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Everything posted by solrocknroll

  1. You always get what you want And you don't even try Your friends hate it when it always goes your way But I'm glad that you've got luck on your side
  2. Your Chespin is probably overleveled because it's getting all of the experience. If I could recommend one Pokemon for you before you leave Santalune City, I would absolutely recommend Litleo. I think that Litleo and Chespin go pretty well together.
  3. Game looks cool. Will hope that the game is Mystery level difficult and and not Thracia level though. I don't really think I could do that. The character designs look good as well, even if Deirdre is still around I see.
  4. I'm replaying X now; just beat Grant and I'm underleveled slightly even with the EXP Share. My team is Wartortle, Skrelp, Slurpuff, Emolga, Honedge, and Amaura. Emolga is my lowest leveled and it was three levels below Grant's Tyrunt and Amaura. I'm glad the EXP Share exists, because Kalos has a ton of great Pokemon and it's hard to train them all. I've already ditched Quilladin, Espurr, Hawlucha, and Zangoose due to lack of room, and I had planned to use Goomy and Pumpkaboo, but it didn't pan out because I wanted to use other Pokemon. You can just turn it off if you don't want to use it.
  5. XY has a perfectly serviceable story. The MCs (Serena/Calem, Shauna, Tierno, Trevor, etc) are quite likable. Team Flare is at least very good comic relief even if they aren't really that threatening. Sycamore was a great professor, up there with Oak and Juniper. The Gym Leaders had cool designs that made them very enticing. The region itself was beautiful. I prefer BW, actually, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with the plots. I hope Sun and Moon have the same fundamentals in the plot, characters, and writing even if that upsets some people or whatever. I also disagree with your notion that Birthright has a bad/boring plot, but I digress.
  6. I agree that Xerneas is better, but that isn't a very sound way to pick. Instead, pick based based on exclusives. If you like Skrelp and Spritzee and some other stuff, go Y. If you like Swirlix, Clauncher and some other stuff, go X.
  7. But why do characters have to be human? This is some unspoken rule that I can't understand. I don't really care if a character acts human or not. Predetermined behaviors, actions, and phrases in fiction are always interesting. You could always count on Cilan to do Connoisseur things that were always really fun. I think that human characters are always super boring. If Team Rocket were normal, they would quit after so long. But they aren't, and I always love their antics. I thought Origins was okay but it ended up being basically A Boy and His Charizard: The Series.
  8. Eh, I just like Trevor more. That's about all it really is for me. I don't think he has a big ego, but I think it's a bit conceited that he only wants to fight Mega Evolutions and brushes off anyone who doesn't have one. He didn't really care about battling Ash until had Ash-Greninja on display. That said, if you liked the ME Specials, Astrid and Remo are also back.
  9. I'd like to believe that I personally don't mature or learn because those are super boring to me. I hate change and I've made it my goal to basically be the exact same person for my entire life. So far so good. It may be "real" but real isn't interesting. I don't look to fiction for any semblance of reality. I look to fiction for worlds where everything is as comedic as possible. Character development does not mesh well with comedy most of the time. I can't stand serious moments in pretty much any work of fiction. I tend to only consume fluffy and harmless entertainment. There is the odd exception, but those movies often have a large amount of comic relief to break up the tension. In general, I cannot stand tension.
  10. ah yes, the public in Japan where it comes out in like a week there's a lot of stuff that was revealed about the last case that still counts as spoilers
  11. I agree, but 64 and Sunshine do say hi. I typically dislike difficulty so I like easier games. SS wasn't really hard, it just took patience, which I believe I have in spades.
  12. I agree, there's nothing wrong with liking cool characters. I personally just don't really care for them is all. I didn't hate Joey, he just never really interested me the way that, say, Tea or Mai did. I like his scenes with Mai a lot though.
