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Everything posted by solrocknroll

  1. tbh this timeline really already existed before this, just in a worse format Four Swords, Minish Cap, and the entire Downfall Timeline creates the big problem. They're all just thrown wherever makes sense I just see it as Skyward Sword > Ocarina of Time > Wind Waker > Phantom Hourglass > Spirit Tracks Skyward Sword > Ocarina of Time > Majora's Mask > Twilight Princess which is obvious just by looking at the games themselves
  2. This is awful. While most attacks are bad, this one was primarily focused on children. That makes it even worse. The accounts of pools of blood and scattered limbs or flesh is sickening. I can't imagine why things like this would happen.
  3. the only one you cut out between midna and KoRL was navi though and navi's also pretty great
  4. Ganon dies in Twilight Princess. The next game in the Child Timeline in Four Swords Adventure, and the Ganon there is indeed a reincarnation and the only reincarnation of Ganon in the series. IDK about Shadow Link though.
  5. being an ITP was weird and IDK when everyone realized I was one normally cultists don't survive until N5 Edit: I'm actually pretty sure I didn't really play lol. I didn't idle but I didn't know any aliases whatsoever. I culted Via N3 and I still didn't know that Via was Tiramisu until N5
  6. Just because human conflict is morally gray doesn't make it interesting. Gray stories are boring and try overly hard to get you to sympathize with the other side. Take Suikoden II for instance. Luca Blight has an excuse similar to say Peri, but he's still a monster who kills for fun. The second antagonist from Suikoden II tries to have human motivation and he's far less interesting than Luca. Suikoden as a whole seems to utterly encapsulate the kind of stories I like. I don't play games to force myself to reevaluate my views on society and morality. The Laguz topic in Path of Radiance was well done, but it was the extent of what I like. I like Awakening and Birthright and Shadow Dragon most of all, but my other favorite game plots come from Pokemon and Xenoblade. Metal Face is another example of a magnificent horrible person antagonist who I love. I prefer my villains to be massive elder gods.
  7. I love the story, but I wish Camilla was a little more proactive. Camilla is one of my favorite characters alongside Azama and Setsuna, and I wish she did more. What if she got an Axe as a special weapon to match Brynhildr and Siegfried? Hinoka could get a matching Naginata of course.
  8. I don't really understand why people don't like the "evil kingdom crushing good kingdom and good kingdom fighting back" story. It doesn't make sense. It was the foundation this series was founded on. Most of the series is based on this. It's been a thing for so long that it's a series staple now.
  9. Malig Knight Camilla Yes, I am nice. If you prefer Wyvern Lord, use it instead.
  10. This thread's also 43 pages long with 20 posts on each page. It's not that big of a problem.
  11. I see Garon as a great character. He doesn't have any "human" motivations for trying to conquer Hoshido, but who needs them? They only serve to weigh a story down. Garon's insane grasp for all the power makes him that much better to me. I also loved Hans and Iago because they were evil for the sake of it. Those are the most fun villains. Conquest's story is called terrible, but I love it because of the reasons people find it terrible. I hate gray morality in stories and find that it's never used well at all. Birthright uses the old FE tropes and I like it better though. It being the perfect white morality kingdom made me like it even more. The characters are vastly more interesting than Conquest with cool characters like Orochi, Azama, and Setsuna. I love the "evil kingdom invades good kingdom and good kingdom fights back" stories. FE1 has one of my favorite stories in the series for this reason. I absolutely adore basic plots and both games had exactly what I was looking for.
  12. Fi has a cool design and a fun personality. I also enjoy her voice I don't really care if it's cool or not. Not everything in life is about bragging
  13. Isn't this a topic about Twilight Princess? Treasure is irrelevant, stop bringing your interests into topics where they don't belong. I'm currently playing the Wii version, and because of the tiny wallets, is it especially important to find all of Agitha's bugs? Even if I find them all, the wallet's really small still, right?
  14. I don't care about Linebeck, but he's better than Ravio if he counts as a companion. Fi > Midna > Navi > KoRL > Spirit Zelda > Tatl > Linebeck > Ravio also I guess Ciela exists
  15. I'd recommend ignoring Zera. It sucks to hear that this happened. I had some cards a long time ago, but I don't know where a lot of them are anymore. I do love the anime, so I do know a thing or two about it. I had thought about playing on DN since I don't have income to spend on cards though.
  16. I literally couldn't care less if my favorite character was somehow a clone of Dedede. I just want them in the game. A unique moveset is just extra for the most part. Granted, I don't think I'd have enjoyed playing as Shulk so much had he been less accurate, so I'd rather say that I'd like a character to be accurate to source material even if that means clone. So if Chrom had been a character instead of Lucina or Robin, I'd still be fine if he were a clone. Fiora however would have less justification for being a clone of anyone.
  17. Yeah, this is actually pretty clever for teaching children. By teaching them to split up numbers into 5s and extras, you can help them grasp what they're learning. Obviously we know that it's 5+8, but when a child is beginning, it's easy to learn that 5+5+3 is 13.
  18. I also signed up but maybe something tells me the player list will be large
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