already has a big fanbase. There might be straight children who look up to Captain America or Elsa. If they were gay, it could teach those children that gay people are equal to them and not people to look down upon. It would also give gay children a boost in self-esteem that wouldn't exist otherwise. A lot of kids can love in fear, and it's great to help them be in touch and proud of their identity. That kind of thing can be found in Steven Universe, where diversity is certainly encouraged and many children watch it. A new character wouldn't have the same effect tbh. Idina Menzel herself supports giving Elsa a girlfriend.
  5. will not evolve what am I doing wrong please tell me ;_;
  6. There's some really subtle homophobia going on here from multiple people lol Anyway, I don't really know much about Elsa because I haven't seen Frozen more than twice, but Let it Go became an anthem for an entire group of people. Elsa could easily be a lesbian. As for Captain America, Steve's thing with Bucky is way stronger than with any other female character lol. I definitely support this. EDIT: yes power master, please explain how changing Steve or Elsa like this would be "compromising their creations" because those are some really clumsy words you chose. maybe you should think about something like that
  7. I'm a nonconformist although honestly I didn't quote because I really vehemently oppose the "fates is a dating sim" mindset so I wanted to get my point across as seriously as possible
  8. Hoshido is not hypocritical lol. What's hypocritical is for Conquest fans to go off on tangents about how Hoshido is oh so great and yet there's characters like Reina. That suddenly means that Hoshido is full of hypocritical people. That's just people's overwhelming Nohr bias. Hoshido is still better. Solely Reina, by the way. Reina would be treated the same way as Peri if she actually had supports. It is most certainly not hypocrisy. It's the fact that Reina has zero supports. Hoshido certainly has better people than Nohr, Reina excluded.
  9. I think that the UK is definitely where Gen VIII needs to go. The UK is such a fun place and it could make for a Rey enjoyable region. I hope we get lots of train related stuff out of it. So low-key racism? Okay then.
  10. I don't care who plays Minecraft or whatever, but I'd really enjoy if you didn't say stuff like this, even as a joke. I've kinda heard it enough for a lifetime.
  11. can we go back to the profile views thing because I am very confident in my amount of profile views
  12. The idea of a game like this isn't exactly a strict and coded thing. There's so much to Awakening and Fates that it isn't fair to categorize it as solely a game for strategy. Want to play it like Disgaea? Done. Want to play it like a Visual Novel? Done. Want to play Harvest Moon using My Castle? Done. Some people want different things, and the developers delivered. Giving everyone a fun experience is all that should matter. There are also tons of strategy games that let you keep your characters after they die. It's pretty much on FE that enforced this rille. Giving people the option to play this game like it's FFT or Suikoden Tactics isn't a bad thing.
  13. So? Literally the only response to a stance like this is "So?" In what way does another person having an easier time affect you? I'm assuming that you don't let someone else's experience affect yours. In that way, everyone should have the ability to play a game the way they want. Games are meant to be enjoyed by as many people as possible, and that close minded view almost killed the series.
  14. What about Samson? He technically counts and he looks nothing like Ike or Marth or even Chrom in any way personality is nonexistant but *shrug*
  15. I think blue-haired swordsman isn't a done thing because we've gotten some cool blue haired characters in FE. A Celica-haired Mage Knight sounds really cool. A female Swordfighter/Mage would be an interesting mix, especially if they looked like Celica. If we got a male character, I would hope for him to be blond. My favorite hair color is probably blond.
  16. I would also say that Corrin is my favorite Lord and I hope that more Lords in the futures are both like him and also avatars. I don't want the series to be based on history because I don't like history that much. I'd rather have cool battles like from Fates or Awakening. I also hope that Fire Emblem moves more towards Birthright's style than Conquest's, visual or otherwise. I vastly prefer the Hoshidan aesthetic to the dark Nohrian one.
  17. tl;dr, but I can't stand Kita's designs and I really would want no one but Kozaki. I'm pretty sure that most of the stuff you'd advocate for would undo all of the positive changes that make Awakening and Birthright my favorite games in the series. Kozaki's designs may not be as practical, but I will always go for flashiness over practicality. That's why I want my units to do fun things and to have wacky personalities. That's what I want from Fire Emblem.
  18. As for the video itself, opinions on characters are subjective blah blah blah, but I can't really understand how Gangrel could ever be on this list, much less number 1. Gangrel is immensely entertaining, and for those who want a motive, he gets one from Chrom's father. It's only a shame that his part of the game doesn't last longer, but at least that means he never overstays his welcome.
  19. >brand new >frozen sequel those are mutually exclusive Zootopia and Moana are both indeed things from this year.
  20. I think that Camilla has a fine personality, and the joke about Leo and Takumi was perfectly fine. I do think that Female Corrin gets too much focus, but that's solely so I can see more Male Corrin ships which don't really exist. Shipping is omni-important after all.
  21. This sounds like a pretty fun time. I would be A-OK with this type of equality
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