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Everything posted by solrocknroll

  1. Mozu. I think that Azama is a hilarious character so his antics with Mozu would probably be really funny. I haven't done that support yet though. His Hinoka and Setsuna supports are too great for me to switch from them.
  2. So? The armor on Paladins and Generals aren't even that noticeable for females. It feels to me like people are purposely looking for fanservice so that they can dislike it. I do think that there should be more classes like Male Fighter/Dark Mage. I would totally be open to all Paladins and Generals lacking pants though. Equality is cool.
  3. I actually love the panty windows and cleavage windows and thin armor that this game has on both genders. The game spreads the love, so who am I to not revel in it? I would complain about sexism if it were just the female units, but obviously there's just as much male unit fanservice as well. I think that it's highly enjoyable and that fanservice should be just as present in the next game.
  4. Fearow isn't really that bad for your team. I'd go for it.
  5. No double standards here because I love Sticker Star. EDIT: you also literally trashed Fates and Awakening in the first post lol
  6. What series standpoint i've played the entire series and the older games are too serious and dark
  7. you should know that birthright is still the best FE game though
  8. lol are you seriously fighting with someone because they said that awakening and fates are better than the older games because, i mean, they are better characters, better art, better gameplay, better story
  9. It may seem like an overreaction, but do remember that everyone who ever plays XY will always encounter the same Pidgey, get the same starters, the same Lapras, etc. It is a bit much, but what I'm saying also kinda applies to Gardevoir and Lucario. I'd really just enjoy if they got out of my face all the time. Giving Diantha a Gardevoir when Wally already had one in Gen VI when something like Mawile would have been really cool was kind of unnecessary. Same with the major focus on Lucario.
  10. i still have zero idea what diplomacy even is couldn't understand what orders meant or what the map meant was still fun to watch irregardless
  11. picking a version right now is way too premature and this fighting is really silly what if your favorite new pokemon is exclusive to the opposite version what if an old pokemon you like is exclusive to the opposite version i picked X because I liked Xerneas, but it made it very hard to use my favorite new Pokemon, Skrelp.
  12. Like what exactly? I really hope you don't mean stuff like Vanilluxe/Klinklang/Garbodor because that stance is hilariously overdone. as for the old pokemon, please take them far away. especially the kanto ones. If I never see the original 151 again it'll be too soon. I'd say that X/Y were hurt by having such a large Pokedex. There is no reason for Noibat to come as late as it does, and I know there are some other Pokemon like Swirlix and Espurr that fade into the background on their own routes due to the old Pokemon.
  13. Too much water is a terrible complaint. The water routes are easily skippable and they exist so you can get stuff like Starmie, Corsola, Lanturn, Wailord, and Kingdra without cramming them all in the same routes. It's actually incredibly admirable. A better complaint would be that Hoenn pushes all of its water to one place, thus making many Pokemon that are actually really cool be too late to be usable. 3/4 of Hoenn's water types come after Lilycove. This sort of applies for Walrein and Glalie, who also come too late because of a lot of the water. Doubles balancing is a perfectly fine thing because so many Pokemon are already balanced for Singles. Gallade, Sceptile, and Audino all have abilities that may be more fit for Doubles, but why does it matter? Abilities are variable for a reason. Stuff like Stench and Run Away don't even work outside of single player.
  14. - Birthright is the best game in the series. - FE7 is a literal nightmare in terms of cast, designs, and gameplay. The colors are utterly horrifying. - Kozaki's more muted colors are amazing. - FE5 has better character design than Tellius, Elibe, or Genealogy. - Archanea and Awakening deserve their extra attention. - More lords should have blue hair and swords. - Avatars and Reclassing are the best. - Chrom, Corrin, and Marth are the best Lords. - Hero is a bad class. - Owain is a horrible, horrible character - Ike is the worst Lord and Micaiah runs circles around him. - Fates' style should be the basis for the rest of the series. - However, checking My Castle is occasionally a chore. - I love villains who have little motivation and are evil for the fun of it. - Iago is a great villain.
