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Everything posted by solrocknroll

  1. it's true https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KF_3FiSnt3A
  2. Mario Maker's getting a Starfy costume. That alone means that Bangai-O whatever is inferior
  3. did you actually use the last paragraph as a soapbox to complain about cloud overall this is a good list of finds but that was highly unnecessary, especially considering that blade beam isn't even that good
  4. "I cannot believe anyone would ever pick Pokemon Rumble over F-Zero Lite" he said unironically
  5. Her views on children are slightly weird, but I'd say she brings up some interesting points otherwise. Such as feminists looking down on women who are sexy. still, idk why she defended child porn specifically. That's like the worst thing a person can defend and expect credit for their opinions.
  6. Idk why people like making fun of people who look like Peri. It isn't really funny. Even if she was scene!Lissa, it's a bit ridiculous to assume automatically that it's a phase.
  7. you say Sophie's would work better if Zera responded but we all know Zera literally ignores anything that isn't what he wants to hear
  8. garon's axe isn't as prominent as ganon's bulge tho
  9. can I just say how much I adore your art it captures the cuteness of the characters and combines that cuteness with each character's unique features such as Lucina's brand or the little Robin figure from Hot Spring-Scramble
  10. If any character should be better, it's Shulk. I feel that even when my family and I play Smash, Shulk's still not amazing. Even if Bayonetta's great, I can't pull off any of her large combo strings. Nerfing stuff like Heel Slide only serves to hurt someone who likes Bayonetta and wants to play her. I'm sure Marth and Dedede mains probably would feel the same considering the nerfs they got from Brawl to 4. Marth in the base game was almost unrecognizable.
  11. I'd rather Bayonetta be banned than see her nerfed. I'd hate seeing one of my favorites ruined just because competitive players whined about it. I thought the competitive scene wasn't supposed to influence casuals, but this recent patch obviously showed that tournaments are ruining this game's balance. Cloud didn't deserve those nerfs and Sheik's abilities never bothered me. Seriously contemplating just not downloading the patch so I can have super great Cloud again.
  12. I'm pretty tired of being nice, so have Sorcerer!Peri
  13. I don't really understand the question but I don't ever freak out. I relax and sometimes cry, but that's the extent I guess. I try my hardest in life to be happy above all else because I used to cry so often.
  14. your point being I only play games that make feel happy because I can't stand being sad, so stuff like animal crossing or skyward sword are my aesthetics
  15. I don't know if I played 10 new games in 2015 Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer Xenoblade Chronicles X The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes Undertale Majora's Mask 3D Yoshi's Woolly World Kirby and the Rainbow Curse ummmm I played a lot of The Sims 2, so I'll pretend that counts
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