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Everything posted by solrocknroll

  1. I knew about this, but I've primarily tried to avoid spoilers for Spirit of Justice for the first time in my life. I have listened to some of the music and a lot of older songs have cool new remixes like
  2. Ugh I'm actually really mad that Athena isn't on that list. I realize that people have opinions or whatever and like Gregory and Mia, but Athena at least deserves to be here. Her, Debeste, and Payne are pretty much the only missing lawyers, which is absurd. Of course Edgeworth won and not Phoenix, Simon, or Apollo since everyone is utterly obsessed with Edgeworth for some reason The other character list is also terrible. I mean, Wendy? Larry? The Blue Badger? Trucy and Ema are too low, and I think that Juniper, Sasha, and DePlume should be on the list. Just part of the irrational hatred for Dual Destinies I guess.
  3. I missed the spice question but is it too late to say scary spice
  4. I don't get your partner analysis, but me and Zeonth did nothing but fight lol. As a whole, I'll try to be more proactive next game. I tried this strategy twice now and both times I made Top 8 and ended up getting everyone against me because isolationism is a bad strategy
  5. I went full on camouflage but it did not help me when we got to the point where everyone else was in an alliance but me lol Good job to everyone who won though. You all played really well.
  6. The battery message is not a big deal. I have no idea why people make it out to be one. For one, most Wii games have that message in some form. And unlike Fi, where you can talk to her to get rid of it, games like Xenoblade alert you constantly. I mean, just get some new batteries. As for the hearts, that isn't bad either. Pokemon's beeps are the worst, and even Fi's message with Zelda's beeps aren't as bad.
  7. Oliver: Pot of Greed Lyon: Monster Reborn Ryoma: Raigeki although I seriously hope you're talking about Yu-Gi-Oh because if it was 2hu then I would cry
  8. Lol Skyward Sword was anything but flawed. It was near perfection and this game already looks bad in comparison.
  9. [spoiler=Major Dai Gyakuten Saiban Case 2 Spoilers]There's already a Mia death though. Asogi is the victim of Case 2.
  10. Hand-holdy isn't a negative. I enjoyed having Fi help when I didn't know what to do, and even when I did know what to do, I enjoyed her personal commentary on what was happening. By comparison, Midna doesn't help nearly enough.
  11. I dislike open world, so I hope it doesn't ultimately consume the game. I hope there's an encouraged path and a companion as good as Fi. Fi has always been my favorite. In general, I'm not very excited for Zelda 2017 just because it looks like everything I don't want from Zelda, compared to Skyward Sword which was perfect.
  12. I really can't stand open world, so I don't really care that much for this game. I only hope it's as similar as possible to my favorite Zelda, Skyward Sword. Hopefully the companion is as fun as Fi.
  13. I agree. I see no logical way to take a middle ground towards LGBT.
  14. They obviously wanted diversity in the cast though. Ryuunosuke, Susato, and Sherlock are pretty well rounded, but all of them are pretty similar in age. Iris allows a much different perspective that John wouldn't. If John had just been gender-swapped, the new character would basically be like Susato. Iris' youth sets her apart. Susato is very competent in law, so that leaves Sherlock and Iris to pick up the slack for comic relief. It's like if Gumshoe had been a super serious detective or if Mia had been a main character instead of Maya. The balance of Phoenix-Maya-Edgeworth-Gumshoe would be upset if that happened. Could they have done this without changing Watson? Sure. However, they'd likely have to be yet another brand new character because Watson would not have worked.
  15. He's wrong then. This and so many other tragedies are horrible, but the world is still a beautiful place. Just looks at all of the vigils and the blood drives and the flag bearing and the togetherness. Just because people do bad things, that doesn't mean that everything is wrong with the world because there will always be those who are there to help. The worst times are when the world shows its best sides.
  16. I like how Yooka-Laylee looks. I also like A Hat in Time's graphics. idk what that means but I tend to like any graphics that aren't hyper-realistic or detailed because no thanks please
  17. He flat out said "appreciate the congrats." In any manner, this is downright insulting. He's glad that he was right. Notice the lack of a "my condolences" in any manner. He also tweeted that before we even knew the religious leanings of the perpetrator. As for Orlando, it's shocking that there were two instances of high-profile murders in Orlando in the past two nights. Last night it was this attack, and the night before saw Christina Grimmie getting shot by a gunman who was likely a stalker.
  18. There is absolutely nothing wrong with Iris in any way. She's a young girl, but she's highly competent and there's more to her than meets the eye. It's pretty shallow to imply that Iris would be a bad character just for having pink hair and being a little girl. Especially since she's Watson's daughter.
  19. https://www.google.com/amp/www.bbc.co.uk/news/amp/36512308?client=safari# 50 people died, 53 were injured. This was the largest mass shooting in U.S. history and is a clear example of what a hate crime can truly be. My thoughts are with all of the families that are in mourning today. Edit: Donald Trump memorialized the victims the only way he knew how: by congratulating himself https://mobile.twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/742034549232766976
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