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Everything posted by solrocknroll

  1. You're the one who needs to grow up. Notice how I have never stated "this game is bad and you should feel bad for liking it"I have literally only expressed what I don't like. I've flat out said multiple times that you can feel free to like the game. I've been posting my issues. Not yours, mine. This is not a game hug box. It's about what we think about the game. If it's actually the Zelda Wii U Hype Fest, then name it as such.
  2. Yes, ignore anyone with an even slightly different opinion than you. That's a good philosophy to have in life. I mean, Sticker Star's hatedom does the exact same thing but with people like me who actually like the game.
  3. That's also a horrible thing to do. I didn't even know that deer weren't herbivores. Still, what about the buffalo from the trailer? Or the butterfly that the woman playing said she shot? Or the poor pigeon with the cursor over its head?
  4. In protest of Zelda Wii U, my avatar is now Fi. I'll take my adorable robot companion over an annoying survival simulator anyday.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. solrocknroll


      Fi is objectively the best Zelda character

    3. Naughx


      No that title goes to the king of the red lions.

    4. blah the Prussian

      blah the Prussian

      Objectively? Seriously? Also what makes you think it will be a survival simulator?

  5. Am I not allowed to go against the grain with my opinion? Where was all of the complaint-shaming when Color Splash was revealed? And in fact, Color Splash had is see way less gameplay, and yet people already judged it. As for the animal hunting, it absolutely prevents me from using Wolf Link because he purposely aims to slaughter animals. Animals that he could talk to in Twilight Princess might I add. These animals are so realistic, and I felt the pain of the deer or whatever it was in the first trailer that Link shot an arrow at. Animals don't deserve that kind of treatment, not even virtually.
  6. Your nickname isn't exactly funny. I'll just go play the most linear non-Zelda game I can find in protest. Linearity is not evil by any means.
  7. Idk why this is such a common misconception. Monolith Soft is 100% Nintendo. Nintendo owns all of the stocks completely. Monolith Soft has worked on Brawl, Skyward Sword, New Leaf, and Pikmin 3. Granted, there are two branches but it is still just as Nintendo as Splatoon or Animal Crossing.
  8. But will there be as much to do? The plateau seems like Bokoblin Land and absolutely nothing else. There's also not yet a NLA equivalent, which was my favorite place in Xenoblade X. In actuality, this game takes all of the problems I had going from Xenoblade to Xenoblade X and multiplies them expontentially. Both BotW and X are super open world, and I feel that everything suffers because of it. However, X had NLA which I loved exploring more than any other area, so my fingers are crossed for anything half as good as NLA. In general, settlements are my favorite places in every game. Skyloft, Frontier Village, NLA, etc. I don't like exploring nearly as much as like chilling and talking to NPCs in a town.
  9. Are you sure about that? @Tryhard, I for one can't stand WRPGs so I do not want those mechanics. I also hate it when games try something new because I want what I expect and not something insane and radical. I always wanted a Zelda as close to Skyward Sword as possible. The lack of a partner is really upsetting. I'm sure Ganon the Old Man is the substitute, but it makes me so mad. I loved Navi. I loved Fi. I liked Midna, Tatl, and the KoRL. I wanted another partner. This game should still have an optional giant tutorial and I want the ability to turn on a Navi type reminder and puzzle helper. If there's no Sheikah Stone/partner substitute I will absolutely look up the solution to every single puzzle out of spite. I want my hand held, and if there's no option I will be angry. I'm absolutely offended that Link can hunt in this game and has to eat, but when I play this game, I'll play vegetarian. I wouldn't be caught dead doing something so disgusting as hunting innocent animals in nature.
  10. I absolutely support gun control, and I even would enjoy seeing guns eventually be phased out of existence. I'm also American, so Duff Ostrich's point about blah does not apply to me. Guns are terrible instruments of war and should absolutely be abolished. People complain and say that it would be infringing on our rights, but I'd rather know I can go enjoy myself without fear. I mean, I was watching X-Men Apocalypse last week and something fell down in the lobby. However, I had no idea what made the sound. It absolutely terrified me and I worried about it for about ten minutes.
  11. I think these features do nothing but detract from the game. This isn't what Zelda is about. Zelda is about much more traditional things, so it's very disappointing to see Hardcore Hunter Link in the Savage Lands
  12. yes Zera you must show someone else with a dissenting opinion the error of their ways Strike down that skyward sword affinity with the utmost grace
  13. I'm still not really happy, but I'm glad that this means that hopefully people will quit whining about Skyward Sword's linearity or Fi now. I loved both things and neither are returning. Have your fun, but do remember that Skyward Sword matters too.
  14. As a whole, Muslims are not the only people who can commit hate crimes. This was certainly a hate crime. But do you know what else was a hate crime? The attack on a black church by a white man. Why aren't white men getting banned from entering the country. That in itself is also a slippery slope. It's definitely annoying how tragedies are used to push agendas, but many LGBT people have also started crying out against guns, and there are also lots of people who get that pitting two minorities against each other (LGBT and Muslim) is a horrible thing to do. There are just as many innocent Muslims out there.
  15. Yeah, guns are definitely the real enemy here. When the same gun killed people in Aurora, Sandy Hook, Virginia Tech, and now Orlando and also so many other places, the guns are the real problem. It's also disgusting that gun stocks and sales rose after this tragedy to me.
  16. Grubbin looks cute, but it's stats might not be great. I might use it though. Meanwhile, I am obsessed with Pikipek and I will absolutely use one
  17. The survival aspect is what's so bad. I'm like actually completely annoyed by this If I ever actually play this game I would only eat apples and other fruit and I wouldn't cut down trees or burn brush because I'm not a destructive person
  18. to the topic title: everything but breath of the wilds lol hunting is horrible and bad and I only enjoy seeing it in the hunger games because katniss has to eat lol
  19. Now that I think about it, open world is fine. But not this open world. The idea of killing defenseless animals is disgusting, considering the buffalo we saw get killed and the bird that had a targeting icon over it. There are ways to do open world without it being literally Skyrim or something. Look at Xenoblade X. It never devolved into resource survival simulation And the Shrine of Resurrection scene looks like something from a movie. I like the woman's voice, but I am opposed to full voice acting in Zelda no matter what. Link seemingly can't be named which is insane. The only thing that can save this game is Linkle, but the outfits means Linkle likely isn't happening. I like the idea of Koroks, so hopefully the bird people who I forgot the name of comes back. I was actually going to keep an open mind but lol
  20. Koroks: good everything else: elder scrolls and not Zelda/10 actually really annoyed right now
  21. This game actually looks worse. It looks more like a survive the wilds game than Zelda. The cooking, the killing of the poor buffalo, the brushfire. It's disturbingly non-Zelda. I don't want whatever this is. And voice acting! Voice acting and Zelda together is bad so yaaaay overall I highly dislike primal man vs wild hyrule or whatever but I'll see if I'm still not convinced by the end of today
  22. Elio and Selene could probably be our trainer names. Overall, I really liked what I saw.
  23. i know that you're ready for Gen II, but do you know if it would be better to play Thracia right now? It works both right now and after Genealogy finishes so either would work.
  24. Franziska is my favorite prosecutor. I've always loved the way she composes herself.
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