  15. I don't really care about B2W2 or its features at all because they ruined the appeal of Unova: the Pokemon. Unova has my absolute favorite Pokemon, yet ones like Stunfisk and Seismitoad get utterly shafted. There's no Unova Pokemon at all early game. Just the early Pokemon from BW sans the monkeys or Throh/Sawk/Petilil/Cottonee/etc. Instead, we get Growlithe, Riolu, Azurill, and Psyduck who all have had their time in the sun. Sunkern was nice though I guess. The new features I never used at all. I never actually play the post game because I like the story so much more. I didn't dabble in the PWT or the White Tree whatever.
  16. were smoochum, elekid, and magby really necessary though honestly? opinions sure but the babies are never a good idea
  17. if Amano did the art, every character would have blonde/white hair with snow white skin Nuri is cool but Ace Attorney's style might be a little too different for this series. I can't see any artist who's not Kozaki for this series. I consider his work to be synonymous with FE. He did both Robin and Corrin's posters for Smash when no other series artist had that distinction. Kid Icarus: Uprising's artist would actually be dope. Especially if the outfits look like the outfits from Uprising. So much fabulousness to be found from characters like Viridi and Magnus.
  18. We meaning the series. 1000 Pokemon is the threshold that should be avoided for as long as humanly possible. Gen VI also arguably had the best designs in the series. Gen VI's Pokemon rival Gen V's in terms of quality. If Gen VII's Pokemon are half as good as Kalos, 75 would be a perfectly acceptable number. In addition, Johto and Sinnoh only had so many Pokemon because of evolutionary relatives. Mega Evolutions are basically the new evolutionary relatives. Take out the babies and the evolutions from both and the number of new Pokemon in both are around Kalos' number.
  19. I think Izhuark did fine all things considered because this was SF's first Diplomacy and it lasted a while. I do really wish you'd have let everyone win with you though Proto. I think Izhuark and Makaze should be recognized too.
  20. INFP-T Idk if this is good, but I got Turbulent as 90% which probably isn't good.
  21. Belmont and Snake have an almost zero chance, if not completely zero. Konami would never comply unless they received huge sums of cash. Wolf is a veteran, and I have a feeling that Sakurai would never add a veteran from the ballot ever. That doesn't even feel like it was the purpose because we started with Mewtwo, Lucas, and Roy. Mewtwo was the most requested veteran fighter overall, Roy was the next most requested Melee character, and Lucas was the most requested Brawl character. You can tell that Lucas was more requested than Wolf because Mother's fanbase is very very loud. Remember that Cloud is an unofficial Ballot winner as well. Sakurai looked at Final Fantasy requests and saw Cloud on top. If people had wanted Squall, Tidus, or Lightning more, I wouldn't have been surprised to see them. There are no first party characters that would make as big of a splash as any third party character. It's a given that 3rd parties would be chosen. It just so happens that Cloud and Bayonetta won. Denying the ballot is foolish.
  22. 100 or more new Pokemon is way too high a number. We cannot sustain that level of new Pokemon. 75-90 is a much more realistic number. Kalos had a ton of pure Fairy types which did not help the type variety, but we can still get about 2 or 3 families for each type using that estimate. Combine that with new Mega Evolutions and the game is already packed. Instead, we should be adding some lesser used Pokemon to the Pokedex instead of filling it with popular Pokemon. Instead of Gardevoir again, how about Gothitelle or Beheeyem? Replace Starmie with Slowbro. Replace Machamp with Scrafty. Replace Snorlax with Bouffalant. Repeat until we get a unique Dex that blends new Mons with a good amount of old Mons. I hope that Unova and Kalos Pokemon are the main old Pokemon. Sinnoh will likely be getting a remake soon, so there shouldn't be too many Sinnoh Pokemon. Kanto and Hoenn have been wrung dry. Johto Pokemon should probably appear in good amounts as well.
  23. are we still playing the "ballot is a suggestion box" card really now it's not hard to see how Bayonetta can win if the ballot tracks IPs. Bayonetta would have dedicated fans compared to those who voted for multiple other characters Bayonetta was the perfect choice anyway. Especially considering her competition was probably characters like Goku, Naruto, and Kirito
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