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Everything posted by solrocknroll

  1. that's certainly not truePokemon has a pretty similar fanbase. You also listed two really typical rabid fanbases. Those are incredibly common. Sonic, Kingdom Hearts, Undertale, Smash Bros, MLP, Steven Universe, Pokemon, Touhou, Doctor Who, and other things I'm forgetting are part of a recent movement of horrible fanbases popping up for big series. Like it or not, Fire Emblem has more internet fans that anything Nintendo but Mario, Zelda, Pokemon, and Animal Crossing. AC's fanbase is about as tempermental as the series itself, while Mario and Zelda fans can be overly fickle for little reason. If anything, more series should have fanbases like FE. People actually like the games, which is something stuff like Zelda can't always claim. Edit: Nintendo is highly anime. F-Zero is Kamen Rider. Kirby is highly kawaii. Pokemon has a long running anime. Ocarina of Time's artstyle screams anime. Kid Icarus and Xenoblade have very anime-esque artstyles. I think your idea of Nintendo is poorly skewed towards maybe three different serieses. This is actually a major issue. Edit 2: oops I multi quoted but who cares. Still, Atlus has no anime series about their games funnily enough. Nintendo series have tons of other games with anime adaptations. You have a very tunnel vision idea of anime.
  2. disliking the series because of Niles is a really flimsy thing as is stereotyping the entire audience of FE because that totally isn't weird I mean, feel free to dislike the series' direction. No one's stopping you. But our reasoning is pretty poor and it's really annoying how you say that everything out of Niles' mouth is cringeworthy. Flirty people exist and will exist for the rest of time. People can accept flirty women, but it seems that the same gesture is not passed to people like Niles. EDIT: anime and Nintendo certainly do mix that Pichi-Hime anime special for Mario Kirby Right Back at Ya Pokemon F-Zero whatever it's called Bayonetta Bloody Fate Fire Emblem OVA Palutena's Revolting Dinner Those are all anime series based on properties close to Nintendo. Of note is that anime is purely animation and as such, FE is not anime right now. Xenoblade has a similar type of style but has never had an animated adaptation so it cannot be anime
  3. hate might be a bit much, but people dislike her personality and the fact that she got an image in the DLC I'm really happy that Subaki and her got an image but I adore the Hoshidan characters and tend to dislike the Nohrian ones so *shrug*
  4. honestly awakening and fates seem like more of a natural evolution of Kaga's ideas than the rest of the series a focus on characters, rpg-type stuff, and accessability? where have I seen that before Casual Mode isn't something he thought of, but it's still a natural evolution
  5. I actually voted Medeus and idk why. I just enjoy him special mentions to walhart, gangrel, and reidric tho
  6. yes but in the context of this series I expect certain things from the characters just because of the ones who came before them how many Lena equivalents does this series have? or christmas cavaliers?
  7. ike's generally very boring and he acts like a jerk to people like makalov, aimee, and ilyana for no reason the fact that he offers no mercy to anyone he was previously friends with goes against the fe protagonist code. i always hate no nonsense characters on the contrast, micaiah is pretty caring. iirc she personally talks to everyone in part 1 except zihark and it helps personify her. the db also fits the family dynamic more than the Mercs with how dire their situation is
  8. this is tangentially related to op but why exactly does everyone even hate Azama he's actually one of my favorite characters alongside orochi just because he's supremely entertaining just like she is sure he's rude to people but he's also a fictional character in a game where supports boil down to wacky hijinx. the entertaining characters already have a leg up on everyone else it's not like he never apologizes, and he certainly isn't a neckbeard or whatever that doesn't even make sense also he's an actually good physical priest which after libra makes me really happy so bias points there. i could also write an essay defending setsuna because the hate she gets is also a little over the top
  9. Pikmin fan here, and I agree that 1 and 3 are better. 2's not bad mind you, but it doesn't have that killer replayability that the other two have. The above ground sections feel like they don't matter in comparison to the caves, and the enemies are way too strong (Gatling Groinks) compared to the other games because it accounts for you having Purples.
