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Everything posted by solrocknroll

  1. why would you even care if Tellius gets another chance lol FE should move on from the past instead of trying to remake or port everything like Zelda does it isn't necessary, especially when stuff like Gaiden would be a much better starting place if we needed one. I gave Tellius a shot and those two games are not miracle games that are must play by any means
  2. I love Kozaki, so I wouldn't replace him for the world. The only pre-Shadow Dragon artist I really enjoyed was Sachiko Wada and I'd totally have them back, but if I had to go out of the Fire Emblem bubble, I'd pick whoever did the art for Xenoblade Chronicles X. As for story, I think that the story writers are perfectly fine as it is. I'd completely have them back. However, I would probably contract the writers from, again, Xenoblade or Xenoblade X in order to do a cool story.
  3. yukimura's actually my favorite character to the point where I wait to get children until after he arrives so I can use him more he also gets tons of favoritism I'd say "right into my trap" but I like all of his crit quotes.
  4. this patch is awful. I don't play online and it only affects one character so I'm actually just not going to download it. it takes up a ton of space that I don't really have on both systems. Good riddance to my online I guess.
  5. yeah, even as someone who's never played Art Academy, coming into a topic to whine about it is super childish
  6. I'm fine with a smaller amount of Pokemon if they're as good as Kalos' Pokemon. I'd like some more type variety though. Vivillon was the only evolved Bug and Dragalge was the only evolved Poison.
  7. Gender is based on the Attack IV in Gen II. I think 15 and below means female, 16 and up means male.
  8. not really happy that you just laid down and let Proto have the high ground negotiation wise, but w/e
  9. Archanea. Archanea. Archanea. the only thing that would work, though I'd accept awakening and fates too would work better as an anime series though like ace attorney
  10. yes, because you focused your irrational anger towards bayonetta anyway, I want Jigglypuff and Olimar to be buffed and Bayonetta to stay the exact same.
  11. everything from FE3 on and birthright is still my favorite I'd recommend it to anyone here
  12. why must you hurt me in this way jane the virgin it was going so well and then bam, stroke then bam, betrayal bam, death and jane is still a virgin
  13. I get why you say that Sylvia and Eldigan are bad, but I'd hardly say Fates characters are one-note by any stretch. Hisame, Saizo, and Orochi are some of my favorite characters because I find them pretty interesting. there's also the one note characters but I still think that Setsuna is one of the best characters in the series irregardless
  14. I highly doubt the Ground and Fighting types were for the starters. I'd much sooner expect early game Pokemon soon to be revealed with those types. There's some inconsistancy with Litten's type here, but Popplio becoming Fighting would make no sense.
  15. Animal Crossing actually already got a movie and I thought it was great, but I know some people will disagree. Adapting a Pokemon game just like Origins did could work, but Kid Icarus is probably the best bet.
  16. yeah I'm not for this because there are way cooler series like Starfy, Advance Wars, Pushmo, and Chibi-Robo that have not only non-realistic characters but they'd also be more unique than sword+reflector
  17. Setsuna not being in first is more indicative of their bad taste. Not Azura lol
  18. so? i don't care about S&P so I don't want a character, but no one actually needs an argument lol I want Seven from Xenoblade but I'm not going to make a soliloquy about why she's the best.
  19. I find Peri entertaining because I don't expect or really want the game to handle her with subtlety or consequences. I love Fates' story telling style and I really find her fun to watch. She's airless crazy, but real people aren't being affected by her actions in any way. I don't really consider fictional horrible deeds to have much weight or effect on my life, which is why I can enjoy characters like her and Rhajat so easily. There are some series, like Suikoden, that I enjoy competence in the story, but Fire Emblem isn't really one of those series for some reason. EDIT: I also low key adore self insets in pretty much anything. I'll name a character my own name or middle name just so I can be a part of the story most of the time. Funnily, I only name Suikoden MCs the canon name for some reason. I don't really know why.
  20. This is why Pokemon needs to stay away from real issues. It could end up offending people. My wish is for the antagonist to be an arrogant, narcissistic old lady like Lady Maud from Tri Force Heroes or Yzma from Emperor's New Groove. This antagonist wants money and power and to be fabulous. No agendas or issues, just pure entertainment. This is the kind of stuff I like to see.
  21. I voted Favorite - Subaki/Peri/Rhajat Least Favorite - Leo/Female Corrin/Ophelia I like all the characters that I put as favorites, but I don't really dislike the ones I put as least favorite. There's something I like about every character. I just wanted to skew their votes so that Peri and Rhajat actually got some support. Subaki too because his perfectionism is innately entertaining.
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