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Everything posted by solrocknroll

  1. Except the group of that poster, Thane, and you constantly make snarky backhanded posts about everything, Fates or not. Jokes like this shouldn't be tolerated. It would be different if every single post wasn't like this. For instance, that picture you responded with is basically spam. You didn't vocalise what you had to say, you used a picture.
  2. People will ship anything, hetero or not. It's rude for you to assume that homosexual pairings that make no sense are the only ones that exist, and it's even worse that you made a joke out of it.
  3. Fanservice isn't inherently a bad thing. Kuzakihara's a fine art direction. It's not like females are being really objectified here because women like Camilla do indeed exist. Not to mention that Male Fighters and Odin get in on the fanservice too. In fact, Odin shows more skin than any other character in the series. No other character wears see-through pants.
  4. except this game is actually good??? Have you actually watched any footage that isn't singing? The gameplay is ace and the characters are fun.
  5. Smash isn't ever really accurate with portrayals, which is something I like. Fates also shows that the Smash versions of characters are basically otherworldly entities with exaggerations of their old personalities. It's for the same reason that Peach can talk smack to other people or how Zero Suit Samus can be so different from regular Samus personality-wise.
  6. Same. Lucina doesn't need to respect Ike anyway. I do think she should be nicer to Marth, but Ike deserves what he gets tbh. It makes Lucina more interesting to be sassy anyway. All of the other FE characters in Smash have the exact same personalities in at least some ways, so it's nice to see Lucina show how great she is.
  7. I don't want to see Elibe or Tellius ever again, but Jugdral and Magvel would be welcomed. Especially since FE8 had such an amazing soundtrack. If any FE got a remake, I'd like it to be SS or Gaiden. Especially for Truth, Despair, and Hope like above. It's one of my favorite map themes in the game and the main reason I turned off animations so I could hear it.
  8. Oswin is only liked because he's from FE7, and FE7's boring cast just makes him look better. If any Knight is more important than Draug, it would be Sheema. Sheema was the first story relevant Knight and tbh I don' know why she wasn't chosen. I'd also bring up that Kellam is very well liked. As for Cain, he's more subdued than future red Cavaliers, but that isn't a bad thing. I don't really like Kent but I guess he wouldn't be terrible. Kieran is one of the most one-note Tellius characters. In this instance, I'd say that Sully is probably the best Red cavalier.
  9. You're right. It doesn't fit an FE crossover. But it does fit a SMT spinoff, which TMS obviously is. TMS is even SMT backwards. As for the other characters, Ylisse and Archanea are pretty obviously more popular, and it seems that you'd rather this game be stuffed to the brim with Lords then. This game has a far more diverse cast than all Lords and every character has a reason to be here. Cain is the beginning of an archetype, Caeda is Caeda so no explanation needed, Chrom is the most recent Lord, Tharja is immensely popular, Draug is the first knight, and Virion is very popular to the point of being the most loved Archer in the series. Navarre has a ton of expies. I'd rather the game bulk up it's cast with Awakening/Archanea. Minerva, Merric, Lena, Lissa, Frederick, and Gaius would all be pretty unique. They could even turn to Fates and get Leo, Xander, Camilla, and Oboro.
  10. This means you miss out on his My Castle dialogue, my room quotes, battle quotes, critical quotes, his items, his staff/bow utility which means he can be plugged into any gap you need, and his supports with Corrin. If you love Boots, then just turn someone into a Wyvern Lord pair-up fodder and have them pair up with your intended recepient. Killing playable units in any FE is decidedly a bad thing. Especially since Shura did nothing wrong. Just because you might could get something better does not give you the excuse to kill someone.
  11. Pokemon's hard enough though. Just turn off the EXP Share and then X/Y isn't that easy. Pokemon Colosseum is an example of a hard Pokemon game and I wouldn't want difficulty on that level.
  12. He's way too useful to kill. Don't do it. You'll regret nothing having him if you don't get it him and Boosts only give one move in this game. His character also makes no sense for killing him. Killing him just makes you look bad, I wish it wasn't even an option like how Birthright!Silas joins automatically.
  13. Why use the term "goody two-shoes" lol? It's not difficult to be a good person and honestly idk why terms like that exist to discourage people from being good. In this scenario, I'd want the better ending and the easier difficulty from being good. I hate hard games and I hate doing bad things in games.
  14. So apologizing for a horrible atrocity is white guilt? I'm not seeing how.
  15. A Vig is helpful to town though right? I thought it would be good to ascertain if the second death was pro-town or anti-town.
  16. What I'm curious about is where the cop is. I'm a Miller so it would make sense, but maybe it would be a lead-on roll? I did have a secondary ability.
  17. I don't see any reason for you to be lying. Especially since it would involve someone seemingly unrelated like Marth. I wanted to see how many factions there were.
  18. I used it as soon as possible, but I've barely been around because I've been busy with a play that my sisters are in.
  19. It was indeed one-shot and I didn't feel it was necessary because I wasn't expecting two deaths. I'm probably going to end up lynched, so I felt this information would be helpful.
  20. I asked specifically for Vig and I got none back. Janitor Vig sounds incredibly strange in the first place and I don't understand why it would exist. It was only a one shot in the first place, but I felt it would be good to use.
  21. okay so there's no way this game has a vig I guarantee it. My role also allows me to tell if there's X role in this game once a day, and there isn't one. I firmly believe that there's an ITP who did the killing, though I guess the arsonist might also exist?
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