  10. this quote got utterly mutilated for whatever reason butI think it's a bit much to generalize that Pikmin didn't have good plots or writing. Pikmin 1 is about the struggles of what is basically a space truck driver who has to use the local wildlife to survive. His struggle is perfectly documented in his logs. There's even a log for if you never left the Impact Site that comes up on Day 29. The treasures have amusing descriptions and the enemy names obviously took some hard work to devise. Pikmin 2 goes for a different approach, but the writing is still phenomenal. The E-Mails, Olimar's notes, the Sales Pitches, Louie's notes, etc. Pikmin 3 has a heavy plot that even goes for some sequel hooking. The writing is great here too. I don't really have a problem acknowledging that Miyamoto gets in other people's ways, but I don't enjoy the notion that Pikmin has worse writing than any of the games you listed. It arguably has better writing than any FE ever, most Zeldas, and probably Paper Mario too
  11. pikmin always has a pretty big story I mean, it's not Shakespearean but it gets the job done and had a good about of theories
  12. I don't even understand how this scenario is even possible thanks to the advent of the internet not only that, but this scenario is bordering on fascist. I'd be like banning nicki minaj or taylor swift music for whatever reason not only that, but stuff like pokemon, Hamtaro, and other stuff is anime so I think this question should be like, what if hentai was discouraged in your country or something
  13. on another note my avatar rocks just because ellie kemper rocks
  14. those are the best games though if they do reference other games I hope it means Jugdral and maybe Magvel because I'd rather not see Tellius and Elibe everywhere ever again
  15. real talk: how many people in this topic have even played pikmin pikmin is pretty much the thing he has the most influence on and it's perfectly fine.
  16. yeah I'd say we know kimishima pretty well considering he was involved in the pokemon company and he was president of NOA during the GCN era. i'd say he's a pretty cool guy as for mobile, I welcome Nintendo's foray because mobile games can be pretty fun. for me, I still have an iPhone 4S so my space is nonexistent, but Miitomo is already pretty great.
  17. feel free to be mad or whatever, but kibayashi has made the best characters in the series IMO Oboro and Orochi in particular are my favorite characters in the series and I adore the trope characters. I think character depth is really pointless and I look more for an entertaining character than anything else. He succeeded in that area
  18. Seliph or Chrom Seliph's a pretty cool guy and I like his hair. His outfit's also pretty great too Chrom is also pretty cool. He's the army's straight man. He's a good father, though he clearly has bad taste if Miriel's not one of his marriage options. Chrom has a good design, voice, and class as well. I love the generic sword-wielding Lord class.
  19. this is a really heavy example of hyperbole pikmin is pretty violent so that thing about mallets makes no sense. he also wouldn't force casual because again, pikmin gives you many options on how you want the time limit to work because it's based on juice in addition, gyro controls would certainly not be forced. star fox is literally one game and skyward sword was designed around hitting stuff at precise angles. to bring up pikmin again, pikmin 3 has like 6 different control styles pikmin also has tons of dialogue and a heavy story. honestly it's really annoying how bitter people are about miyamoto's treatment of Mario. just because he thinks mario doesn't need a story does not mean he hates all story. it's a bit much still seeing this. and after all, not everything needs a story. animal crossing does not need a story, and mario doesn't really need a heavy one
  20. I also would have to say that I enjoy long tutorials. Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword's opening portions are actually really fun for me because I love the village atmosphere that Ordon and Skyloft have.
  21. lol no Sticker Star is my favorite PM Skyward Sword is my favorite Zelda Haven't played Zero but I don't even like Star Fox so *shrug* he also created all three Pikmin games and Pikmin Short Movies. Miyamoto is one of the best developers around and I hope he works on more stuff. Specifically Pikmin. The only misstep I've ever seen him make is removing the storybook from Galaxy 2, but 3D World is great so I can forgive a misstep from six years ago if the most recent game is great.
  22. lol if they said that all difficulty was gone they lied I did every single quest available at all times until a certain point where a ton all open up at once, and the last quarter of the game was really hard anyway
  23. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=H202k7KfZL0 idk how to embed it, but I'm here to provide mainstream things I also have some Rihanna and Taylor Swift to disrupt all of the K-Pop I also have a ton of Pokemon/Kirby music because they have some pretty good music tbh
  24. 6. Do you like Marisa the most out of the series' Myrmidons? 7. Do you prefer Robin or Corin? 8. Favorite character from a game/movie/book you haven't read/watched/played? 9. Cats or dogs? 10. Favorite Disney movie?
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