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Everything posted by solrocknroll

  1. These look really good! I especially love the idea of Dark Flier!Catria from Awakening.
  2. also that was way too heated a post lol "Your face falling off out of shame?" What?
  3. Outside input would be much appreciated. I have Blitz's opinions, but I'd like to see you post thoughs, acidphoenix
  4. Okay, that sounds a bit more reasonable. And I really don't see a reason to counter-bus each other when you're this close to winning. I'd like to see some other perspectives before I actually make my decision. Gaius, that Marth train was really bad. Ken Masters, that one-shot wincon cop is hilarious and also not good. And it seems you got tracked. Right now I'd go for a Ken Masters lynch first, but I want to see Regret's reasoning and how it stacks with what happened. In addition, this game had two identical Couriers in the form of Drowzee and Lapras. Some role weirdness might actually be in play, and there might be some weird Old Amber ITP with no NK.
  5. clarifying, I actually don't really feel good about either of you RN tbh
  6. I didn't catch that on Darrman, so that lynch was fine. I admitted to going on Marth, but that's because I was confused about what Gaius was actually trying to say. That lie is really easy to see now though lol
  7. I agree with Lord Gaius' lynch, but I'd enjoy some reads post haste. It might help town not actually lose the game based on associative reads. Everyone would likely bus Gaius, but I feel this is very necessary. I'd also enjoy it if people would claim to me. I know a lot about TPP, and I can easily tell if someone is lying about their character or not. I'm going to not vote Gaius yet because a turbo lynch would cost the game. Please don't hammer him without some proper interrogation. Likewise, I want to see why people though Darrman and Marth were good lynches.
  8. ctrl + f Marty no results Does anyone else here have an insane amount of Build and Defense at the cost of everything else? Marty is so strong that he literally has no speed, skill, or resistance. Now that is some pure strength.
  9. Yes. Except Fog of War maps typically throw units everywhere with no formation just for the sake of tricking you. That is a worse ambiance than an organized legion of units.
  10. Absolutely not. It has never been done well. I'd argue that Thracia had the most interesting incarnation of FoW, but it was spammed into pretty much every Gaiden. I like Thracia's for how the maps were designed, but the pitch black maps were bad. Most of the time, Fog of War is just added for a lame gimmick unlike in Thracia. Advance Wars has done it pretty well, but that's because Sonja and Lin were so fun.
  11. I'll mimic the sentiment that overrated isn't a good term. I mean, stuff like Undertale which are great get called overrated just for having a fanbase. As for casualization, my games absolutely must be as casual as possible. I only play ridiculously easy games. So Awakening met all of my requirements. In addition, I hope marriage and the avatar always stay. I love attention and I want everything in a game to be about me me me. I love self inserts more than probably anyone else who's ever played a video game, and I also love fanservice and pandering because I eat that up. I actually kinda wish a that every character had a super fanservicey outfit.
  12. This is slightly related, but will Genei Ibun Roku be updated to Tokyo Mirage Sessions in the favorite game/badge sections when the game comes out?
  13. Offending people is bad. If it meant not offending people, I would absolutely avoid the truth. I moderate my own friends and family are won't be politically correct. I may not be Latino or black or Muslim, but I'll always get offended nonetheless. It's not nice to say bad things about groups of people.
  14. Same. I take it upon myself to always be respectful and I get offended for other people. I would never criticise someone for anything, even an inadequate work. I think everyone should respect the wishes and desires of others. The only time I don' think so is when one group's wishes hurt other people.
  15. Good. Everyone should strive to be as politically correct as possible. That's why Donald Trump is not only a bad candidate, but a bad person too. I jump on even my own family members if they say anything that isn't politically correct, even at private family gatherings.
  16. make the poll non-anonymous I will shout from the rooftops that FE7 is a horrible game, but I'd like to see others do the same
  17. Wait wait wait. I finally figured out what Gaius was saying. Gaius copped Marth and found him scum. Easy for me to follow now then I guess.
  18. I mostly agree, but we'll know that Refa isn't to be trusted if Marth is town. If Marth is scum, Refa is probably cleared, although bussing is always an option. I don't know if Paperblade would give Refa the sheet though if both of them were sure they were both town though. So I'd say that Refa seems pretty trustworthy.
  19. I mean, it isn't great. But night results are a perfectly justifiable reason for a lynch imo
  20. Sounds like a good reason for me then. ##Vote: Marth
  21. wait don't change the exalt brand to gold I beg you blue is the best color so too much blue is not a problem Joking of course, but I do think it looks fine as is.
  22. Lucina's new badge is bae I should probably change my entire profile just to match Lucina <3 edit: though I will grovel for Chrom if that's an option
  23. Maybe I'm not involved enough, but what do Marth do exactly? I mean, I didn't really see what Darrman did either though. Is it about being a tracker?
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