  13. I find character development to be really unimportant. I'd rather have characters that are interesting from the onset like Iris and Cilan than a character who starts boring and grows into something else. I don't like May or Dawn very much, but I love Iris and Cilan. Likewise, BW Ash has none of his experience and yet he's my favorite version of Ash. I love Clemont way more than Brock for instance, and Serena is still pretty cool either way. Funnily, Team Rocket was way too serious for me in BW. I was relieved when they returned to being jokes in the Decolore Islands. I prefer it when every character is mainly defined by a select few traits. I also really love filler, way more than plot actually. EDIT: as for Pokemon Adventures, it's way too serious and dark for my taste. I hate that good characters were portrayed as villains (E4, Surge/Sabrina/Koga) when they shouldn't be. I didn't like that Vaniville Town got attacked at the beginning of XY, and I didn't like that X had a tragic backstory. I especially didn't like that Arbok got cut in two. I actually did enjoy the more comical type parts about Red and Black/White, but that's about all that I actually read.
  14. spoilers loser well I knew this but still spoilerssssss
  15. I absolutely abhor Alain, but for spoiler reasons in the Japanese airings. [spoiler=duh spoilers]I never exactly enjoyed Alain in the ME Specials, but I didn't really care either way because it was just a special and wouldn't affect me. I mean, I always hate cool looking characters because cool is completely boring compared to funny or cute like say Ash, Clemont, or Bonnie. However, he then became a member of Team Flare. That wouldn't even be so bad, except he's competing in the Kalos League. Alain's first opponent is Trevor who he will absolutely destroy. I love Trevor and really would have enjoyed seeing him face Ash. Likewise, Alain being Ash's big opponent takes a lot of weight out of Sawyer because he doesn't really matter because of Alain. The League is also making me dislike Sawyer, because I love Tierno too and it isn't fair to see Sawyer utterly deck Tierno. If an Alain-esque "edgy" character becomes the MC I would quit the anime. I want a youthful, inexperienced character way more than a loser edgelord made for older players. I think the younger players deserve the most focus, so I'm glad that Ash is forever ten so that audience can connect to him. I also hated Yusei and loved Yuma, or didn't like Joey an loved Tea, so my taste style is probably pretty obvious. I actually hate the term awesome and would much rather have Ash be a bumbling idiot like in BW. That was way more fun for me than Alain or Kalos Ash, who I think is too competent and serious. (One last thing: people who are in their twenties who want a darker, edgier MC who is as old as they are completely miss the point of the anime and even Pokemon itself.)
  16. M-Gardevoir vs Ash-Greninja was actually pretty fun. Gardevoir knew Teleport, Psychic, Moonblast, and Shadow Ball. Psychic is unusable against Greninja, Teleport was used to get around, and Moonblast has a ridiculously large animation during use in the anime. All it leaves it with is Shadow Ball. Magical Leaf instead of Psychic would probably have remedied the issue. I absolutely love the anime and think it's really fun. I hope that it stays pretty much the same for Sun and Moon, and Lillie, Glovehead, and Hau would all make interesting travel companions. I expect Rotom to be the group's Starlow if that makes sense. And who knows? There's always a possibility that Serena could come with Ash. I'm also fine with Ash and TR staying, but I admit that I love the new Male protagonist's design so much that I would accept a change from Ash, just this once.
  17. I think the thing that keeps Captain America from being absolutely horrible is Chris Evans. I mean, Cap being Hydra can make people uncomfortable, but very few people prefer the comics to the MCU. If it has to happen, MCU Steve can just be the main person made into toys.
  18. Everything about this reveal is exactly what I wanted. I love the Legendaries and their types so much. I was expecting a boring Fire type and a boring Dark type, so this was a great choice on types. I used to hate Solgaleo, but the typing really saved it for me. Lillie and Hau look and act excellently. I hope both of them become best friends with you during your journey. Rotom will hopefully be a really cool character. The region looks absolutely fabulous. It has so much diversity that it puts most of the other regions to shame. Admittedly, there are probably some people who will whine and complain about the amount of water, but it probably doesn't even matter. Would I have liked to see the Robin and the Shiba Inu? Sure. But I'm glad this info was focused more on stuff that wasn't the Pokemon itself, because the game is more than just the Pokemon themselves.
  19. Fi is my favorite Zelda companion
  20. I don't have photos, but whenever I make milkshakes, I always stir by hand for like five minutes. It ends up making the milkshake like a creamy, vanilla milk.
  21. I got Type 6 both times, regular and instinctual, because I'm a needy, insecure, anxious person. TBH I try to forget about that when I'm not taking one of these tests so I always get sad when taking them.
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