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Everything posted by solrocknroll

  1. design is the absolute most important part of any character so this poll is cool reina, azama, setsuna, asugi, caeldori and especially rhajat are too low though. rhajat is my precious daughter after all overall, they chose the wrong set of Awakening characters to like. should have chosen the three kids in this game
  2. this but unironically it takes a lot to bother me but talking about me behind my back is where someone crosses the line edit: actually I really don't like it when someone cares way too much about grammar. especially in vocal conversation because it would require meticulously checking everything you say. this is coming from someone who interjects yeah and like into every sentences though
  3. I do have to ask what was wrong with Water Mage's idea that would make people mad. I could see it if it was something exclusive to one place, but I don't feel than nature preservation is really a singular topic. I took it that you meant that his use of having a grand team leader would be disliked because they were silly, but I actually adore people like Archie and Maxie who go out there and do whatever. By comparison, I find Cyrus and Ghetsis pretty boring because they aren't cartoony enough. so I'd totally welcome water mage's idea because I want pokemon to have a Saturday morning cartoon style plot
  4. that picture's fake dudes it was made as a fake on someone's deviantart
  5. does anyone here have a low leveled spritzee or skrelp laying around I'm quite early game so I don't really have anything to trade for either one but still
  6. if it means anything, parasect in super mystery dungeon makes jokes about how both the mushroom and the paras are in control like, parasect has one quote that is literally "it is me the parasite and I am super cool" it isn't that creepy in this context. think along the lines of a steven universe fusion
  7. Honestly the amount of hatred Popplio gets on the entire internet is unreal and actually really annoying it's not even that clowny. it has a slight resemblance, and yet I see people on tons of sites call it an ugly clown seal
  8. But she was never convicted for anything, so she by law did not commit a crime.
  9. I agree for the most part, but for many of them they might not be able to feed their families without that work. It's horrible for them, but there are people who might not ever find a job somewhere else. I'd certainly advocate for much better treatment of these people though, certainly. Raising pay and cutting hours would definitely help a lot.
  10. the US cannot possibly sustain itself without help and it's crazy to think otherwise. All of the made-in-China stuff is because it's mainly cheap stuff that no one would pay workers an actually good pay to make. It may not help people in the US directly to outsource jobs, but it helps less fortunate people in other countries who could not get a job anywhere else even if they are extorted and it helps the US people by giving them easy, cheap items. The United States could not possibly sustain itself even without dealing with cheap products. Just fruits, vegetables, dairy, and meat alone would consume the entire country if we made all our own. Other countries help other countries and everyone is happy. I don't really believe in nationalism or patriotism or whatever and would just rather see as many people in the world as happy as possible. Symbiosis is the only way to do this, and any president who wouldn't make the U.S. more friendly would be toxic to the global environment. This is another reason why Trump is such a bad idea. Another reason is the treatment of illegal immigrants. Illegal immigrants may not have made it legally, but many of them just want a better life than what their home countries could ever provide. It's up to the people of the world to accommodate for other people in need, whether they be citizens of that country or not. That's why I admired Merkel's refugee policy even though it didn't exactly work that well. A wall with Mexico would ruin relations, especially if Trump had the audacity to make Mexico actually pay for that. Strong arming Mexico into doing something is a playground level tactic.
  11. real talk: this region looks amazing, the pokemon look amazing, the characters look amazing the girl's hat is what but it's still fine looking forward to whatever role Kukui plays <3
  12. Starmie has been high tier in every game along with Alakazam and Snorlax
  13. I'd rather not. Unless there's an absolutely perfect path with maybe one or two screw-ups. I don't like Tactics Ogre or FFTF because their stories are too serious. I enjoy a more linear path where very few people who are important die. Awakening, Shadow Dragon, and Sacred Stones are the best examples of what I'm talking about. I'd rather just have games in the same vein as them. By that merit, I'd be interested in visiting Awakening-era Jugdral, but otherwise I'd want new worlds. I think Hoshido and Nohr have great world building. It's not crazy overly detailed, but it does it's job and sets up the maps and characters well. I care more about how distinct an area is visually or geographically than whether or not it has importance. By a similar merit, I'd rather have another perfect/"goody two-shoes" protagonist who doesn't make horrible decisions. If people do die, I'd rather it not be because our Lord is being pragmatic or something. Thracia is a game that's too tragic, so I skip the story and just enjoy the gameplay. All I could ever want is another Marth basically. Marth is still renowned today for a reason.
  14. Landmass. Most countries are like Italy and Spain and have sizes not fit to Pokemon. Spain as a region would be a literal square. That's why I'm hesitant about Hawaii. Hawaii's not very big. France was a pretty great shape, as were the Japanese areas chosen. I could see the UK, but the water routes inbetween might e a bit much. Zooming really far in might work though.
  15. I actually think most of the world is not geographically fit for a Pokemon region. I want either more Japan or a completely original region. I can't think of anything that could turn out well.
  16. I actually legitimately called SB being Lyon just because Proto was Eirika and they were neighbors. My mind reasoned that Eirika would be a more easily fooled by Lyon person than Ephraim, though my reasoning was obviously pretty wrong. This was quite fun to watch, and I'm glad that the aggression toned down after D1.
  17. not only are the three legends of x and y already based in Norse myths, the three Zygarde forms are Norse too Zygarde 10% is Fenrir Zygarde 50% is Jormungandr Perfect Zygarde is Hel
  18. idk, those are pretty big books. they probably aren't exactly light readings
  19. if you won the lottery apartments would probably be beneath you unless you mean in like NYC or somewhere similar
  20. I am in this game and after my history of EiMM I do not expect to do well
  21. which tbh i don't really understand because it should be up to the host in these games to decide what amount of silliness is acceptable stuff against the ToS obviously should be regulated, but I don't really understand otherwise
  22. anyone can do it and it isn't just superhero stuff either. last year I think I got an adventure time comic because my dad went to a comic/card store that day
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